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Shark Bait is the place to post your experiences on all things IT -- the good, the bad, and the downright crazy stuff that you have to deal with every day. You can post without registering, but why do that? Register and earn points worth Think Geek gift certificates. Register now!

Sometimes, they just don't listen...

Submitted by: goodkat – Wed, 04/22/2009 – 12:57

I have a manager that requested network accounts for two of his sales guys.

Not really a problem, except these two guys are really old-school, and they have had network accounts set up for them multiple times in the past. Every time, they stop logging in to their computers, and 90 days later, their accounts are deleted due to inactivity.

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People who shold never have been hired in IT

Submitted by: Anonymous – Wed, 04/22/2009 – 09:13

We have out regular meeting. In this meeting a a person who was hired a few years ago and clearly has no clue!

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Desktops on desk tops

Submitted by: Juptile – Wed, 04/22/2009 – 01:11

I'm amazed by the number of users in my workplace who seem to resent the desktop PC being on the top of their desk, instead of by their feet.

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Kiss of Death

Submitted by: boneman – Wed, 04/22/2009 – 01:11

A project I was co-leader on was nominated for a prestigious award within the company, and won while still considered to be in the acceptance phase. Shortly thereafter, the sponsors were lost during a managerial shakeup, and my co-workers on the project jumped ship.

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You can't have it both ways

Submitted by: rbstorms – Tue, 04/21/2009 – 23:10

One evening my co-worker received a call from an upset customer with a system requiring repair, demanding to speak to a manager. At the time, we were operating in management-free mode... all the managers had gone home for the evening. I told her to ask the customer, "Do they want help, or do they want management?"

Captcha = SARS Hope it's not contagious

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When you figure out what you want, give me a call...

Submitted by: CougarMutt – Tue, 04/21/2009 – 16:04

I recently (Jan9) became a member of the Unemployed. So, I interviewed at a LOT of locations, in and out of state. So flying 2 hours to an interview seemed appropriate. Company A gave me 2 telephone interviews before requesting that I come to them for an in person, their expense, so i agreed. The interview on-site went perfect. I talked to 6 or 7 people in just over 4 and a hlf hours.

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Weird E-Mail

Submitted by: Anonymous – Tue, 04/21/2009 – 14:38

Has anyone had this happen?

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Wait, you do WHAT?

Submitted by: invader – Mon, 04/20/2009 – 17:53

We have an admin assistant who is, well, "fries & drink short of a happy meal" so to say. The helpdesk started getting emails from her about "porn emails" in her mailbox.

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How easy is too easy?

Submitted by: invader – Fri, 04/17/2009 – 15:51

As part of our hardware life cycle management, all of our satellite offices needed new computers. To make things easier on our users, we pre-configured the "all users" profile with desktop icons to the most common things they would need.

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You're in good hands

Submitted by: invader – Fri, 04/17/2009 – 15:13

The CIO at my company signed up for a webcast, booked a conference room with projector and invited several department heads, including the head of IT, to watch it.

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