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Mini-EDITORIAL: AX Final Thoughts

Jul 3rd 2000
This was the first time I attended Anime Expo, and I was impressed with how the convention was handled. Lines were quick-moving, the panels were efficent, and the fans were numerous. As of Friday night, over 5000 attendees had already visited Anime Expo. When the final numbers are tabulated, Anime Expo expects that number to raise above 10,000.

The Dealer's Room was immense, and the anime was plentiful. The only drawback I could find was the immense amount of counterfit Taiwanese products (such as Son May CDs and Ever Anime CDs) that some dealers sold without making any attempt to discern them from the real product.

My one suggestion for AX (and any other convention): If the space is available, set up an "Adult" dealers room, constantly monitored so that only adults can browse and purchase adult material. Alternatively, the convention could browse the Dealers' goods before allowing it to be sold. Either way, "Disney" should not be involved in the policing of the convention -- the convention should handle enforcement and punishment itself.

The hotel itself was quite roomy and easy to maneuver throughout the halls. A big "thank you" goes out to the Anime Expo staff, as well as the Disney staff for their assistance throughout the convention. I wouldn't mind returning to the Disneyland Hotel in the future, if the "Crackdown" doesn't ever happen again.


See www.animenewsnetwork.com/archives/news/arc6-2000.php for Anime Expo 2000 coverage.

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