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Posted 04/14/09 in Daily Intel

The Third Terminator

Mayor Bloomberg Loves Richard Fuld and He Doesn’t Care Who Knows It

No one criticized him when things were going well, the mayor says, so no one should criticize him now.

Posted 04/14/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

Herb Allison to Replace Neel Kashkari As TARP Chief?

This longtime Merrill Lynch executive knows from bailouts.

Posted 04/13/09 in Daily Intel


AIG Executive Who Penned Dramatic Exit Letter Still Working There

That's awkward.

Posted 04/10/09 in Daily Intel


Donald Trump Was Too Smart to Invest With Madoff

Says Donald Trump.

Posted 04/09/09 in Daily Intel

He's Just Jealous

Meredith Whitney Is Not ‘That Great,’ Okay?

"Before we douse her with more champagne, put her on TV with Charlie Rose and hand over the keys to the Treasury Department, it might be worth taking another look at what really happened."

Posted 04/07/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Awesome

Larry Summers, ‘the Brangelina of Finance’

We'll buy it.

Posted 04/07/09 in Daily Intel

Scenes From a Meltdown

Are We Solving the Financial Crisis the Same Way We Got Into It?

There's a lot of fake money floating around again.

Posted 04/07/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Know Your Tall, Bald Bailout Officials

Former Treasury secretary Hank Paulson packed the department with clones of himself. Here's our guide to who's who.

Posted 04/06/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

R. Allen Stanford Cries About Flying Commercial, Threatens to Punch Charlie Gibson

"They make you take your shoes off and everything — it's terrible," the suspected Ponzi schemer complains.

Posted 04/06/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

WSJ Blows Up Richard Fuld’s Brunch Spot

It was his favorite restaurant, until today.

Posted 04/03/09 in Daily Intel

The Downturnaround

The Dowturnaround’s Plan to Save Herald Square (and the World)

Presents for everyone!

Posted 04/03/09 in Daily Intel

The Benjamin Button Economy

Unemployment Hits Highest Levels Since 1983

The unemployment rate hit 8.5 percent in March, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Posted 04/02/09 in Daily Intel

Imaginary Accounting

Now Banks Can Just Decide for Themselves What Their Assets Are Worth

Toxic, shmoxic.

Posted 04/02/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Hank Paulson Sacrificed Himself for Us

The former assistant Treasury secretary for Economic Policy defends his boss's actions.

Posted 04/01/09 in Daily Intel

April Fool's Day

Outrage! AIG Executives on Another Retreat!

Sharpen your pitchforks, populace: We're going to Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

Posted 04/01/09 in Daily Intel

Precious Moments

Fairfield Greenwich Employee Tried to Cover Ass, Failed Spectacularly

"I need to show people who invested in Sigma that I was doing due diligence in what is the largest scam in financial history."

Posted 04/01/09 in Daily Intel

The Fabulous Noels

Madoff Feeder Fairfield Greenwich Group Charged With Fraud

A Massachusetts secretary has accused them of "flagrant and recurring misrepresentations."

Posted 03/31/09 in Daily Intel

Aggravated Internet Geeks

AIG Exec Responds to Critics: ‘About My Balls…’

The husband of last week's raging AIG wife fights back.

Posted 03/30/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

London Bankers Are ‘No Pansies’

... they say while wearing hand-stitched bespoke suits.

Posted 03/27/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Bankers Had a Beautiful Experience at White House

The bankers came away from their meeting with the president feeling "fabulous."