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Last update - 13:43 29/06/2009
Red Cross: Israel trapping 1.5m Gazans in despair
By Haaretz Service
Tags: Hamas, Israel News, Red Cross 

The Red Cross released a damning report Monday on the effects of the Israel-led blockade on the Gaza Strip, describing the 2-year-old measure as having trapped the coastal territory's 1.5 million residents "in despair."

The international humanitarian organization lamented the fact that the blockade, imposed after Hamas seized control of Gaza two years ago, was impeding reconstruction efforts after Israel's offensive in the Strip at the beginning of the year.

"Gaza neighborhoods particularly hard hit by the Israeli strikes will continue to look like the epicenter of a massive earthquake unless vast quantities of cement, steel and other building materials are allowed into the territory for reconstruction," the report said.

According to the Red Cross, Gaza's poverty is directly linked to the blockade that is "strangling" the local economy.

The organization lamented Israel's halting of Red Cross-supported visits by about 900 Gaza families to relatives detained in Israel.

But no mention was made of abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who is widely believed to be held in Gaza by the Islamist Hamas. Shalit's parents and the Red Cross have been denied access to the soldier.

In addition, the Red Cross lamented the shortage of basic medicines in Gaza. It noted that the territory's hospitals and health clinics depend for supplies on the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Health, which is based in the West Bank, but the supply chain often breaks down due to poor cooperation.

"Complex and lengthy Israeli import procedures also hamper the reliable supply of even the most basic items such as painkillers and X-ray film developers," the report said.

