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Shark Tank

Why ... we ... love ...

This programmer pilot fish is new to Visual Basic -- but his new job is programming support for some VB applications. And one app has a problem he just can't figure out.

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Why we love users

User calls the help desk because she can’t print from her computer, and the trouble ticket is routed to this pilot fish. And when he gets to her desk, she's on the phone again.

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It's sorta like air freshener, right?

User complains to pilot fish that the DVD player in his PC doesn’t work anymore, so fish gives him a can of air and tells him to spray it out. What could be simpler?

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This IT security pilot fish has 15 years of audit experience in IT and knows what he expects from auditors. So when he gets the report of a young internal auditor who thinks he knows everything about IT, fish has a ready response.

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But was it vibrating?

Flashback to the early 1990s, when this IT pilot fish working at a regional campus of a big state university takes a field trip to the main campus's huge computer room -- along with some faculty members.

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Because 'new' means 'perfect,' right?

Server goes bad in this data center, and pilot fish draws the job of overseeing its replacement -- and once plans for the new hardware's installation are in place, fish notifies his boss.

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Starting off with a bang

It's the first day working in IT for this pilot fish in the U.K. -- and the day when a group from senior management has come to see the hottest new technology in the computer room.

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How to become expendable

Over the three years this pilot fish has been at his current workplace, the company has lost several IT people who knew the domain admin password -- but it has never been changed.

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Consultant pilot fish is hired to help debug a company's homegrown purchase-order system, which worked fine when it was installed three years ago -- but has been slowing down ever since.

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Because really, who wants to remind IT people about how much the big boys get?

This company's pension distribution system is a heavily customized version of a well-known package. And it works fine for years -- until the COO retires.

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This company's online telephone directory is rebuilt every night using data that comes from both the Human Resources database and Microsoft Active Directory. Sometimes, though, it drops thousands of employees -- and one pilot fish wants to know why.

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Not the response he had in mind

This project manager pilot fish and his cohorts report to a guy who has a very specific technique for raising issues.

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120 the hard way

Pilot fish walks into his lab to find a building maintenance guy packing up his tools. He tells fish that he's just changed the wall power for the lab's printer from 240 volts to 120 volts -- which is odd, because the printer has been working fine on that outlet for years.

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Um, no

This pilot fish works late into Thursday evening so he can get out of the city early Friday to go on a long weekend camping trip. And he doesn't take his laptop, since the whole point is to leave civilization behind -- right?

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Now THAT'S the way to start a day

IT pilot fish walks into the office one morning and someone immediately grabs him in the hallway. “Go check the printer in shipping,” user tells fish. “Betty is having trouble with it.”

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