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Posted 6/25/09 at 4:19 PM

Party Lines

James Franco on His Infamous Naked Basketball Movie

By the time James Franco arrived at last night's party celebrating the release of Lapham's Quarterly's travel issue, he was over an hour late, and assistant editors who'd booked him were nearly hyperventilating. But when at last he took the stage, — appropriately dressed in jeans and a sweater with a whale on the back — he won over the small crowd of mostly book publishers with his readings from Don Quixote and Moby Dick. Speaking of the latter! Afterward, we asked the actor and student about the film he'd recently completed for NYU's Graduate Film Program, a four-minute short based on the Anthony Hecht poem "The Feast of Stephen," which Movie Line called "blisteringly homoerotic." Making the film was, Franco said, "fascinating, because so much, a lot of times, so much is just implied in poetry and not really explicitly said, so as a filmmaker, you have to make decisions on how to interpret the poems." Like in the infamous naked teenage basketball scene? we asked. Was it difficult to get a bunch of actors to interpret that? Teenage actors? Franco laughed. "The way we did that was, we used real teenagers to play basketball clothed, and we advertised on the web and hired some people and we just shot them from the neck down. They were doubles, body doubles, dick doubles. I couldn't shoot 16-year-olds naked. I'd get in trouble!"

Related: Read more on The Feast of Stephen in Jada Yuan's interview with James Franco last month.

Posted 6/25/09 at 3:55 PM

Early and Often

Rick Lazio Running for Governor, Wants to Abolish Senate
Rick Lazio Running for Governor, Wants to Abolish Senate

Former congressman Rick Lazio, who many may remember for accosting Hillary Clinton during a 2000 Senate debate, "fully intends to" run for governor, his spokesman said today. Not to be outdone by potential primary opponent Rudy Giuliani, who yesterday proposed a constitutional convention, Lazio has suggested that New York adopt a unicameral state legislature, which only Nebraska currently uses. Now, would that eradicate some of Albany's dysfunction, or simply concentrate it in one place? [Newsday, NYDN]

Posted 6/25/09 at 3:43 PM


Tomorrow Is Take Your Dog to Work Day

This dog is a genius.

This dog is a genius.

Today the Daily News tells us some news that is simultaneously stupendous and devastating. Apparently, tomorrow is "Take Your Dog to Work Day." THAT IS A THING? Did you people know this? Is there also a "Bring Ice-Cream Sandwiches for Your Gay Co-workers Day" that we didn't know about? What kind of offices have we been working in until now that we didn't know this was a holiday, and that it's been celebrated in the United States for ten years?

Now, readers, you are all on notice. You are going to be required to send any and all pictures of puppies at work (if they are wearing work attire, even better, and if they can be actually trained to do your work for you, best) to intel @ nymag.com tomorrow. If we get enough, we'll make a slideshow of adorableness. And to any and all New York co-workers, listen up: You'd better bring your dogs to work tomorrow, or else you are going to be looking at three (okay, one) very unhappy Daily Intel editor(s). We're looking right at you, Copy Chief Megan Who Sits One Cubicle Away and Who We Happen to Know Has an Adorable Goldendoodle Named Snapdragon.

You see, that's why the news of Take Your Dog to Work Day is both happy and sad. People will be bringing puppies to the office! Yay! But some of us don't even have a single puppy to bring. Booo ...

Blue, white and dog collar workers: Owners get set for 10th annual Take Your Dog to Work Day [NYDN]

The new, unmistakable Audi Q5

Introducing the new Audi Q5: Performance, luxury and functionality meet unmistakable design. With features like piercing LED lighting, a distinctive front grille and quattroŽ all-wheel drive, you no longer have to compromise when it comes to crossovers.

Posted 6/25/09 at 3:05 PM

Oh, Albany!

Paterson’s Threats to Senators Working? They’d Never Admit It

The warring factions of the State Senate have been oddly unified in one respect today: their anger toward Governor Paterson, who has threatened to continue calling them to special session (which he has the power to do) and to start docking their pay (which he doesn't). Both Republicans and Democrats have been talking trash about him all day long, specifically citing what they describe as his lack of leadership. But his pressure is doing something, because according to Pedro Espada, the turncoat Democrat who himself is the largest wrench in the gears of progress, leaders from both sides "have a template" for a power-sharing agreement. "Our staff has been meeting," he told NY1. "Folks, I think, for the first time have put down their armor and their shields and are really talking to each other in a respectful way." Of course, it's easy for Espada to say that there's a template that people should agree on when it's his insistence on remaining president of the Senate that's causing most of the debate. "We're all embarrassed," he added. "We're all embarrassed that we've embarrassed ourselves, the process, the institution through this impasse." You know, if it had been one day, or two, or even just a week, we might have believed that these people (particularly Espada) were capable of shame. But two whole weeks? Sorry, we're not buying it.

