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Showing 1-20 of 22 posts

Posted 04/06/09 in Daily Intel

No Purchase Necessary!

You’ll Be Saying ‘Wow’ After Watching This Ad for the Catholic Church

Who ever said going to confession can't be fun?

Posted 02/26/09 in Grub Street

Product Placement

Padma Does a ‘Burger Shot’ for Hardee’s

First there was Tom Coke-licchio. Now, Padma shilling for Hardee's.

Posted 11/03/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

The Candidate’s Second-to-Last Words

What Barack Obama and John McCain (and their campaigns) are saying as they build up to their final pitches.

Posted 10/31/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

‘Gossip Girl’ and ‘Desperate Housewives’ Twinks Shill for Obama

Barack Obama has sunk to using boybait to get Ohioans to the polls.

Posted 10/30/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Obama Infomercial: Some Transported, Some Nauseated

If Obama started reading ‘Goodnight Moon,’ we would have passed out on the spot.

Posted 10/29/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Barack Obama Really Approved That Message

We just watched Obama's 30-minute campaign ad.

Posted 10/29/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Obama’s Silent Ad vs. McCain’s Charitable Ad: Which Speaks Louder?

McCain tries to solidify his message in the moments before Obama's 30-minute television appeal. But is he scrambled by Obama's latest short spot?

Posted 10/29/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Obama to Ruthlessly Dominate the Airwaves Tonight With Touching, Patriotic Infomercial

How effective will the prime-time ad actually be, and what can we expect?

Posted 09/23/08 in Daily Intel

Ad Wars

Obama’s Latest Attack Ad Is Just Silly

The ad attacks McCain for owning (get ready to gasp) ... three foreign-made cars! Out of thirteen!

Posted 09/23/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Obama Campaign Gets Biden Back in Line Over Ads

After Biden called one of his own team’s ads ‘terrible,’ the Obama camp was left scrambling for excuses.

Posted 09/17/08 in Daily Intel

Ad Wars

Obama and McCain Vie for Your Confidence With New Ads

One of these men will solve all our problems — but which one?

Posted 09/15/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Obama Toughens As McCain Is Exposed. Just Mind the Blowback.

Could complaints about McCain's dishonesty end up hurting Obama more than McCain's dishonesty hurts McCain? Our head hurts just thinking about it.

Posted 09/12/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

The AP Calls McCain a Lying Liar From Liartown

Has the media finally figured out how to fight back against GOP attacks? The subtle introduction of a new dishonesty meme?

Posted 09/10/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Keating: McCain Now Openly Indulging in (Political) Pornography

With his latest ad, falsely accusing Barack Obama of wanting to teach kindergartners about sex before they learn to read, John McCain’s 2008 campaign has become political pornography.

Posted 09/10/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

McCain: Obama Favors Ending Sexual Innocence of Kindergartners

Added to a string of other recent distortions by the McCain campaign, and the dawning realization that we will almost certainly never talk about a real issue again, some in the political commentariat can barely maintain their composure.

Posted 09/09/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Ironically, ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ Taking Campaigns to Exciting New Places

McCain has touted Palin’s bridge-killing heroism on the stump, but Obama is fighting back.

Posted 08/21/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Team Obama Hit the Ground Running With McCain ÔHousesÕ Gaffe

Team Obama Hit the Ground Running With McCain ‘Houses’ Gaffe

When McCain slipped up and couldn’t remember how many houses he owns (four to seven, actually), the Democratic nominee and his minions immediately began using it to their advantage.

Posted 08/12/08 in The Cut

Run Through

Who Will Save the Tiny Women Stuck in WonderbraÕs Mosaic Cleavage?

Who Will Save the Tiny Women Stuck in Wonderbra’s Mosaic Cleavage?

The bra company's latest ad has more boobs than you can count. We tried.

Posted 08/07/08 in Grub Street


Chickpea Unveils a Logo We Can Really Get Behind

Chickpea Unveils a Logo We Can Really Get Behind

It’s cool and all, butt…

Posted 08/06/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Paris Hilton Wins Political Ad Battle

Paris Hilton Wins Political Ad Battle

Paris Hilton's response to John McCain's "Celeb" ad hits him right where it hurts — the jowls.