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Posted 4/22/09 at 6:27 PM


The Bush Administration Torture Memos: Now With Music!

We're actually surprised it took this long before some enterprising musician made a song out of the recently released Bush administration torture memos. But we appreciate this twee pop version, performed in utter seriousness, from folk-rock artist Jonathan Mann. The words helpfully scrolling along the bottom are a necessary flourish that really ties the whole thing together. Even though we knew a musical version of the memos would eventually come about, we really imagined a dance remix. You know, with guitar slaps and thunder sound effects, with RuPaul sing-reading phrases like "suffering as a distinct concept" and "the abdominal slap" over a Junior Vasquez beat. Yeah. Can someone make that version, too? We feel like that would really get Dick Cheney's goat.

Posted 4/22/09 at 6:15 PM

Terrorists of the Sky

Despite FAA?s Best Efforts, Bird-Strike Data to Be Made Public
Despite FAA’s Best Efforts, Bird-Strike Data to Be Made Public

Transportation secretary Roy LaHood has virtuously swatted down a proposal by secret bird allies in the Federal Aviation Administration to keep secret the rising statistics on so-called "bird strikes." "To keep this information secret when most every other accident type is reported made no sense at all. Secretary LaHood is making the right call," senator Chuck Schumer said, obviously thinking quietly, "And when I find out who these human/bird double agents in the FAA are, I'm siccing Andrew Cuomo on them." [WSJ]

Posted 4/22/09 at 6:00 PM

The Joys of Parenting

Chris Buckley Talked About His Parents Again

This weekend, The New York Times Magazine will print an excerpt from Chris Buckley's much-hyped memoir about his parents, Losing Mum and Pup. It goes through the cycles to which we've now become familiar: "Here's an example of how my parents behaved badly toward me, and here's the part where I say I forgive them," and reveals a little bit of what we didn't already know. (For example, that William F. Buckley carefully moderated his physical chemistry in his later years using sleeping pills, caffeine, and Ritalin. He would have been a great blogger.) There are also many touching moments:

"Even when Pup was despairing of her behavior — as he did only occasionally — and sought refuge on the lecture circuit or wherever, he would call her every night, trying reconciliation with, “Hi, Duck.” “Duck” was the formal, vous version of “Ducky,” their term of affection for each other. If a transcript existed of their 57-year-long marriage and you did a computer quick-find search of “Ducky,” you’d find 1,794,326 matches."

But what's become clear is that the book, for all its hype-oriented excerpts, is really much more akin to Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking than to any of Chris Buckley's own biting and wry prose. And the best evidence that it will do well is that each time one of these damn segments comes out, even if they're all a repeat, we just keep reading them.

Growing Up Buckley [NYT]

Vodka from the wild, wild East

In a world filled with gold diggers, hustlers and pretenders, Stolichnaya is that rare thing that remains uncompromised. So when you're headed to your Tribeca Film Festival after-party, be sure to order the official drink, the Red Carpet, made with Stoli Raz and cranberry juice.

Stolichnaya. The Official Sponsor of the Tribeca Film Festival.

Click Here

Posted 4/22/09 at 5:30 PM

Media Deathwatch

In Media, Nothing You Do Will Ever Be Enough

Today taught us that whether you've launched your own successful social-networking site or taken a bullet for your company, you will never be good enough to hang on to your own job. And also, more layoffs.

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Posted 4/22/09 at 4:40 PM

Ink-Stained Wretches

Observer Editor Peter Kaplan Quits After Fifteen Years

Peter Kaplan joined the staff of the New York Observer in 1994, and since then his wry and awestruck tone has characterized the headlines, gags, and insights that fill the salmon paper's pages. In an address to the staff today, Kaplan said he has felt lucky to have worked there for so long. “I had a little newspaper in New York City! You can’t beat that. No matter who you are,” he mused. “That’s as good as it gets. It’s better to have a little newspaper in New York City than a big newspaper in New York City. Because then you only have to report and write for the people you care about. And nobody else.”

