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New York Magazine

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Best Doctors

The Top 1,434 Physicians

Medicine advances at astonishing speed, and there are both good and bad sides of that rush forward. But high-quality care, it seems safe to say, is an undisputed good.

Mind Bomb

Would you want to know if you carried a mutant gene that causes a fatal brain disease?

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Order America's Cosmetic Doctors and Dentists

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Mental Health

hospitalsWhere Doctors Would Go

Rankings of the city’s most-outstanding hospitals.


ChantixThis Is My Brain on Chantix

The most effective stop-smoking drug yet comes with some pretty hefty side effects.


exerciseThe Scientist and the Stairmaster

Why most of us believe that exercise makes us thinner—and why we're wrong.


old new yorkers Why New Yorkers Last Longer

This city, once known as a capital of vice and self-destruction, is now a capital of longevity.


AnesthesiaThe Deepest Sleep

A doctor explores the allure—and terror—of going under general anesthesia.


AutismThe Autism Rights Movement

Some activists argue that autism is not an illness but an alternative way of being. Are they deluded?

Mental Health

elder careA Fine Old Age

Who says New York is for the young? What you need to know about finding quality elder care in the city.

Find a Lawyer

When Looking for a Lawyer, Go With Your Gut

"If the chemistry between you is not right, it's not going to work."