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R.I.P. Michael Jackson, I will pretty much be listening to Thriller throughout the weekend.
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Friday, June 26th, 2009
Working Title Movies
We'd tell you the working title of Sporcle.com but you'd never believe it.
Michael Jackson Albums
Michael Jackson: August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009.
Undertaker Opponents
The Deadman is 17-0 at WrestleMania, here is a list of men who would love another crack at him.
French Cities
Liberté, égalité, fraternité, Sporclé!
The Brown Quiz
Contrary to what you learned in art class, mixing the red quiz, green quiz and blue quiz together will not make a brown quiz, it will just make you really, really confused.
Thursday, June 25th, 2009
NBA Colleges
With the draft in the news, here is a list of colleges to consider if you want to make it to the NBA...oh and receive a quality education.
6 Trigonometric functions
Happy Thursday, here's a little Trigonometry to kick-start your day.
Top Rated US TV Shows
When will we learn? The answer to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle, they're on TV!
About Eric Clapton
Clapton is the only person to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame three times, now that we have you started, what else do you know about him?
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
Sports Terms
In an effort to prepare you for a career in sports commentary, we offer this primer in sports terminology.
I'm A Believer
Composed by Neil Diamond, recorded by the The Monkees, then redone by Smashmouth, and now (most likely) sung by you the rest of the day.
Adages II
It's like my mom always says, if at first you don't succeed, Sporcle Sporcle again.
City by Parks
Many of these cities are more parking lot than park, but still we should be grateful for the pieces of green hidden in the city.
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009
Ohio Cities
Believe it or not, they don't all start with "C".
Most Twitter Followers
If Sporcle can just get 838,000 more followers, we'll make the top 25!
Most Oscars Movies
No matter how many times you type it, Battlefield Earth will not appear on this quiz.
Name that (Cancelled) Show
While it could be argued that most shows are eventually cancelled, here are a few that were gone before their time...and some that weren't.
Monday, June 22nd, 2009
Famous Michaels
Our apologies to the famous Mikes, Micks, Mikeys, Mickeys, and Mischkas - this quiz is only for Mich(a)els.
College World Series
Every June, the CWS reminds us why we love the game, of course, soon the MLB All Star Game will make us forget.
Name the Toy
Since Hollywood has recently taken to reliving their childhood, it only seemed appropriate for Sporcle to do the same.
Hercules' Twelve Labours
Next time you think your boss is asking too much of you, just remember these Herculean tasks
Sunday, June 21st, 2009
This quiz is for all the dads out there who drive like they were in NASCAR on the way to taking their kids to school.
Who's Your Daddy
Happy Fathers Day to all from Sporcle.
Shortest U.S. Presidencies
Most presidential campaigns last longer than the presidencies on this list.
Saturday, June 20th, 2009
NFL Defensive POTY
Before going on Dancing with the Stars, it helps to win the NFL Defensive Player of the Year.
VH1's 100 Songs (Hip Hop)
At first, we attempted to come up with some hard core rap to intro this quiz, but then we realized we didn't have the skillz.
Jennifer Aniston Movies
We were going to do a quiz on Jennifer Aniston ex-boyfriends, but thought that a movie quiz was a little less tabloid.
Friday, June 19th, 2009
The Super Game
We hope you find this quiz more superb than superfluous.
This list is like Stars on Ice, but with a stick, a helmet...and less teeth.
World Internet Usage
Someday we hope that these numbers will just equal Sporcle users.
Fictional Servants
Pretty much all the hired help around my house is fictional...which is why it is so messy.
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