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Posted 4/22/09 at 4:00 PM

Party Lines

Alan Cumming Supports Paterson’s Marriage-Equality Timeline

Count gay activist Alan Cumming on Team Paterson: The actor believes that now is the right time for the governor's controversial gay-marriage bill. "I don't think Paterson's rushing it at all," he told us at last night's Life Ball Preview Party. "He's been trying to get this through for many, many years. It's horrifying that we're in the midst of a civil-rights struggle," Cumming explained. "It's 2009! But things are definitely changing, and that's why I think this is the time to pass the bill. The fact that New York is following Iowa seems kind of crazy." Of course, if the bill fails, Cumming admits, "it would be a real blight on New York." But the performer, who is attending the Empire State Pride Agenda's "Equality and Justice Day" in Albany next week, isn't suspicious of Paterson's motives: "He's not doing it for political reasons. Like, when did gay marriage become something that could make you popular, for fuck's sake? That's just, like, being a little nippy, people being bitches." The perennial pixie showed considerably less support for another politician; when we mentioned that Giuliani has been threatening to use his opposition to same-sex marriage as a political tool, Cumming said: "Because his political career is going so well? I'm sure he's on the money with that one. I think he's an asshole. Please quote me on that."


Posted 4/22/09 at 3:20 PM

21 Questions

Theresa Rebeck Lusts After the Mythical Turkish Martini

Name: Theresa Rebeck
Occupation: Writer: She wrote the critically acclaimed play Mauritius and the upcoming Our House at Playwrights Horizons. Her novel, Three Girls and Their Brother had its paperback release yesterday.
Neighborhood: Park Slope

Who's your favorite New Yorker, living or dead, real or fictional?
My favorite New Yorker would have to be Marion Seldes. She is so glamorous, and whenever I see her at openings, she puts her hands on my face and calls me "darling." I had the opportunity to work with her eight years ago when she was in one of my plays at Playwrights Horizons, and every aspect of that experience was and remains a wonder. She embodies, for me, the best of the city in its character and its history — she is so elegant and warmhearted, and nobody tells better stories. Her uncle was the great journalist George Seldes, who is one of my personal heroes.

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Posted 4/22/09 at 2:31 PM

Ink-Stained Wretches

Times CEO Rewarded for a Great Year

New York Times Company president and CEO Janet Robinson.

New York Times Company president and CEO Janet Robinson.

The Times has done plenty of reporting these past few months on the compensation of executives at failing Wall Street corporations, but a similar story is unfolding inside its very own easily climbable building. The New York Times Company reported a quarterly loss of $74 million yesterday, and yet its president and CEO, Janet L. Robinson, saw her yearly compensation package bumped up over $1 million from 2007, to a total of $5.58 million, recent SEC filings show. Some reporters at the Times are understandably irked, considering they've all been asked to take a 5 percent pay cut. One reporter at the Times-owned Boston Globe — which is facing a complete shutdown unless it comes up with $20 million in savings — expressed his amazement "at the depth and breadth of the hypocrisy here." Sounds like a perfect topic for a Times editorial.

Bonuses To New York Times Execs Under Fire [HuffPo]

Posted 4/22/09 at 2:10 PM


Completely Adorable, Snuggly Wuggly, Deadly Wild Animal Arrives at Bronx Zoo

OH NO. Look at that face! Look at that little face! Everybody, this is Moxie. He's a five-month-old baby lion who is making his debut at the Bronx Zoo. He's the first cub to be born at the zoo in 31 years, and he's sure to give us something to smile about in these hard times. He'll end up weighing 350 pounds, but he was born weighing only three. His parents, M’wasi and Sukari, brought together by the Wildlife Conservation Society, are very proud. And so are we! He's just a big boy! Who's a big boy? Who loves us! Who gives us love and kisses!

Now, just don't eat us.

One more excruciatingly adorable photo after the jump. »

Posted 4/22/09 at 1:40 PM

Secretary of Awesome

Hillary Joins the Fray

While testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee earlier today, Hillary Clinton was asked by Republican Dana Rohrabacher whether she supported Dick Cheney's push to release more torture memos. Clinton decided to dodge the question and take a swipe at Cheney instead. "It won't surprise you that I don’t consider him a particularly reliable source of information," she said to scattered laughter. Rohrabacher became slightly irritated and wagged his pencil at Clinton — but it was totally worth it. Update: Now with video!

Vodka from the wild, wild East

In a world filled with gold diggers, hustlers and pretenders, Stolichnaya is that rare thing that remains uncompromised. So when you're headed to your Tribeca Film Festival after-party, be sure to order the official drink, the Red Carpet, made with Stoli Raz and cranberry juice.

