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Posted 04/16/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

JPMorgan Feels Great About Its Position

The second-largest bank beat expectations, is happy about it.

Posted 04/09/09 in Daily Intel

He's Just Jealous

Meredith Whitney Is Not ‘That Great,’ Okay?

"Before we douse her with more champagne, put her on TV with Charlie Rose and hand over the keys to the Treasury Department, it might be worth taking another look at what really happened."

Posted 04/07/09 in Daily Intel

Scenes From a Meltdown

Are We Solving the Financial Crisis the Same Way We Got Into It?

There's a lot of fake money floating around again.

Posted 04/07/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Know Your Tall, Bald Bailout Officials

Former Treasury secretary Hank Paulson packed the department with clones of himself. Here's our guide to who's who.

Posted 03/30/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

London Bankers Are ‘No Pansies’

... they say while wearing hand-stitched bespoke suits.

Posted 03/26/09 in Daily Intel

The Rage of the Never Rich

Citigroup to Lay Off 65 Office Cleaners

Sorry, guys! Citi blew all of its budget this year making millionaires more millionaire-y! Good luck feeding your kids, though.

Posted 03/26/09 in Daily Intel

Funny Things

How Does the Treasury Decide Who Gets a Bailout?

"We'd better consult the chart."

Posted 03/23/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Weighing Paterson’s Tax-Hike Choice

And no matter what, it seems there's no love for the former Cuddle Guv.

Posted 03/18/09 in Daily Intel

Merrill Lynch-ing

Sun Shines on Bonus Buster Andrew Cuomo

A judge has ruled that he can release the names of Merrill Lynch employees who received bonuses in 2008.

Posted 03/13/09 in Daily Intel

White Fights

Jim Cramer Cowers Under Jon Stewart’s Open Palm

On last night's 'Daily Show,' the CNBC host and 'New York' columnist apologized before the comedian could get in too many solid blows.

Posted 03/12/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

Bloomberg Is Richest, Most Powerful New Yorker Ever

Well, maybe not EVER. Bruce Wayne was pretty rich and powerful, too.

Posted 03/11/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

Jamie Dimon Is Tired of Being Vilified

He just wants to have a beer and watch the game.

Posted 03/09/09 in Daily Intel


Citigroup Gave Glorified Starbucks Cards to Employees and Some People Are Mad About It

Instead of taking them on a vacation, as they normally do, Citigroup this year gave the highest-performing traders in their one profitable unit gift cards worth between $1,000 and $3,000. Cue the populist outrage!

Posted 03/05/09 in Daily Intel

Party Lines

Mickey Boardman Picks Up Cute Boys When Their Stock Is Down

The 'Paper' magazine founder talks about dating in This Economy.

Posted 03/03/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Finance Groupies Reevaluate Priorities in Light of Economy

What does dating a banker really mean to them? Oh, it's the same.

Posted 02/23/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Vikram Pandit Gets to Keep His Crap Job Till Someone Better Comes Along

In which we feel a twinge of pity for the Citigroup CEO.

Posted 02/20/09 in Daily Intel

Talking Heads

The White House Would Be Happy to Tutor Rick Santelli If He Needs It

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs batted off the CNBC reporter's attack with the aplomb of Regina George.

Posted 02/18/09 in Daily Intel

The Great Stimulation

Obama Promises Housing Plan Will Help Only the Nice Homeowners

The naughty ones had better watch out.

Posted 02/18/09 in Daily Intel

Summary Judgment

Alan Greenspan’s Change of Heart

Why the former Federal Reserve chairman's late-career turnaround is like others before him, and why it's different.

Posted 02/13/09 in Daily Intel


Flying Financier Marcus Schrenker’s Wife Was ‘Shocked’ He Turned Out to Be a Wackjob

The wife of disgraced financier Marcus Schrenker went on the 'Today' show this morning to clear her name.