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CIO and LinkedIn Connect

CIO and LinkedIn partner to deliver new site features which help you expand and develop your network of IT professionals. Learn More »

Next Generation Enterprise Applications
Considerations for Server Management
Key Metrics to Determine ROI
CIO Executive Programs
The Leader in Face-to-Face Education for Senior Executives

Offering regional and national programs, CIO (and CSO) events bring together some of the most respected names and thought leaders in information technology and security. Presented by CIOs and other senior level executives, these invitation-only programs offer timely topics and strong networking. Learn More »

CIO Executive Council
A Peer-Advisory Service and Professional Association for CIOs

Turn Geeks into Leaders

June 17, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM U.S./ET (GMT-4)

Larry Bonfante, CIO of the U.S. Tennis Association, will discuss the skills and approaches that your rising IT leaders must learn to be effective in an executive capacity.

How to Handle Your New CEO: Managing Turnover at the Top

June 18, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM U.S./Eastern (GMT-4)

Turbulent times have increased turnover at the top. Find out what Council CIOs have done to "break in" new CEOs—build relationships, set expectations, educate on the role of IT.

Mid-Market CIO Panel: Tips and Techniques for Improving Vendor Relationships

July 15, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM U.S./Eastern (GMT-4)

We'll highlight relationship priorities and best practices identified in a Council study, and we'll interact with a CIO panel on the approaches they've used to improve strategic vendor partnerships.

Executive Competencies Assessment Tool

Assess Your Business Leadership Skills with the Council's new benchmarking tool. Rate yourself in change leadership, strategy, customer focus and more.

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New on CIO: IT Drilldown, Cloud Computing. Get timely news and analysis, plus expert advice on cloud computing issues. This hype-free guide keeps you up to speed on everything from getting the most from SaaS apps to moving more of your physical infrastructure out of your data center. Check out our blogs for a reality check on what you can and can't do with the cloud now.

Special Report

The Keys to Vendor Management

From the basics to negotiation to ROI and SLAs, we've got you covered.
Special Report

Telecommuting Resource Guide

Tips on the business aspects of telecommuting, remote workers and flextime.

Quick Intros to Technology Topics

Refreshers on ERP, open source and other essential subjects.
Special Report

The BlackBerry Bible

From shortcuts, tips and tricks, to free software downloads, use our expert guide to help you master your smartphone.
Organizations seeking solutions that provide high-performance access while addressing secur...
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Considering an IP PBX or VoIP phone system? Download the VoIP News Buyer's Guide to help you make an i...
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Compare leading VoIP Phone System and IP PBX companies like Avaya, Fonality, Nortel, Siemens and mo...
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Data center transformation enables your IT organization t...
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CIOs today are challenged to respond to economic and business pressures, to change from bei...
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IDC expects that for the next several years, there will be consid...
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Recent research among CIOs and IT leaders reveals that, with communications as the foundation, business p...
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Data breach rates are high—and rising. Read this comprehensive e-book...
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One of your users clicks on a link in an email from Facebook, thinking it's from a ...
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IT Drilldowns

New sections dedicated to IT's toughest challenges.


An Introduction to VOIP

What exactly is VOIP? Do you need it? How do you go about getting it?

Special Reports

The Future of IT Leadership

IT faces a leadership gap as the first generation of CIOs retires. Where will the next generation of leaders come from? Also: The 2008 Ones to Watch awards, which honors future IT leaders.


Preparing for the Next Cyber Attack

Ensure you are up-to-speed on the latest security technologies available to keep your network safe in this Executive Guide. Get a thorough assessment of the corporate security threat landscape. Protect your network with data leakage protection, NAC and other technologies explained in this report.

Sponsored by Qwest  Read this Executive Guide »


Cloud Building: 8 Ingredients for Internal Clouds

Cloud computing: a fundamentally new way to deploy IT services and functions cost-effectively and quickly. Learn how the VMware vCloud initiative dramatically improves how consumers access their information and experience applications as well as the 8 ingredients to get you going.

