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Users: Oracle has lots of questions to answer about Sun deal
Oracle's planned acquisition of Sun Microsystems Inc. is raising questions among users on, well, just about every aspect of the deal.

Sun unveils MySQL update as Oracle deal looms
Sun Microsystems on Tuesday unveiled an early look at MySQL 5.4, the next version of its open-source database, one day after Oracle said it is buying Sun for US$7.4 billion.

Can you cut information security in hard times and survive
Although some analysts actually expect security spending to rise this year -- at least as a percentage of total IT spending -- some CIOs are giving serious thought to the once-unthinkable idea of trimming security budgets as businesses look to cut costs during this global recession.


PostgreSQL 8.4 goes into beta, ups performance
The PostgreSQL open source database project has released a beta of the upcoming version 8.4 release with a significant focus on performance improvements.

Oracle's Sun buy: Ellison praises Solaris, snubs IBM
Oracle Corp. may have decided to buy Sun Microsystems Inc. because it was worth far more to the database market leader than it was to IBM. It's not a question of the price - at $7.4 billion, Oracle didn't agree to pay much more than what IBM reportedly was considering. But Oracle may have more use for Sun's technology than IBM ever did.

OpenSolaris, Linux could merge under Oracle
Oracle may end up merging the best of OpenSolaris with Linux once it takes control of Sun Microsystems, but it is unlikely to kill off Sun's widely used Solaris OS, analysts said.

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$EDITOR: Don Marti

Fun with web stats

This site, like a lot of the other Mainstream Media sites, uses a service called Hitbox, part of Omniture Inc., instead of processing the actual server logs. The Hitbox tracking is done with a chunk ...

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