Related articles:
  • UN investigator 'shocked' by scale of destruction in Gaza
  • Red Cross: It's regrettable Hamas didn't allow us to visit Shalit
  • Life in Gaza is not 'back to normal'
  • PROMOTION: Mamilla Hotel
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    Peace delayers are holding the Mideastl hostage and taking a slap at Obama.
      1.   Everybody else has asked Israel to stop natural 13:11  |  Ben 29/06/09
      2.   Shalit 13:18  |  rob 29/06/09
      3.   Do something about Gilad Shalit 13:19  |  A.S. 29/06/09
      4.   Israel, Hamas reconstruction, and the Red Cross 13:20  |  Avraham 29/06/09
      5.   They`re In Despair Because They Chose War And Terror 13:21  |  Yishai Kohen 29/06/09
      6.   RED CROSS: Forget Gaza till Gilad is free. 13:23  |  Vittorio 29/06/09
      7.   Red Cross report. 13:28  |  shmuel gurewicz 29/06/09
      8.   Lamentations by Muslim Organisations - 13:29  |  17 29/06/09
      9.   Interested in Only One Person 13:29  |  Yaakov Ben Horin 29/06/09
      10.   the red cross are not builders! what about the vast quantities of 13:30  |  v hardman 29/06/09
      11.   Not included in this biased report: 13:30  |  Marcelo 29/06/09
      12.   I have a company car 13:37  |  Red Cr(escent)oss Em 29/06/09
      13.   I stopped contributing to Red Cross collect drives years ago 13:38  |  Absolute Sweden 29/06/09
      14.   Gazans in despair 13:38  |  Albrecht Klein 29/06/09
      15.   The world is blind and deaf 13:39  |  C2 29/06/09
      16.   Kol Hakavod l`Yisrael 13:42  |  Aussie Michael 29/06/09
      17.   The criminals, who are at the power in Gaza, are the obstacle 13:48  |  Shlomo from Tel-Aviv 29/06/09
      18.   The Red Cross Justice 13:51  |  GA 29/06/09
      19.   and while you`re doing something about Shalit 13:52  |  Murray 29/06/09
      20.   observation 13:59  |  potobac 29/06/09
      21.   i dont care 14:03  |  Jew 29/06/09
      22.   That`s The General Idea Of A Blockade 14:04  |  Jeff Northridge 29/06/09
      23.   Any Red Cross photos of Sderot houses after Qassams? 14:05  |  PETER SM 29/06/09
      24.   Forget about Gilad 14:06  |  Tip 29/06/09
      25.   Egypt is to BLAME...... 14:09  |  ali 29/06/09
      26.   Red Cross and Gilad Shalit 14:10  |  BAM 29/06/09
      27.   Gaza poverty was deliberately engineered by Hamas 14:22  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 29/06/09
      28.   ...and no mention of 10,000 Palestinian detainees in Israeli jail 14:23  |  Sami 29/06/09
      29.   Tippy tip #19 14:43  |  Hastaroth 29/06/09
      30.   potobac - "observation - 14:48  |  17 29/06/09
      31.   # 10 Tip - "3 sacred religions" ---- ??? 14:54  |  17 29/06/09
      32.   That explains a lot 14:54  |  Arie 29/06/09
      33.   Ask about Arafat`s bank account 14:54  |  Israeli citizen 29/06/09
      34.   murray in 14:58  |  Arie 29/06/09
      35.   RC: FIRST make Hamas stop violence against Israel 14:59  |  Alicia 29/06/09
      36.   NOTE TO ICRC; SPELL E-G-Y-P-T 15:01  |  Arie 29/06/09
      37.   Red Cross report 15:07  |  Harry Pittman 29/06/09
      38.   red cross 15:10  |  heshy 29/06/09
      39.   Why would Israel stop the blockade without PEACE and Shalit? 15:12  |  The Equalizer 29/06/09
      40.   Tip 15:13  |  Arnold 29/06/09
      41.   Easy solution: Free Shalit = lift the blockade 15:18  |  Yakir 29/06/09
      42.   Written before 1967 15:22  |  Victor Ginsburgh 29/06/09
      43.   2nd try... with some objectivity this could also read ... 15:26  |  Esther 29/06/09
      44.   The Red Cross should deal first with Schalit 15:27  |  Haim 29/06/09
      45.   Red Cross, where have you been for three years since Shalit was 15:33  |  Amihai 29/06/09
      46.   Margie #22... definitely concur with the gist of your post, but 15:36  |  Esther 29/06/09
      47.   Poor fools 15:54  |  howiej 29/06/09
      48.   The Red Cross 15:54  |  Nechama 29/06/09
      49.   I`m not donating anymore $$ to the Red Cross... 15:56  |  Nechama 29/06/09
      50.   What do we expect from Jews 15:57  |  A Friend 29/06/09
      51.   You talkbackers 16:00  |  Murray 29/06/09
      52.   Let them get everything from EGYPT 16:02  |  Yaakov Ish Tam 29/06/09
      53.   The siege of Gaza 16:02  |  WHG 29/06/09
      54.   i wonder if the two kids at top voted for Hamas? 16:03  |  Tcherkessi 29/06/09
      55.   Red Cross- an insult 16:03  |  DT 29/06/09
      56.   I wondered where all the apologists were-- 16:04  |  manny 29/06/09
      57.   Gaza 16:04  |  Marc 29/06/09
      58.   Shalit : easy solution 16:05  |  Georges 29/06/09
      59.   None of this is easy... 16:05  |  Walter 29/06/09
      60.   Of course Hamas has nothing to do with their abject condition 16:07  |  IW 29/06/09
