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All Blog Posts Tagged:

‘eric holder’

Showing 1-10 of 10 posts

Posted 04/23/09 in Daily Intel

Today in Torture

Today in Torture: Even If We Did Investigate Bush Lawyers, Could We Prosecute?

Oh, and about that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

Posted 04/21/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Obama Not Opposed to Prosecution for Torture Memos

He doesn't necessarily endorse going after the CIA agents, but Justice Department officials are fair game.

Posted 04/17/09 in Daily Intel

The Bush Years

Is the Administration Doing the Right Thing on the Torture Memos?

Should they have been released in the first place? Should the Justice Department pursue prosecutions?

Posted 02/10/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Obama Appointees Store Up Money for Long Public-service Winter

Brrr. It's cold out there.

Posted 12/16/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Awesome

Eric Holder’s Middle Name Is Himpton

And other fun facts about Obama's A.G. pick, gleaned from his Judiciary disclosure form.

Posted 12/01/08 in Daily Intel

Election Hangover

New Attorney General Eric Holder Will Serve Barack Obama

On the basketball court.

Posted 12/01/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Is Obama’s National-Security Team Liberal Change in Moderate Hawk’s Clothing?

Or are progressives just looking for the silver lining in a not-so-liberal national-security team?

Posted 12/01/08 in Daily Intel

Obama Administration

Which Face Will Hillary Clinton Wear During Today’s Press Conference?

It's a big day for her — she'll be named the next secretary of State! And she's got more to choose from than just pantsuits.

Posted 11/19/08 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Obama’s Attorney General Pick Gets Mixed Reception

But who HASN'T helped pardon an international fugitive?

Posted 11/18/08 in Daily Intel

Election Hair of the Dog

Obama’s Attorney General Tap: First African-American to Run Justice Department?

Clinton deputy attorney general Eric Holder, a high-powered Washington lawyer, will take the post, according to 'Newsweek.'