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Showing 1-20 of 64 posts

Posted 06/04/09 in Daily Intel

Blog-Stained Wretches

There Is a ‘Webutante Ball’ and We Weren’t Even Invited

File this under "Things That Make Us Feel Good About Ourselves."

Posted 05/29/09 in Daily Intel

Blog-Stained Wretches

On Speculation That Adam Lambert and Sonia Sotomayor Are Gay

Why do the two topics of conversation, though similar in many ways, make us react so differently?

Posted 04/02/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Do We Really Live in the New York of Victoria Floethe?

A young media ingenue took to a British paper to explain her problems with the city, and her life this week.

Posted 03/10/09 in Grub Street


This Is Why New York Is Fat: Cadbury Eggs and Cheesesteak, Deep-fried

TIWYF may become a book, and we'd like to see this in it.

Posted 02/26/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Newsday to Charge for Online Content

Today's bad media news includes the death of a 150-year-old newspaper, and the shrinkage of one of fashion's most powerful brands.

Posted 02/23/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Oops! The Media Tweeted

This is getting ugly, folks.

Posted 02/19/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

The Media Plays Musical Chairs

Remember how that goes? If you don't have a chair to sit in when the music stops, you … are … out!

Posted 01/08/09 in Daily Intel

Blog-Stained Wretches

Backlash at Gawker Over Travolta Coverage Spreads

The London 'Independent' and commenters start the fruitless 'Gawker's jumped the shark' cycle again.

Posted 01/05/09 in Daily Intel

Sad Things

Hey Gawker, Leave the Travoltas Alone

Can we lay off the mean-spirited speculation, please? A kid died.

Posted 12/30/08 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

The Media Only Marginally Flatlines Into the New Year

It's still alive! For now.

Posted 12/10/08 in Daily Intel

Web of Lies

James Frey Accuses Gawker Alumnus of ‘Making Things Up’


Posted 12/10/08 in Daily Intel

This Is Probably Fake

James Frey to Gawker for a Day

Weirder things have happened. This week, in fact.

Posted 12/05/08 in Daily Intel

Creative Underclass

Nick Denton Explains How to Correctly Blog

The Gawker Media chief recommends booze and 'ludes, of course.

Posted 12/02/08 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Media Slaughter Leaves Anna Wintour Thus Far Untouched

As if they could take her down as easily as, say, some Gawker editors and a scrapbooking Website.

Posted 11/24/08 in Daily Intel


Five Things Moe Tkacik Is Sick of Hearing on CNBC

Since being laid off, writer Moe Tkacik has had all the time in the world to wallow in coverage of the economic crisis. And there are a few things that are pissing her off.

Posted 11/13/08 in Daily Intel

Blog-Stained Wretches

Nick Denton Shutters Valleywag

The Silicon Valley gossip blog will be folded into flagship gossip site Gawker.

Posted 10/15/08 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Show of Our Time

Who Will ‘Gossip Girl’ Off?

According to Gawker, one of our most beloved characters will meet his or her demise in an upcoming episode. Any clues as to who it will be?

Posted 10/15/08 in Daily Intel


Economist Nouriel Roubini Has Vaginas on His Walls

Vaginas. On his walls.

Posted 10/03/08 in Daily Intel

Blog-Stained Wretches

Gawker Media Fires Nineteen Employees

Owner Nick Denton, in an e-mail to staff, predicts that people will call this the end of ‘the golden age of the blog.’

Posted 10/01/08 in Daily Intel

Formerly Ink-Stained Wretches

Media and Hollywood Writer Gabriel Snyder Tapped As New Gawker Managing Editor?

We hear Snyder, who has written for ‘Us Weekly,’ the ‘Observer,’ ‘Variety,’ and ‘W,’ was Nick Denton’s choice to run Gawker.com after a long search.