      61.   Team obama is reading this also--keep up your 16:08  |  Labhras 29/06/09
      62.   Esther re Shalit 16:10  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 29/06/09
      63.   moral question 16:12  |  Heise 29/06/09
      64.   Israel vs Red Cross 16:16  |  Mike 29/06/09
      65.   Marc #57 16:18  |  Mike 29/06/09
      66.   Gaza`s poverty is directly linked to the blockade 16:21  |  GZLives 29/06/09
      67.   More Red Cross lies 16:26  |  Frank 29/06/09
      68.   Egypt is trapping, not Israel 16:29  |  nadav 29/06/09
      69.   Is this report from the selfsame Red Cross 16:30  |  Ari ben Yisrael 29/06/09
      70.   #61 Labarse Your comment on the Gypsiesis eagerly awaited 16:35  |  Ari ben Yisrael 29/06/09
      71.   Margie #62 16:37  |  wibism 29/06/09
      72.   Gaza deserves despair for Schalit and jew killing 16:41  |  bernard ross 29/06/09
      73.   SHALIT 16:42  |  Ron 29/06/09
      74.   # 55 - Manny;""Dietary Controls for Palestinians workers." 16:45  |  17 29/06/09
      75.   Re: Margie 16:48  |  Guido 29/06/09
      76.   Mike 16:50  |  American lady 29/06/09
      77.   manny 16:52  |  Pear 29/06/09
      78.   Heise 16:54  |  Kalte 29/06/09
      79.   gilad is not the issue 16:56  |  slick 29/06/09
      80.   red cross criticized US for WWII activities 16:58  |  g. lee 29/06/09
      81.   I never reply to Guido 16:59  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 29/06/09
      82.   rebuild gaza with Palcal 17:00  |  slick 29/06/09
      83.   Balance 17:05  |  Peter 29/06/09
      84.   No, Hamas is doing that all by itself. 17:05  |  Mark 29/06/09
      85.   to #67 Frank and #59 Walter 17:06  |  Heise 29/06/09
      86.   Suffering in Gaza 17:08  |  Lucy B 29/06/09
      87.   Guido 17:12  |  Pear 29/06/09
      88.   Murray of Milan 17:14  |  Jasper 29/06/09
      89.   Guido`s Low Note 17:20  |  Jasper 29/06/09
      90.   Red Cross it`s time to show your worth 17:22  |  *BEN JABO 29/06/09
      91.   ari Ben Israel--you need to talk to Gordon brown 17:22  |  Labhras 29/06/09
      92.   The people from Gaza created this by electing a government whose 17:23  |  ks 29/06/09
      93.   to #77 Kalte 17:26  |  Heise 29/06/09
      94.   Margie from SA --still thinking like a colonialist 17:28  |  Labhras 29/06/09
      95.   Red Cross 17:33  |  jn 29/06/09
      96.   Gaza Building 17:37  |  Jasper 29/06/09
      97.   to #88 Jasper 17:42  |  Juge 29/06/09
      98.   Margie #62... you underestimate the nefarious ingenuity of Hamas 17:43  |  Esther 29/06/09
      99.   red cross forgot to mention 10 thousand rockets fired in israel 17:44  |  HAL TRIPP 29/06/09
      100.   Where is Shallit? 17:47  |  Brod 29/06/09
      101.   GET IT FROM EGYPT! 17:47  |  Robert 29/06/09
      102.   They`re in despair because 17:48  |  Jennifer 29/06/09
      103.   Labhras 17:49  |  h 29/06/09
      104.   Juge 17:56  |  h 29/06/09
      105.   17 #74... Haniye travels the world and is feted with goodies 17:57  |  Esther 29/06/09
      106.   72 bernard ross , Re bombed to rubble 17:58  |  Dutch 29/06/09
      107.   #94 labarse of arabia still trying to find the pot of gold 17:59  |  v hardman 29/06/09
      108.   Gilad Shalit should have been of interest of the International 18:04  |  Hildi 29/06/09
      109.   to #104 h 18:15  |  Juge 29/06/09
      110.   h thanks for your response--one big error on ur pt 18:17  |  Labhras 29/06/09
      111.   Despair of their own making. 18:19  |  Adam 29/06/09
      112.   Is Israel trapping GAZANS?-NO! HAMAS created this trap! 18:21  |  Vittorio 29/06/09
      113.   SAY IT OUT LOUD 18:27  |  Fred 29/06/09
      114.   Let them surrender 100 kassams for each load of building supplies 18:33  |  Dr. L. Brnd 29/06/09
      115.   Labhras 18:40  |  h 29/06/09
      116.   Yet One More Organisation 18:41  |  Yaakov Sullivan 29/06/09
      117.   Mr. Gurewicz the answer is simple 18:43  |  Yaakov Sullivan 29/06/09
      118.   "gazans in despair" SO WHAT??? 18:44  |  neil 29/06/09
      119.   h? no one cares about your jewish fairy tales and folklore 18:48  |  anti squatter 29/06/09
      120.   Jennifer from Miami enjoys the suffering of Gazans 18:57  |  Ibrahim 29/06/09
      121.   Cocern for Gaza 18:57  |  Hilda 29/06/09
      122.   #111Despair of their own making 18:58  |  Lemouel 29/06/09
      123.   Guido should be proud... 18:59  |  Ibrahim 29/06/09
      124.   Juge 19:00  |  h 29/06/09
      125.   Red Cross Is Wrong, Hamas Is Ruining These Peoples Lives 19:07  |  Shepherd 29/06/09
      126.   anti squatter 19:07  |  h 29/06/09
      127.   Hilda is another zionist with small grasp of reality 19:08  |  news for hilda 29/06/09
