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The Edit List
Gundam 0083 - ep. 6: The Warrior of Von Braun

by Kyle Pope, Apr 7th 2002

Gundam 0083, Episode 6: The Warrior of Von Braun

1. Blood gushing from Kou's arm wound digitally removed. (They showed the blood in the previous episode. Why edit it from the flashback?)

2. Simone's "God, Scott!" changed to "Scott!"

3. Scene of Pasarov chugging down booze from two bottles cut.

4. Keith's "Kou! Drink up! Enjoy yourself! Have fun!" changed to "Kou! Lighten up! Enjoy yourself! Have fun!"

5. Monsha's drunken facial flush digitally removed. Monsha's hiccups also deleted from dialogue.

6. Monsha's "I ripped those Delaz guys right out of their suits and tore them a new one" changed to "I ripped those Delaz guys right out of their suits and tore them to pieces".

7. Monsha's "Is this any time to be drinkin' and enjoyin' yourself?" changed to "Is this any time to be relaxin' and enjoyin' yourself?"

8. Luna thug's cigarette digitally replaced with a toothpick.

9. Scene of Luna thug blowing smoke in Kou's face before beating him up cut.

10. Not an Edit... Blood in Kou's mouth intact.

11. Graffitti digitally removed from bus.

It was reported that this episode would mark the start of the Adult Swim level edits but clearly that report was premature. The tobacco and alcohol edits were clearly Toonami level.


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