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Posted 06/25/09 in Daily Intel

Public Relations

Wall Street Kicks Off New PR Campaign by Referring to Public Outrage As an ‘Overreaction’

The cleverness of these guys astounds us.

Posted 06/25/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke Regrets Rien

The Fed chairman maintains his cool in front of a feisty Congress.

Posted 06/24/09 in Daily Intel

Dirty Words of Wisdom

Warren Buffett: ‘You Can’t Produce a Baby in One Month by Getting Nine Women Pregnant’

More dirty words of wisdom from the Oracle of Omaha.

Posted 06/24/09 in Daily Intel

The Bonus Buster

Andrew Cuomo Has a Money-Management Problem

Some of his money seems to have rubbed against some other money, improperly.

Posted 06/24/09 in Daily Intel

Neighborhood News

Barclays Is Paying $4 Million to Have Its Brand Associated With One of the Foulest Stops on the New York Subway System

The British bank is planning on splashing their name all over the Atlantic Avenue–Pacific Street and Flatbush Avenue subway station. Yay!

Posted 06/24/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

The Plight of the Unemployed CEO: Underqualified for Management; Overqualified for Starbucks

Some CEOs of failed financial institutions, having been expelled from their jobs, are looking for work — with little success.

Posted 06/24/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Citigroup Raises Pay, Hackles

But should we really be outraged?

Posted 06/23/09 in Daily Intel

Air Travel

Steve Brill’s Clear Airport Fast-Lane Company Shut Down

Air travel just got a little bit more democratic, painful.

Posted 06/23/09 in Daily Intel


Bernie Madoff’s Lawyers Would Like Him to Celebrate His Last Birthday Out of Prison

They've calculated how long it will be before he dies and are proposing a sentence just shy of that.

Posted 06/23/09 in Daily Intel

Liberal Farts

Generation Smug

"There’s a generational shift toward increasing interest and concern into how to help make the world a better place,” says one college president. Really.

Posted 06/23/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Goldman Sachs: Reports of Huge Bonuses Have Been Exaggerated

They could be more like "ginormous" or merely "sizable."

Posted 06/22/09 in The Cut

Revolving Doors

Alessandro Dell’Acqua’s Not-So-Subtle Sandbagging of Alessandro Dell’Acqua

The designer makes a break with his own brand in a letter to press.

Posted 06/19/09 in Daily Intel

Oh We'll Go There

This Is Out of Line

Vikram Pandit is not fat, he is just full-figured.

Posted 06/18/09 in Daily Intel

The New Tim

Tim Geithner Talks Back

"You don’t convene a committee to put out a fire," the exasperated Treasury Secretary told lawmakers on the Hill today.

Posted 06/17/09 in Daily Intel

Old Men With Money

Hank Greenberg Was ‘Exaggerating’ About Keeping AIG Employees’ Retirement Funds in Trust

It was just a little white lie! To make them feel better.

Posted 06/17/09 in Daily Intel


Trader Who Punched Andrew Madoff Still Having Trouble Letting It Go

Since "You taka my money I breaka your face" failed to work, he's filed suit against him.

Posted 06/17/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

Jamie Dimon Sends Wad of Cash, No Note, to Government

JPMorgan unloads its "TARP baby" at last.

Posted 06/17/09 in Daily Intel

Weapons of Ass Destruction

Ivanka Trump Will Distract You With Her Bosoms and Then Take All Your Money

This is her business "technique," apparently.

Posted 06/17/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Financial-Revamp Plan Flummoxes Punditocracy

"YHTMAAAIYP" was Paul Krugman's initial reaction to the five-point plan to regulate the system.

Posted 06/17/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

Lloyd Blankfein Sends Nice Thank-you Note to Congress

The Goldman Sachs CEO apologizes for that time he got drunk and excited and helped to bust up the economy.