Oh, and meanwhile, the farcical special sessions are expected to resume about now.

Espada: Deal May Be In The Works To End Power Struggle [NY1]
Senators United Against Paterson, Trying To Strike A Deal [NYDN]

Posted 6/25/09 at 2:50 PM

Public Relations

Wall Street Kicks Off New PR Campaign by Referring to Public Outrage As an ‘Overreaction’

We've taken the liberty of mocking up their first PSA.

We've taken the liberty of mocking up their first PSA.Photo-illustration: Everett Bogue; Photos: Getty Images, iStockphoto

The financial-services industry feels misunderstood. They would like the little people to stop hating them, but since they are mostly numbers people, not word or "feelings" people, whenever they try to express themselves to poor or regular people it comes out wrong, and reactions are at best: "Ah, shut up, go cry on your pile of money," and at worst: "YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL." It's very frustrating. Which is why they've decided to organize. The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, or what is left of it, is implementing a PR campaign to counteract their poisoned image. Bloomberg got ahold of some of the memos from their meetings, which provide some insight into their ideas and goals, which include "embracing change" and accountability and defending themselves against unjust characterizations.

The securities industry “must be perceived as part of the solution, which will allow it to better defend against populist overreaction,” the documents, prepared for a June 17 meeting of SIFMA’s board, said.

Bolded by us, because that is very clever, an "overreaction." Like, was it really necessary for the populace to freak out and lose its shit because a number of banks collapsed all at once and millions of people lost their homes and their jobs? Why does the populace have to be such a crazy bitch? The populace should look into that. Maybe talk to someone about their erratic mood swings and the way they are always compulsively blaming others when the problem is clearly inside their heads and has nothing to do with the securities industry or how it blew up whatsoever.

Anyway, SIFMA has clearly got their message down, and this time they'll for sure avoid looking stupid. But how to reach the people?

Read more »

Posted 6/25/09 at 2:25 PM

The Sports Section

Shaq Learns of Trade to the Cavs via Twitter
Shaq Learns of Trade to the Cavs via Twitter

The Phoenix Suns have reached an agreement to send professional Twitter user and occasional NBA center Shaquille O’Neal to the Cavaliers — don’t worry, he’s 37 and only has one year left on his contract, so this shouldn’t affect the Summer of LeBron one way or the other — and it should come as no surprise that Shaq first learned of the deal via his Twitter friends. Or perhaps @titans321, a.k.a. “Nicholas Harrison,” is really just Suns GM Steve Kerr, who knows the easiest way to get in touch with his soon-to-be-former center. [Yahoo, Awful Announcing, THE_REAL_SHAQ/Twitter]

Posted 6/25/09 at 2:00 PM

When God Is a Deejay

There’s Something Familiar About This Gay-Exorcism Video

Perhaps you've seen this disturbing videotape from Bridgeport, Connecticut, of members of the Manifested Glory Ministries trying to exorcise "homosexual demons" from the body of a 16-year-old boy. The procedure goes on and on, and while it doesn't appear that anyone physically harms the young man, he seems to be in some sort of serious pain or struggle. According to the Post, gay and youth advocates are calling this abuse. It's our view that anything that makes a young person terrified and ashamed about their own identity is abuse, though whether this can legally be labeled as such we'll leave to someone else. But as we watched this video, something struck us. In the background, we're pretty sure the church keyboardist is playing "Home," from The Wiz. Now, if that isn't a mixed message for that poor boy, we don't know what is.

Posted 6/25/09 at 1:42 PM

International Intrigue

Ahmadinejad Thought Obama Was Better Than That
Ahmadinejad Thought Obama Was Better Than That

Seems like President Obama was going to piss someone off no matter how he responded to the protests in Iran. After Obama took a stronger stance on Tuesday against Iran's government crackdown following criticism by various Republicans, "President" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for him to apologize. "We were not expecting Mr. Obama" to "fall into the same trap and continue the same path that Bush did," Ahmadinejad added. We wish Obama would reply, "At least I didn't have to steal my election." But chances are, he will not say that. [NYT]

Posted 6/25/09 at 1:30 PM

Whither GOP?