Sponsored by VMWare  Read this White Paper »


Data Storage: How to Get Out from Under the Mountain of Useless Data

Why would you pay to store and maintain something you didn't need? Yet a new IDG research report says the majority of organizations are doing just that with inactive data. Click here to read how Iron Mountain's Virtual File Store service can reduce data storage needs by 50 percent or more, freeing up IT resources for bottom line savings and profit.

Sponsored by Iron Mountain  Read this White Paper »

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Resource Alerts

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Slash up to 30% From your Mainframe Storage Costs

Virtual tape can save companies up to 30% on mainframe tape costs, while mitigating risks and dramatically improving recovery time. Learn more from this webcast...  View Now »


Cost Savings and Risk Reduction with Effective Systems Management

Join us and see how Novell can help you respond to today's economic challenges by increasing productivity, reducing costs and aligning IT initiatives with overall business goals.  View Now »


Dynamic Infrastructure Worldwide Virtual Forum

Hear from leading experts on today's IT challenges.  View Now »

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Many organizations are using Web applications to extend data beyond the enterprise for quick online transactions, brand enhancement, and real-time information. Unfortunately, Web application threats are becoming more sophisticated and abundant. Securing your enterprise requires a holistic approach.
Read this white paper »

Forecast: Cloud Computing Looms Big on the Horizon

Download a free copy of this CIO Executive Guide for strategic decision making compliments of VMWare.

Read more now »

Sponsor: vmware

CIO.com updates, insights and advice on technology, management and your career.


Five minute business analytics assessment. Immediate results.

Increased security & better performance. It's everything you want from a business-ready browser.

Reduce risk, gain agility. See how Progress can help your business.

Dangerous Collaboration Practices: 5 Ways IT Can Minimize Risk

Accenture: Outsourcing for uncertain times. Click to learn more.

Top Five CIO Challenges

Hitachi IT Operations Analyzer—30-day free trial

Keep online transactions fast with CA Wily APM

Get Google Enterprise Search for your business information.

Trade in your old laser printer and get up to $1000 back!

64-page prescriptive guide to security, compliance, and IT operations

Live Webinar: Applying Business Analytics. Click here to learn more

Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Read Case Studies, Watch Demos, & Download for Free

Data Loss Prevention: A Better Way to Approach Security

Learn how to managing client systems in the enterprise.

Build a High-Performance Open Web Platform

Mid-Sized Company CIO Community: infoBOOM!

Enterprise PBX Comparison Guide

Getting Value from Outdated Networking Equipment

Losing Ground: 2009 TMT Global Security Survey

Stop Application Fraud at the Source with Device Reputation

Learn about the VMware vSphere (TM) & Intel (R) Xeon (R) Processor 5500 Series

Learn how a virtualized enterprise can help your company reduce costs

Why Isn't Server Virtualization Saving Us More?

Learn how to save 30% through project & portfolio management.

infoBOOM! - The Mid-Sized Company CIO's Exclusive Community

Upgrade To Internet Explorer 8

Top-line performance. Bottom-line efficiency. Six-Core AMD Opteron

Accenture IT Consulting: Logical meets technological. More . . .

The Fraudster Economy Model: Operating a Business in the Underground

Game-Changing Integration Strategy-Research shows significant opportunity

Get agile IT security with CA Security Management

Payback in 9 months with CA Spectrum solutions

The Case for Investing in Business Analytics Technology. Read white paper.

Think your data is safe? Register for a free assessment. Or get our ebook now.

Demand more network value--41% more. Read Forrester study at juniper.net/save

Collaborate more and travel less with Cisco Telepresence from Insight

Spend less. Get hosted UC. Get cash back. It's easy under a Cypress

Communications and Collaboration Needs at Business Organizations

Using Open Source to Deploy Web Applications

Cloud Computing: Read about VMware's compelling vision & set of products

Enterprise PBX Buyer's Guide

Secondary Market Primer: Your Network at Half Price

How Interactive Viewer Reduces the Effort to Meet Visualization Requirements

Top-line Performance that's Bottom-line Efficient

White Paper: 8 Key Ingredients to Building an Internal Cloud

Read about virtualization and consolidation effort best practices

Building the Virtualized Enterprise with VMware Infrastructure

The Global Marketplace Today: Strategies for Tough Times

Top 10 Business and IT Drivers for the Wealth Management Sector