Stolichnaya. The Official Sponsor of the Tribeca Film Festival.

Click Here

Posted 4/22/09 at 1:20 PM

The Most Important People in the World

Michael Phelps and Miss California Had a Thing

Michael Phelps and Miss California Had a Thing

Photo: Getty Images

We've been doing our best to ignore the gurgling conflict between blogger Perez Hilton and Miss America runner-up Carrie Prejean, for four reasons: 1) Prejean is allowed to believe that religious marriage is between a man and a woman, 2) Miss America USA contestants are allowed to be dim enough to not realize there are differences between that and civil marriage, and even so, her answer sort of indicated that she understood there are and appreciates that Americans have the right to choose, 3) no one makes policy decisions based on what those girls say, and 4) Perez is perfectly within his rights to get mad at Prejean for telling him to his face that she believes that his inherent way of life is unnatural. It's a non-story — or it was, until today, when we learned some very upsetting news. Miss California has in the past dated, and may still be dating, Olympic hero Michael Phelps.

Oh, HELL no. We will cut that nylon sash right off your rayon-stretch sequined Spanx dress. »

Posted 4/22/09 at 12:45 PM


The Real Housewives Go Meta

The Real Housewives Go Meta

Photo: Bravotv.com

Feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey would have had a field day with last night's episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. Each star felt the self-consciousness of a new gaze, beyond just the one afforded by the Bravo TV cameras — and the way they reacted told us something about each of them: In front of paparazzi on the red carpet, Alex and Simon mugged and poked fun at themselves. In the same situation, Jill costumed herself simultaneously deeply and sexily, and yet clung to her anonymous husband as if afraid to let go. Bethenny reacted with simultaneous disbelief and titillation at seeing a computer version of herself that (gasp) actually looked like her. Who knew she could be so easily reproduced? And Kelly was so at home posing sexily vacantly in front of the camera, it was almost as though there was absolutely nothing going on underneath. And Ramona, who allegedly isn't intimidated in front of the most powerful businessmen or famous people in the world, was completely undone by the mocking stare of the smaller, wiser version of herself: Avery.

But enough of all that. Who won?? »

Posted 4/22/09 at 12:30 PM

The Bush Years

Bush Administration Wanted Iraq?Al Qaeda Connection, One Way or the Other
Bush Administration Wanted Iraq–Al Qaeda Connection, One Way or the Other

McClatchy reports that extreme interrogation techniques, like endless waterboarding sessions, were used against detainees in 2002 and 2003 partly because Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were frustrated that interrogators weren't finding any links between Iraq and Al Qaeda, despite them really wanting one. Needless to say, no substantial links have ever been uncovered. [McClatchy]

Posted 4/22/09 at 12:16 PM

The Sports Section

Clemens — and the Yankees — Now Haunted by New Book

Now that Roger Clemens is one of the most reviled people in sports and the subject of a new book, American Icon (an excerpt of which was just released to the Daily News and Sports Illustrated), detailing his steroid abuse, it’s important to remember that when Clemens signed his one-year, prorated $28 million Yankees contract two years ago, he was greeted as a savior. The team was off to a wretched start, and rotation "phenom" Phil Hughes was hurt. Clemens made a “surprise” visit to Yankee Stadium during a game, whereupon he made an epic announcement over the intercom between innings: “Thank y’all! Well, they came and got me out of Texas, and I can tell you it’s a privilege to be back. I’ll be talking to y’all soon!”

Hello, Brian McNamee. »

Posted 4/22/09 at 12:00 PM

Ink-Stained Wretches

Maureen Dowd Kind of a Jerk to Twitter Guys
Maureen Dowd Kind of a Jerk to Twitter Guys

The sassy Times columnist recently visited Twitter headquarters to talk with founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams, an interview she mostly spends complaining about the Internet phenomenon and how useless it is. At one point, she tells Stone, "I would rather be tied up to stakes in the Kalahari Desert, have honey poured over me and red ants eat out my eyes than open a Twitter account." Jeez, this is the man's life we're talking about here. And you're a guest in his office. All Twitter opinions aside, that's just poor manners. [NYT]

Posted 4/22/09 at 11:43 AM

Ink-Stained Wretches

Annals of Law: New Guinea Tribe Sues New Yorker

Have you ever searched for New Guinea tribesmen pics? Fascinating stuff.