Can Mark Sanford Survive?

Can Mark Sanford Survive?

Photo: Getty Images

Now that we've learned more intimate details than we really ever wanted to know about South Carolina governor Mark Sanford's affair with an Argentinian woman (she has great tan lines, apparently, and is also about to be outed), the question is what comes next. Today Sanford claimed he will not resign as governor, though calls for him to do so may grow loud soon enough. The state legislature could also simply impeach him. It's hard to say where this will all lead. Plenty of politicians have been forced out of office or had their political careers destroyed by affairs, while others have clung on against the odds. It plays out on a case-by-case basis, dependent on the person, the specifics of the affairs, and the political climate. Here are the factors that could sink Sanford, and those that could save him.

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Posted 6/25/09 at 1:22 PM

Neighborhood News

Look Out for the ?Sticky Wet Spots? on the R Train
Look Out for the ‘Sticky Wet Spots’ on the R Train

The Straphangers Campaign has bestowed the annual "Dirtiest Line on the New York Subway System" title on the R train this year. Among its flaws are: "dingy floors," "one or two sticky dry spots," "heavy dirt," "opened or spilled food," "rolling bottles," and, um, "sticky wet spots." That does sound dirty. [NYP]

The new, unmistakable Audi Q5

Introducing the new Audi Q5: Performance, luxury and functionality meet unmistakable design. With features like piercing LED lighting, a distinctive front grille and quattroŽ all-wheel drive, you no longer have to compromise when it comes to crossovers.

Posted 6/25/09 at 1:12 PM

Sad Things

Farrah Fawcett Has Died
Farrah Fawcett Has Died

Actress and pinup girl Farrah Fawcett died today at the age of 62, succumbing to rectal cancer that she's been battling since 2006. She passed away in the company of longtime partner Ryan O'Neal (who in recent days had pledged to marry Fawcett before she died), a doctor and another friend. Her son, Redmond O'Neal, wasn't present. Many Americans followed her much-publicized cancer struggle in recent years, especially with the release of the documentary Farrah's Story, but she will always be remembered for her iconic posters, and her role on Charlie's Angels. [People]

Posted 6/25/09 at 12:50 PM

The Schnabulous Life

Units at Schnabel’s Chupi Now ‘Buy One, Get One Free’

Schtunningly, the two top-floor units of Julian Schnabel's art-chitectual masterpiece, Palazzo Chupi, have schtill not schold, and thus the artist and filmmaker has been forced to schlash prices yet again. He's now offering both of them together for $27.9 million, which is $31 million less than the original asking prices of $27 million and $32 million each. Holy schit. Frankly, we don't understand why someone like Andrew Hall, the energy trader and Schnabel enthusiast, doesn't schoop these schuckers up. They're a schteal!


Posted 6/25/09 at 12:22 PM

America's Sweetheart

Someone Else Has Angered Sarah Palin
Someone Else Has Angered Sarah Palin

An Alaskan blogger has superimposed the face of a conservative radio host on the body of baby Trig. This is obviously an outrageous affront to special-needs children — and all of humanity — that should be condemned by President Obama himself. [Political Ticker/CNN]

Posted 6/25/09 at 11:50 AM

The Greatest Depression

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke Regrets Rien

Lawmakers are getting feisty ("IS PAULSON LYING?" "IS KEN LEWIS LYING?"), but Professor Bernanke seems to be keeping his cool on the Hill this morning, where he's being questioned about the alleged threats he and Henry Paulson made last year to prevent Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis from backing out of the deal to acquire Merrill Lynch. “The Federal Reserve acted with the highest integrity throughout the discussions with Bank of America regarding that company’s acquisition of Merrill Lynch,” he said in his prepared statement. "I have nothing I regret about the whole transaction.” DealBook is live-blogging and the House Oversight Committee is streaming it, if you want to watch Darrell "It's all a cover-up!" Issa's veins pop out of his neck in real time.

Posted 6/25/09 at 11:12 AM

The Sports Section

Knicks Boxed In As NBA Draft Arrives

Learn to say

Learn to say "Jrue": UCLA's Holiday.

One month ago, when the NBA Draft Lottery revealed that the Knicks would have the No. 8 pick in tonight’s draft, the smart money was on Davidson wunderkind guard Stephen Curry. Knicks marketers lusted after him, Curry openly lobbied to come here, and circumstances appeared to line up for a player whom most agree is perfect for coach Mike D’Antoni’s system.

