Microsoft hiring Halo artist for "new experience"

Microsoft Game Studios is actively seeking designers for their next Halo project.

According to a Gamasutra job posting it appears Microsoft is pursuing art talent to take part in a new Halo title. The job posting describes the person they're looking for as a Character Lead, who would "contribute to a new experience in the Halo universe." The Character lead for this unknown project will also play a "significant role in establishing and maintaining the vision for both new and redefined characters. The ideal candidate will be able to work collaboratively with Design, Dev, and Animation to help bring our story alive and push the medium forward."

Though this project may be a ways off (who knows, it may end up on the next Xbox), there's every reason for Halophiles to get excited for another title in the series... or could it be another spinoff? We'll have to wait and see.

[Via Gamasutra]

Comments [20]

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IZodd wrote:


Idiot. Anyways, I can't wait to see how the new game turns out, or if it will even be for the 360, or future hardware.


Buyer beware, unless they can steal some bioshock resistance gears of war call of duty 4 and orange box developers then this will be a tall order indeed.


Buyer beware, unless they can steal some bioshock resistance gears of war call of duty 4 and orange box developers then this will be a tall order indeed.


H3: ODST Is going to be such a boost in the Halo Franchise. Anyway, if Microsoft is just now hiring designers for the next big Halo game. It's probably being schedualed for release on the next Xbox. A Halo launch title for the 720. That would be awesome.


Why does everybody think the next Xbox, if there even will be an new Xbox, will be called the 720??? I mean that makes absolutely ZERO sense. The 360 comes from it integrating everything in one console (Games, Music, Online Play, Xbox Live arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows, and movie rentals, DVD player, Hi Def game support, Windows Media Center capabilities). It encompasses everything and anything you couldn't imagine 15 years ago in a "gaming machine". So calling the next one the Xbox 720 would not make any sense at all, besides who doubles the number on a sequel???? And I am not taking anything away from the PS3 which does most if not all of that, I am just making a point on where the 360 came from so flamers stay away. They won't call the next PlayStation the PS6, it would more then likely be the PS4, that is all I am trying to get across here.


mkonez wrote:

Why does everybody think the next Xbox, if there even will be an new Xbox, will be called the 720??? I mean that makes absolutely ZERO sense. The 360 comes from it integrating everything in one console (Games, Music, Online Play, Xbox Live arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows, and movie rentals, DVD player, Hi Def game support, Windows Media Center capabilities). It encompasses everything and anything you couldn't imagine 15 years ago in a "gaming machine". So calling the next one the Xbox 720 would not make any sense at all, besides who doubles the number on a sequel???? And I am not taking anything away from the PS3 which does most if not all of that, I am just making a point on where the 360 came from so flamers stay away. They won't call the next PlayStation the PS6, it would more then likely be the PS4, that is all I am trying to get across here.

Okay. Point A, I think you're making way too much of the name of a system that may or may not be coming out at some point in the future (or past, if you're one of those jerks who travels back in time to mess with the past. Why so serious, as the great warrior-poet once said?
Point B, what else are you going to call it? The Xbox 361? I don't think so.


mmmm idk the 362 maybe? lol.catchy matter what they call it the point is,the next system seller for ms is in the works.whether it makes you happy, or puts your panties in a bunch its a reality.get used to it halo isnt goin anywhere and the launch im sure will be huge fanboys,prepare your tissues.


mrhammer wrote:

mkonez wrote:

Why does everybody think the next Xbox, if there even will be an new Xbox, will be called the 720??? I mean that makes absolutely ZERO sense. The 360 comes from it integrating everything in one console (Games, Music, Online Play, Xbox Live arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows, and movie rentals, DVD player, Hi Def game support, Windows Media Center capabilities). It encompasses everything and anything you couldn't imagine 15 years ago in a "gaming machine". So calling the next one the Xbox 720 would not make any sense at all, besides who doubles the number on a sequel???? And I am not taking anything away from the PS3 which does most if not all of that, I am just making a point on where the 360 came from so flamers stay away. They won't call the next PlayStation the PS6, it would more then likely be the PS4, that is all I am trying to get across here.
Okay. Point A, I think you're making way too much of the name of a system that may or may not be coming out at some point in the future (or past, if you're one of those jerks who travels back in time to mess with the past. Why so serious, as the great warrior-poet once said?
Point B, what else are you going to call it? The Xbox 361? I don't think so.

I think you just made one of my points in that why call it anything, I am just saying calling it the 720 makes no sense. And we have no idea if or when it will be out. I was just annoyed by other stuff and the choice was post that or put my fist threw my wall. I think I made the right choice...

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