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‘Ballsy Crime’

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Showing 1-14 of 14 posts

Posted 02/05/09 in Daily Intel

Ballsy Crime

Judge Approves Triplex Arrest for Marc Dreier

The lawyer's move back home comes with a lot of restrictions — but you can still call him!

Posted 01/30/09 in Daily Intel


Merrill Exec: ‘Look, Even Smart People Were Fooled by Madoff’

Former Merrill Lynch exec John 'Launny' Steffens lost $35 million to Madoff, but there's one thing he feels good about.

Posted 01/27/09 in Daily Intel


Today in Madoff: The Senate Banking Committee Confronts the Elephant in the Room

How did they not notice Bernie Madoff, they asked themselves, when he was standing right there, breathing his hot, sticky peanut breath all over them?

Posted 01/23/09 in Daily Intel


Awesome: Marcus Schrenker Pleads Not Guilty

Let's review the evidence.

Posted 01/21/09 in Daily Intel


Missing Hedge-Fund Manager ‘Does Not Want to Be Found,’ Police Say

Wonder why that is.

Posted 01/20/09 in Daily Intel

Ballsy Crime

It’s Always the Quiet Ones

A 75-year-old hedge-fund manager goes missing on the day he is supposed to produce $50 million.

Posted 01/15/09 in Daily Intel


Bernie Madoff’s Favor for an Old Friend

"Sure, old chum, we can get you into the fund..." (cackles to self)

Posted 01/15/09 in Daily Intel


Reminder: Killing Bernie Madoff Not Actually a Good Idea

The violent tone cropping up regarding Bernie Madoff is creeping us out a little.

Posted 01/14/09 in Daily Intel


Madoff Gets Off Again

He's strapped himself into his vest and is trundling back to his Upper East Side apartment right now!

Posted 01/14/09 in Daily Intel

Suicide Is Painless

Sam Israel’s Girlfriend Arrested

Police say the lover of the original escape-plan-hatching, suicide-faking, motorcycle-driving Finance Fugitive brought him 'contraband' in jail.

Posted 12/29/08 in Daily Intel

Ballsy Crime

Whoever Stole the Huge Statue Out of Bernie Madoff’s Backyard Is Awesome

Also, strong!

Posted 12/29/08 in Daily Intel


Joyeux Noels!

Corina Noel and her family went to Kenya, and all we got was this Christmas card of them looking perfect and sun-kissed.

Posted 12/23/08 in Daily Intel

Sad Things

Madoff Investor Commits Suicide

French fund manager Thierry de la Villehuchet, who lost over a billion dollars in client money to Madoff's scheme, took his own life this morning.

Posted 12/10/08 in Daily Intel

Ballsy Crime

Chef Goes on Shopping Spree With Boyfriend’s Credit Card

Spends $361,000 on dog-walking, personal shopping.