      128.   Red Cross? 19:08  |  Rigoletto 29/06/09
      129.   Answer to Gurewicz: because the Red Cross is biaised 19:10  |  Israeli citizen 29/06/09
      130.   Dutch # 106 What About The ICJ`s Advisory Opinion? 19:13  |  Jeff Northridge 29/06/09
      131.   Is Red Cross "anti-Semite" too, Israel? 19:17  |  Alaska 29/06/09
      132.   Israel, USA, All of Us Must Sympathyze with the Palestinians 19:21  |  soeasytomakefriends 29/06/09
      133.   Alaska - "Is Red Cross "anti-Semite" too...l?" 19:25  |  17 29/06/09
      134.   Israeli point of view? 19:26  |  rob 29/06/09
      135.   labhras - reading this 19:27  |  Arie 29/06/09
      136.   Sullivan: Yet one more organization 19:29  |  Christopher 29/06/09
      137.   Those posters who latch onto my name 19:34  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 29/06/09
      138.   Alaska-"Is ICRC Anti-Semitic?" 19:37  |  Arie 29/06/09
      139.   Headline should read - Hamas Trapping 1.5m Gazans... 19:37  |  Jane 29/06/09
      140.   Alaska do you call yourself that 19:45  |  x-ray 29/06/09
      141.   jane in palm beach? zionist are trapping 1 1/2 million in gaza 19:45  |  what is wrong w/you? 29/06/09
      142.   Stop `lamenting` 19:48  |  Boris 29/06/09
      143.   Gazan suffering=Hamass terrorism 19:50  |  Don 29/06/09
      144.   hamas is national liberation movement against illegal occupation 20:05  |  easy to see right 29/06/09
      145.   if shalit is freed... 20:17  |  William 29/06/09
      146.   Margie in Tel Aviv- self-righteous indignation 20:17  |  Arie 29/06/09
      147.   To easy to see right/wrong... 20:25  |  Boris 29/06/09
      148.   heheh easy peasy 144 20:32  |  x-ray 29/06/09
      149.   h--if that is so--why dont they annex it and give 20:47  |  Labhras 29/06/09
      150.   zionist it doesn`t matter what you think 20:47  |  UN and Int Law 29/06/09
      151.   boris having trouble with right/wrong and x-ray too? 20:51  |  Int Law 29/06/09
      152.   #27 Margie 20:56  |  BDS 29/06/09
      153.   #130 Jeff Northridge 21:04  |  BDS 29/06/09
      154.   Arie haGolani 21:07  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 29/06/09
      155.   int inlaw, outlaw, scofflaw 21:10  |  x-ray 29/06/09
      156.   The destruction of Gaza 21:20  |  WHG 29/06/09
      157.   BDS 21:38  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 29/06/09
      158.   Let the Red Cross Confirm Gilad`s Health First 21:45  |  B`galil 29/06/09
      159.   Axel they are resolutions 21:53  |  x-ray 29/06/09
      160.   Gazans "despair` is self inposed. 22:19  |  leoblue 29/06/09
      161.   WHG 22:33  |  x-ray 29/06/09
      162.   ISRAEL IS ALSO A SOVEREIGN STATE 22:55  |  Ian 29/06/09
      163.   120 Ibrahim - Siege Predates Hamas & Shalit 23:32  |  Mark of Lewiston 29/06/09
      164.   Questain the integrity of Hamas 23:52  |  Jack Stratton 29/06/09
      165.   BDS # 153 And What Law Would That Be? 00:02  |  Jeff Northridge 30/06/09
      166.   what happend to Israel? 00:28  |  Tony Silver 30/06/09
      167.   West Bank Ownership 01:04  |  Jasper 30/06/09
      168.   Does Gaza have Internet? 01:10  |  Sean 30/06/09
      169.   #157 Margie 01:10  |  BDS 30/06/09
      170.   #157 Margie 01:15  |  BDS 30/06/09
      171.   Destroying Gaza--response to Xray 01:48  |  WHG 30/06/09
      172.   Blockade on the Gaza is a Crime 02:04  |  Normal Israeli Jew 30/06/09
      173.   @163 jasper from milwaukee 02:21  |  neil 30/06/09
      174.   Jasper in Milwaukee "defensive wars" 03:11  |  Jim the mechanic 30/06/09
      175.   Red Cross - Wasn`t that the outfit 03:39  |  *BEN JABO 30/06/09
      176.   BDS - so keen to show ignorance? 06:17  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 30/06/09
      177.   BDS - so keen to show ignorance? 06:18  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 30/06/09
      178.   Haaretz you are so infuriating! Reply to BDS 07:27  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 30/06/09
      179.   Israel is not worth the cost to the Palestinian people anymore 07:42  |  John 30/06/09
      180.   Why lament -why not charge Israel with war crimes? 08:22  |  Dutch 30/06/09
      181.   Re: "Red Cross?" you forgot Sri - Lanka and Tskhinvaly 08:35  |  Miron 30/06/09
      182.   red cross just do the job do not get into politics 08:40  |  Roshea 30/06/09
      183.   17 30 11:35  |  potobac 30/06/09
      184.   Quotes from David Bengurion (Father of Israel) 13:08  |  Ted Arens 30/06/09
      185.   This says it all 13:33  |  Ted 30/06/09
      186.   #185 Ted (also #184) 18:48  |  *BEN JABO 30/06/09
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