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General Mills, Genentech, San Diego Gas & Electric, University of Pennsylvania and Monsanto top the list.
Move over, MacGyver! There's a lot you can do to fix a broken notebook yourself.
IT pros aren't stereotypical, but the conditions that surround them are; the geeks are just reacting logically, says columnist j.ello.
From facilities design to carbon management and international law, here's what you need to learn to become your company's "green" go-to person.
Sure, users' familiarity with Windows counts a lot in the risk-averse corporate world. But the balance may tip in Linux' favor yet.
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Daily out-takes from the Theater of the Absurd, IT-style, where the nasty meets the rumor, and the kernel of truth wins out. Real life IT in action. You'll laugh...but try not to cry at your desk. See today's Shark Tank.