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Apple: chipping away at its suppliers

Apple logoIn a special IT Blogwatch Extra, Apple hires an impressive roster of chip designers; and Richi Jennings watches bloggers ask, "Why?" Not to mention the Free Hugs prank...

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iPhones don't work, say researchers

Apple logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches iPhone use in business—does really it take a back seat to personal use? Not to mention Sting's home improvement tips...

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Apple's netbook strategy: deny, deny, deny

Apple logoIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Apple not plan to make netbooks. Oh no. Not never. Capiche? Not to mention the psychology of Twitter...

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Mac malware builds botnet, while smug fanbois gently weep

Apple logoIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches a Mac OS X Trojan construct a botnet for distributed denial of service attacks and sending spam. Not to mention Drop7...

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Ballmer pokes Apple fanboi hornets' nest

Steve BallmerIn Monday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Steve Ballmer trash-talk Apple, guaranteeing a troll-feeding frenzy. Not to mention why no one wants to publish your first book...

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Apple netbook... or notbook?

Apple logoIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches rumors swirl about an Apple netbook. Not to mention Fidel Castro, unplugged...

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New Apple desktops: fanbois drool

Apple logoIn a special IT Blogwatch extra, Richi Jennings watches Apple quietly revamp its entire desktop hardware line. Not to mention Square Root Day...

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Apple Safari 4: better, stronger, faster?

Apple logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Apple launch the Safari 4 beta, claiming improved speed and standards-compliance. Not to mention paper computers...

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Steve Jobs is "offline"

Apple logoIn Monday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches the curious case of Steve Jobs' instant messaging presence (or recent lack of it). Not to mention exploding, flying, and crashing servers...

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Snow Leopard leaks: multi-touch; geo-location

Apple logoIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Mac OS X 10.6 info. emerge. Not to mention Darth, as you've never before seen him...

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AAPL earnings call Live

* Revenue: $10.167 billion, up from $9.608 billion in Q1 2008
* Profit: $1.605 billion, up from $1.581
* EPS: $1.78 per diluted share vs. $1.76
* iPods: 22.7 million
* iPhones: 4.4 million
* Macs: 2.524 million

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Apple's Philnote garners mixed reactions

Apple logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch yesterday's Apple keynote (sans Jobs). Not to mention an "allium-ish" laptop...

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Steve Jobs 'fesses; bloggers boggle

Apple logoIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Steve Jobs confess he does have a medical condition after all. Not to mention Tony the Tiger as you've never seen him before...

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iPhone apps raise a giant stink (puerile content ahoy)

In Christmas Eve's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch iPhone app developers make serious money from childish fart gags. Not to mention executive mustaches...

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Apple netbooks at Macworld? Magic 8-Ball says...

Apple logoIn Wednesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers chatter about future Mac netbooks -- thoughtful triangulation or wishful thinking? Reply hazy, try again. Not to mention some better ways to throw shoes...

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