But then Curry started impressing every other team in workouts, and now, the odds that he’ll fall to the Knicks are extremely small. If Curry, Ricky Rubio, or Tyreke Evans are available to the Knicks, they’ll take them. But it’s highly unlikely any of them will be. According to ESPN’s Chad Ford, the Knicks believe tonight’s draft is seven players deep; their pick is eighth. Of course.

The top three remaining candidates. »

Posted 6/25/09 at 10:56 AM


Johnny Depp Is a Really Good Tipper

Johnny Depp left a $4,000 tip at Gibsons Bar and Steakhouse in Chicago following a screening of Public Enemies with his co-star, Marion Cotillard. Facebook to the rescue: Some lady in Montreal found the 11-year-old British kid that Megan Fox brushed aside, whose name is Harvii, on her list of friends, and now he'll get a photograph with the sultry star. While in Atlanta to cheer on A-Rod against the Braves, Kate Hudson opted to root for Rodriguez from the bar of Morton's Steakhouse. Angelina Jolie supposedly told Jennifer Aniston to "back off" after Aniston sent Brad Pitt some "motivational texts." And some fun-loving New Orleans residents have started a "Brad Pitt for Mayor"movement (Hey, if Arnold can be governor ... ).

Read more »

Posted 6/25/09 at 10:19 AM

Oh, Albany!

Governor Paterson and Senate Democrats Hate Each Other

If the situation in Albany really is a circus, as it has often been called recently, then the major players are some of the crankiest, grouchiest clowns you'll ever see. After gaveling out of a four-minute mandatory session yesterday, Malcolm Smith and the rest of the Democrats stated their intention to go home — as in, for good. Governor Paterson was furious, and in a fiery appearance last night, he reminded the senators that they would be in violation of the state constitution if they ignored his call for another special session today. He also threatened to withhold their pay since this whole mess began on June 8 — even though much of it has already been doled out, and he probably doesn't have that power anyway — and force them into the chamber under police escort. "Senators, get to work," he fumed. "You're not going home, you're not getting paid and you're not going to disrespect the people of the State of New York any longer." While this tough rhetoric may sound righteous to the ears of frustrated New Yorkers (at least, that's what Paterson hopes), it has not been going over well with Senate Democrats, who seem to get particularly testy when their salaries are threatened.

Some people get snippy ... »

Posted 6/25/09 at 10:00 AM

Tasteful Nudes

An Old-fashioned Twist on the Leaked Internet Sex Tape

Sometimes, if you don't have a flip cam or regular access to the Internet, you have to be creative when punishing an ex and go seriously analog. That's what 28-year-old Suresh Persaud allegedly did when his ex-girlfriend, a married 19-year-old aspiring beauty queen, broke it off with him. Suddenly, in the girl's Queens neighborhood of Richmond Hill, shocking posters with nude pictures of her were "tacked to the family house, street poles, trees, car windshields and neighbors' front doors." In a creative twist, the posters also "listed her full name, address and phone number and said to call 'if you wanted a blow job.'" (Now that's really old-school. Like, middle school old-school.) Persaud, who started dating the girl when she was as young as 17, denies that he posted the pictures. "I never put up nude pictures of her," he said, claiming, in fact, that the images were "self-portraits."

Dude, at least claim they were ads. "Self-portraits"? Is that what we're calling those pictures in the back of the Village Voice now?


Posted 6/25/09 at 9:45 AM

Sad Things

Faulty Circuit Likely Caused D.C. Metro Crash
Faulty Circuit Likely Caused D.C. Metro Crash

An expert from the National Transportation Safety Board said yesterday that there were “anomalies” in one of the circuits near where Monday's deadly Washington, D.C., subway crash occurred. Signals should have prevented the collision between one speeding train and one stopped one. [NYT]

Posted 6/25/09 at 9:32 AM


Ruth Madoff Lashes Out at the Person Who ‘Ruined Her Life’

Ruth Madoff is like an undermining friend: You kind of forget how terrible she is, then you run into her on the subway, she says something callous and awful, and you're reminded that, really, this is not a good person. That's what happened to the Post photographer who saw her riding the F train, sitting pricelessly underneath a sign advertising a 99 cent cell-phone ad. "Are you having fun embarrassing me — and ruining my life?" she reportedly snapped at the photographer, who most certainly is not the person who ruined her life. We can only hope he or she replied, "I am now." [NYP]

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