Have you ever searched for New
Guinea tribesmen pics? Fascinating stuff.

In April of 2008, Jared Diamond (Pulitzer-winning author of Guns, Germs, and Steel) published an article in The New Yorker that detailed the decades-long feuds and vengeance killings among the clans of the New Guinea highlands. He focused in particular on Handa clan member Daniel Wemp, a violent warrior whose drive to avenge his uncle's death "touched off six years of warfare leading to the slaughter of 47 people and the theft of 300 pigs."

But now Wemp is suing the magazine's publisher, Advance Publications (parent company of Condé Nast), for $10 million, claiming that Diamond's account falsely accused Wemp and a fellow tribesman of "serious criminal activity" and "murder." Sounds damaging — except Wemp previously claimed Diamond's account was true. Huh?

It's kind of a he-said/he-said thing, where one "he" is a MacArthur Genius. »

Posted 4/22/09 at 11:28 AM

Drama on the High Seas

Nobody Knows How Old This Pirate Is

Recently dispirited pirate Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse sat in a Manhattan federal court yesterday as everyone tried to figure out how old he really is. Since Somalia has basically no government, and warlords are not known for their record-keeping skills, the investigation hinged mostly on dubious speculation.

• Muse's father testified over the phone from Somalia that his son was born on November 20, 1993, which would make him 15. But he didn't really know the birth dates of his other sons, so the judge decided he was full of it.

• According to prosecutors, Muse told interrogators that he was 15, 19, and 26. But then he apologized for lying and admitted he was "between 18 and 19."

• Muse's mother claims he's 16.

• Muse's defense lawyers ostensibly believe that he's 15.

Ultimately, Judge Peck agreed with prosecutors and decided that Muse was 18, although we have no idea how he settled on that conclusion. Now his lawyers have moved on to mount a defense of Muse as a victim. Of course, one consequence of trying Muse as an adult is that the pirate-mad media will be allowed to watch, putting Peck's unparalleled command of the law on display for the world. Not that he would ever infringe on a pirate's legal rights in an effort to become the next Lance Ito. Never!

Pirate Suspect Charged as Adult in New York [NYT]

Posted 4/22/09 at 11:05 AM

What Other People Think

What Does Obama’s Intelligence Director Think of ‘Torture’?

In yet another bombshell torture story, the Times reports today that President Obama's director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis Blair, stated in a memo last week that harsh interrogation methods provided "high value information" and "a deeper understanding" of Al Qaeda. But this Cheney-esque assessment, as well as a remark empathizing with Bush administration officials, was cut from a memo the Obama administration released to the media. Interesting. A spokeswoman denied any deceitful intentions, claiming "the lines were cut in the normal editing process." And Blair has issued a new statement, contending that while "information gained from these techniques was valuable in some instances ... the damage they have done to our interests far outweighed whatever benefit they gave us and they are not essential to our national security." Despite this clarification, many conservatives are declaring victory today, and accusing the administration of a cover-up.

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Posted 4/22/09 at 10:41 AM


Lindsay Lohan Is No Longer a Thespian

Back up where she belongs.

Back up where she belongs.

Lindsay Lohan’s lesbianism seems to have gone the way of her thespianism. While the partying starlet can’t land an acting job because of the “high cost of insuring her” (surely it has nothing to do with her stellar dramatic talent), she’s drowning her post-Ronson-breakup sorrows in “a different man every night,” including 90210 “star” Kellan Lutz and British paparazzo Chris Jepson. Mariah Carey landed the “least green” celeb spot, according to a new Earth Day poll, based on the fact that she flew her personal trainer in from St. Barts. Greenest stars include Bono, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Oprah, and Prince Charles.

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Posted 4/22/09 at 10:36 AM

The Greatest Depression

Morning Surprise: Morgan Stanley Reports Losses
Morning Surprise: Morgan Stanley Reports Losses

The first-quarter bloodshed continues: Morgan Stanley reported a loss of $177 million — but that's not including the $401 million lost in dividends tied to the government bailout, so ultimately shareholders were presented with a net loss of $578 million. On the bright side, Wells Fargo (a bank one of your Daily Intel editors once joined simply because her dad thought the name was "cool") posted a $3.05 billion profit, with a net revenue of $21.02 billion. [Fortune, Reuters]

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