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Become a Better Java Programmer - Learn Something Else
06/19/2009 -  Do you think it's a coincidence that 80% of the best Java talent have a moderate to considerable understanding of either Python, Smalltalk, Scala, Lisp, to a lesser extent Erlang, and most recently Clojure? If you answered 'No coincidence', perhaps you are in that top tier of talent. If you answered 'What a coincidence!', please consider reading on. If you answered 'What are Python/Scala/etc.?', definitely read on.
Dave Fecak , Network World

Apple finally patches six-month-old Java bugs
06/16/2009 -  Apple yesterday patched 32 vulnerabilities in its implementation of Java; Sun fixed the same flaws for Windows and Linux users more than six months ago.
Gregg Keizer, Computerworld

Apache Shale Web framework project retired
06/11/2009 -  The Apache Shale Web application framework project has been retired due to inactivity, according to a bulletin from Apache on Thursday.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Sun tests new Java Store, Java Warehouse
06/02/2009 -  Sun has opened up a test version of its Java Store, which it bills as a Web site where developers can connect with millions of computer users who run Java on their desktop.
Robert McMillan , IDG News Service

Oracle: Late entry with strong bloodlines
06/15/2009 -  Two months ago, Oracle wouldn't have leapt to mind as a potential contender in the next-generation data center. But that was pre-Sun, pre-Virtual Iron. Now, all of a sudden, Oracle has an interesting data center story to tell.
Beth Schultz , Network World

Will Oracle kill the Java community?
06/03/2009 -  Will Oracle be good to Java's developers?
Robert McMillan , IDG News Service

Microsoft to give its first JavaOne keynote
05/22/2009 -  Here's a first: Microsoft will be giving a keynote address at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco next month.
Robert McMillan , IDG News Service

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