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Writing good unit tests, Part 2: Follow your nose
Klaus Berg continues his investigation of the tools and best practices that facilitate programming with GUTs. Get tips for writing cleaner, more efficient assertions, handling checked and unchecked exceptions, and knowing when and how to refactor your test code. Examples are based on JUnit 3 and 4, TestNG, and Hamcrest.
Klaus P. Berg, April 2009

Jump into JavaFX, Part 4: The advanced APIs
Jeff Friesen completes his comprehensive tour of the JavaFX APIs with a look at how JavaFX handles media, GUIs, and special effects. You'll also try your hand at building and deploying a stock-ticker application to Google Chrome.
Jeff Friesen, April 2009

REST for Java developers, Part 4: The future is RESTful
Find out why REST interfaces are foundational for emerging architectures such as the Semantic Web. Brian Sletten takes a big-picture view of REST, now and in the future, in this final article in his series.
Brian Sletten, April 2009

Lamport's one-time password algorithm (or, don't talk to complete strangers!)
The Lamport algorithm provides an elegant scheme for generating and applying one-time passwords, or OTP. Find out how Lamport works, then see it in action with an OTP reference implementation for an extensible, Java-based library.
Louis J. Iacona, March 2009

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Google to add 'every damn' service to Apps
04/09/2009 -  Dave Girouard, president of Google's enterprise division, recently used Twitter to announce that all of the company's productivity and collaboration software will be available to Googe Apps users. Whether 'tweet' is the medium for messaging enterprise decision makers is up for debate.
Chris Kanaracus and Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service

Google App Engine now supports Java
04/08/2009 -  Google App Engine has added Java support to its latest upgrade, with tech lead Kevin Gibbs stating that the new features will enable the cloud services platform to better interface with existing enterprise technologies.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Sun may be stranded without IBM
04/07/2009 -  Consensus is emerging that the apparent failure of the Sun-IBM buyout is bad news for the company without a suitor. 'IBM threw Sun a rope. They used it to make a noose," said one analyst. Network World's Jon Brodkin reports.
Jon Brodkin, Network World

If IBM owns Java ...
04/03/2009 -  After years of speculation, it appears that Sun Microsystems is on the cusp of being bought out by IBM. Steven Vaughan-Nichols asks open source leaders familiar with IBM what the merger will mean for open source, Java-based development.
Steven Vaughan-Nichols, JavaWorld.com

Amazon stresses cloud for developers
03/25/2009 -  Amazon's EC2 cloud platform has entered the Eclipse plugin matrix with the introduction of AWS for Eclipse, which leverages both the Eclipse IDE and the Eclipse Web Tools Platform. Cloud computing will benefit developers and shops through hard times, company reps said.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

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More movie quotes for software developers
Dustin Marx mines the movies for 10 more quotes that reflect the Good, Bad, and Ugly experiences in software development. Picks include "I've just sucked one year of your life away" (The Princess Bride, 1987); "If you're good at something never do it for free" (The Dark Knight, 2008); and "It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage" (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, 1981). More quotes here and here.

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