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Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols's picture

Driving the Linux drivers

There's little hardware left that Linux doesn't run, but Novell's Greg Kroah-Hartman is making sure that what doesn't run with Linux now soon will be running with Linux.

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Michael Horowitz's picture
Michael Horowitz

Defensive Computing

About the Lenovo ThinkPad USB Secure Hard Drive

If you travel with sensitive files, Lenovo's ThinkPad USB Secure Hard Drive strikes me as an excellent approach to security. There are many secure external hard drives, but I particularly like the approach taken by this one.

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Telcos get immunity from NSA lawsuits

In today's podcast: Telcos get immunity from NSA lawsuits; BenQ plans an Android netbook; and Verizon launches Caas.

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Sharky's picture

Shark Tank

It happens every January

A big pharmaceutical company installs a new payroll system and rolls it out in January. But on payday, there's a call from the CEO -- who says his paycheck is wrong.

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Douglas Schweitzer's picture
Douglas Schweitzer

The Security Sector

Are you ready for airport body scans?

I haven’t flown since last year, but I’m still intrigued by the prospect of getting a free body scan with a paid plane fare. Chris Strohm’s “House to consider ban on airport body scans” (which I read at govexec.com), quotes a TSA spokesman who says that 99.6 percent of passengers chose to have the body scan over other screening options. I’m pretty sure I’d rather have a scan too, even though “It basically looks at your body naked,” according to Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).

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IT Blogwatch's picture
IT Blogwatch

A Daily Digest of IT Blogs from Richi Jennings

Palm Pre vs iPhone ... FIGHT!

Palm Pre vs. iPhone — FIGHT!The bout is about to begin: Palm Pre vs iPhone. In IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Apple's iPhone and Palm's Pre pre-pare to slug it out for the title of best smartphone. Not to mention texting the ten commandments...

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Lisa Hoover's picture
Lisa Hoover

The Evolving Web

Stalk your favorite celebs on iGoogle Showcase

Here's an idea I want to like, but that I can see going downhill in a hurry. Celebrity iGoogle homepages. It's an intriguing concept but since the definition of "celebrity" is such a moving target, I'm afraid we'll see less Sir Anthony Hopkins and more Octo-mom.

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Mark Everett Hall's picture
Mark Everett Hall

Sanity as a Service

Still stumping search engines

With two recent entries into the field of online search, you'd think finding answers to queries would have improved. It hasn't.

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Around the World's picture
Around the World

The best blogs from IDG

Microsoft tries to force you to use bing

By Brennon Slattery, PC World

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Lucas Mearian's picture
Lucas Mearian

To Tell the Truth

California court backs EMC: Former exec can't oversee HP's storage ops

A California judge ruled today that former EMC top executive David Donatelli cannot oversee storage operations at HP due to a noncompete clause with his former employer.

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Seth Weintraub's picture

Apple WWDC 2009 Keynote liveblog

Be here on Monday, June 8, at 1 PM Eastern for my liveblog of the Apple WWDC keynote.

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Seth H. Weintraub's picture

Is Google Wave the spork of the Internet?

Google did it again today, overshadowing Microsoft's Bing search engine offering with what be their most ambitious project yet. Google Wave is described as what email would be like if it were invented right now.

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Robert L. Mitchell's picture

Ooma's Trojan Horse strategy for the home

Ooma wants to be at the root of your home network. Here's why.

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Preston Gralla's picture
Preston Gralla

Seeing Through Windows

Chrome 2.0: Google's biggest yawn

Google's upgrade of Chrome to 2.0 is exceedingly underwhelming --- there's so little new that if you blinked you'd miss the changes. It's baffling that a company that keeps fully featured software like Gmail in beta for years has jumped to 2.0 for a browser with so little to offer.

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Douglas Haider's picture
Douglas Haider

Cautiously Cutting the Cord

INTEROP Day 4 Recap

Unfortunately, this year's INTEROP Las Vegas show has come to an end.  I have identified two major themes among the wireless & mobile vendors at the show. 

First, is the continuing trend toward deploying 802.11n products.  All the major access point manufacturers are now shipping 802.11n capable devices.

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