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SAS Business Intelligence and Analytics Zone

The SAS Enterprise Intelligence Platform Difference: Solve it Today. Evolve it tomorrow.

No matter where your organization is on the path toward evolving your IT infrastructure, SAS can adapt to your situation to meet your long-term enterprise intelligence needs. We can help you drive intelligence evolution to the next level, while leveraging and extending the value of your existing IT investments.

Dream Team webcasts

SAS Dream Team Webcasts

What do you get when you mix together a futurist, a leading business school professor, and the foremost authority on predictive intelligence? You get the Dream Team of Thornton May, David Reibstein, and David Axson on stage presenting their insights on How the CFO, CMO and CIO Can Embrace Analytics to Fuel Decisions and Drive Success. You'll be informed, entertained and enlightened as the three leaders share strategies for getting senior executives to agree on a key ingredient of success.

See Part 1

See Part 2

Real Analytics for Real Business

Real Analytics for Real Business

Making reactive business decisions is a fast-track to mediocrity. Thus, companies seeking a true measure of competitive advantage are leveraging business analytics. They gain the ability to peer around corners at trends coming their way, before they arrive. The result: IT enables the company to out-think, out-maneuver and out-execute the competition.

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Common Sense about Green IT and Sustainability

Common Sense about Green IT and Sustainability

Information technology has a vital role to play in helping today's enterprise move toward more sustainable, or environmentally sound, business practices. The greening of the data center is a given, but IT solutions such as business intelligence can help to monitor environmental progress, while driving innovation through sustainability in product development, manufacturing, marketing and supply chain processes.

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FEATURED NEW: Shifting Sands of the Business Intelligence Landscape - Tech Briefing

Shifting Sands of the Business Intelligence Landscape - Tech Briefing

In uncertain economic times, the spate of acquisitions of major business intelligence vendors by mega-companies has only added to the anxiety of many BI decision makers. What are the motives of the acquiring companies? Is there any safe haven for IT managers seeking to advance their BI plans while reducing risk?

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SAS Insights and Innovators Podcast Series featuring Jim Davis, Information Revolution: Using the Information Evolution Model to Grow Your Business

SAS Insights and Innovators Podcast Series featuring Jim Davis, Information Revolution: Using the Information Evolution Model to Grow Your Business

Hear Jim Davis, Chief Marketing Officer /Sr. VP of Marketing of SAS and co-author of the book entitled, Information Revolution: Using the Information Evolution Model to Grow Your Business. Davis describes and defines the Information Evolution Model and how to apply the concept to ultimately achieve true innovation within any organization.

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2008 Competing on Analytics — Executive Conference Summary

Insights into the latest research on analytics-based management
Couldn't make it to the 2008 Competing on Analytics Conceive It/ Apply It workshops? Don't worry — we've condensed the key findings and highlights of these highly touted events into this concise summary information kit, which includes:

Keynote Summary — Competing on Analytics, a conversation with Thomas Davenport: Key findings from Davenport's original research into analytics.
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Conclusions Report — From IT Executive Forum's "Competing on Analytics — Apply it" series: Solutions for getting started with analytics and/or moving forward with current initiatives.
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Information Management Initiatives at Midsize and Large Organizations - research report

Information Management Initiatives at Midsize and Large Organizations - research report

In September 2007, Computerworld invited IT and business leaders to participate in a survey to better understand the issues surrounding information management implementation. The survey was commissioned by SAS, but data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld Research. This report represents top-line results of that survey.

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CIOs Confront Metric Confusion: How CIOs sucessfully bridge business and technology to build a well-balanced performance management system

CIOs Confront Metric Confusion: How CIOs successfully bridge business and technology to build a well-balanced performance management system

This executive research report reveals results of a recent study by BusinessWeek Research Services. Learn more about:

  • Why CIOs are excellent candidates to
    mediate the KPI debate.
  • The number of KPIs that delivers the highest quality of data.
  • The benefits that top-performing companies have gained from PM. PM best practices for CIOs.

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The Information Roadmap Webcast

The Information Roadmap Webcast

SAS and Computerworld teamed up for The Information Management Roadmap Webcast which aired live on Wednesday, Oct. 10. Join IT visionary Thornton May, along with expert panelists Bill Laberis, Henry Morris and Mark Moorman to learn how SAS® can help you find consistent, reliable data, no matter where it's socked away. Imagine high-quality data, cleansed, analyzed and delivered throughout your organization.

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