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All Virtualization Posts

Oracle, Sun, VMWare talk virtualization trends

What is the big event in March? Could it be the March madness college basketball playoffs? Well, yes, but it is also AMD's self proclaimed "Virtualization Ecosystem Month."

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How to make a private cloud from existing IT resources

I don't usually plug vendor webcasts, but this upcoming one from Cassatt looks interesting. If you go to the webcast, let me know if you like it or not.

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Administrative tools key to IT virtualization

It will be the tools more than the boxes that makes the difference in virtualized vendor selection.

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Rackspace and Rackable head for the clouds

Rackspace an Rackable don't necessarily spring to mind when you are thinking about virtualization.

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Five great (and somewhat unknown) products IBM would get by buying Sun

Five great (and somewhat unknown) products IBM would get by buying Sun

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Tech vendors race to consolidate the private cloud

I think the (still unconfirmed) talks between IBM and Sun is the latest and maybe final round of tech takeovers before the next big bang. IBM, Cisco, H-P, Dell and Oracle are awash in cash (unlike the banks, more companies and me) and now find themselves in a race. What's the race? I'd call it the private cloud consolidation.

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Nick Carr: a "fundamental" shift in technology

I had a chance to interview Nick Carr yesterday before he was due to deliver his keynote at IDC's Directions09 conference.

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Companies to watch: Cloudkick

The biggest hurdle in getting your company into the clouds isn't technology, but new processes and business management.

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IBM in talks to buy Sun (WSJ) turning Sun's cloud Big Blue

Today (Wednesday, March 18), Sun was scheduled to make a big cloud computing announcement. It is looking like Sun's cloud will be colored blue. The WSJ reported early Wednesday a.m. that IBM is in talks (and like all talks, this one may be just that: talks).

If the talks turn into a marriage, here's what happens:

IBM acquires one of iconic Silicon Valley companies.

IBM acquires a really strong group of developers and engineers who have lived on the forefront of cloud computing and virtualization just as those two technologies are hitting mainstream.

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The Linux part of Cisco's Unified Computing System

In all the hub-bub about networking powerhouse Cisco entering the server and virtualization biz, people have missed that Red Hat Linux will also be an important part of the package. Here's how Red Hat fits in.

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Final Grades on Cisco's virtualization press conference

How well did the press conference stack up against the five initiatives I suggested?

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Cisco wants to own it all?

Cisco logoIn Monday's ITÂ?Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches the Cisco "California" Unified Computing rumors fly: what is the networking giant up to? Not to mention tunes remixed by Microsoft Songsmith...

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Linux's dirty little secret: Uninstall

I really like Linux, but why is it so hard to find documentation on removing it and why is it so hard to actually do it?

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Is free virtualization software like free puppies?

Free kittens, free beer and free virtualization software

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Wal-Mart, CVS: Consumer tech meets medicine

It all adds up to healthcare becoming virtualized.

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