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Windows 7

All Windows 7 Posts

Good-Bye XP. Hello Windows 7

Free support for Windows XP ends on April 14th, and the Windows 7 release candidate arrives in May, coincidence? I don't think so.

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Windows 7 fails at file integrity

Windows 7 allows two programs to update the same file at the same time. Not good.

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Who cares about Windows 7?

Techies and the tech press love to cover new operating systems. But who outside of the IT world, cares about Windows 7? Consumers want what they are already familiar with, Windows XP (warts and all). Non-techies don't care about operating systems, they care about applications. Children don't belong on Windows at all. Businesses will be very slow to adopt Windows 7. That leaves ... who?

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Get over it! There's no Apple netbook

People! Buy a clue! There isn't going to be an Apple netbook. A Google Android Linux netbook, yes. A Windows 7 netbook, yes. An Apple netbook? No way.

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Why Apple will have to release a netbook

Apple's underwhelming refresh of its Mac desktop line shows just why the company needs to release a netbook. The company seems oblivious to the economy crashing around it, and continues to believe that it can thrive by selling champagne-priced computers in a beer-priced world. It's time for Apple to face reality and build a netbook.

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Ballmer: We're ready for the Google operating system

My blogging compatriot Steven J. Vaughn-Nichols notes that Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been hinting that Google may release a Google netbook based on its mobile operating system, Android. That's old news to Microsoft: In late February, Steve Ballmer told Wall Street analysts that he fully expects Android-based netbooks.

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Windows 7 allows IE uninstall

Windows 7 screenshotIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Microsoft allow users and OEMs to actually remove IE -- sop to Europe or misdirecting canard? Not to mention 3D street art...

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Windows 7 RC on its way

Windows 7 screenshotIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Microsoft announce tweaks to Windows 7 in time for the upcoming Release Candidate build. Not to mention Darth Walkies...

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The five biggest changes from Windows 7 beta

Microsoft just released details of changes it's made since the beta of Windows 7 was released. Here are the top five changes.

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Windows 7 "great for games," but what about GFW Live?

I've been mucking about with the Windows 7 beta for a few weeks now and it really is like zipping along on a Japanese maglev train compared with Vista's logy boiler-fed code.

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U.S. and Russian satellites destroyed after collision

In today's podcast: U.S. and Russian satellites destroyed after collision; Qualcomm, Nvidia shore up support for netbooks; and Windows 7 upgrade won't be easier than Vista.

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"Ditch XP for Vista," begs Microsoft

MicrosoftIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Microsoft cajole and plead with IT customers to stop using Windows XP. Not to mention the oh-so-hysterical Cake Wrecks...

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Windows 7 vuln. in weakened UAC

Windows 7 screenshotIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches the egg on Microsoft's face, over Windows 7's tweaked User Access Control. Not to mention the man cold...

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Google privacy trial starts in Milan

In today's podcast: Google privacy trial starts in Milan; Intel delays Tukwila release; and Microsoft says all Windows 7 versions will run on netbooks.

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"Seven" shows six segmented SKUs

Windows 7 screenshotIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Microsoft announce its "simplified" product mix for Windows 7. Not to mention JJ Abrams' crib sheet...

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