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Showing 1-20 of 45 posts

Posted 04/13/09 in Daily Intel

It's Official: We Have the Brain of a Fourth Grader

‘Hi, AIG. Not All of USA Hates You.’

Kids empathize with harassed-feeling AIG executives.

Posted 04/13/09 in Daily Intel


AIG Executive Who Penned Dramatic Exit Letter Still Working There

That's awkward.

Posted 03/31/09 in Daily Intel

Aggravated Internet Geeks

AIG Exec Responds to Critics: ‘About My Balls…’

The husband of last week's raging AIG wife fights back.

Posted 03/27/09 in Daily Intel

The Rich Hunt

AIG Wife Fights Back: Cassano, Government ‘Betrayed Us’

And Andrew Cuomo? "No better than a highwayman waving a gun."

Posted 03/26/09 in Daily Intel

The Bonus Buster

Bonus Buster Moves Beyond Bonuses

A hero's work is never done.

Posted 03/25/09 in Daily Intel

Scenes From a Meltdown

AIG Executive Writes Resignation Letter, Tells Edward Liddy Where to Stick It

It's better than the scene in 'The Devil Wears Prada' where Anne Hathaway throws her cell phone in the fountain!

Posted 03/24/09 in Daily Intel

Fools on the Hill

Ben Bernanke Has Had Enough of Your Fool Questions, Congress

Stand back! The Fed chairman is getting ANGRY.

Posted 03/24/09 in Daily Intel

Finance Fiction

Bonus Buster Andrew Cuomo ‘Applauds’ AIG Executives Who Are Giving Back Bonuses

Even though they "had nothing to do with the meltdown in the financial products division."

Posted 03/23/09 in Daily Intel

The Rich Hunt

Donnie Deutsch Wants to Accost Bonus-Takers In Front of Their Kids

Can everybody calm down a little bit?

Posted 03/23/09 in Daily Intel

The Bonus Buster

Bonus Buster Backed Bonuses Before Bonus Brouhaha

Well, some of them. But still, that doesn't seem like the Cuomo we know now.

Posted 03/20/09 in Daily Intel

The Rich Hunt

Busload of Crazies to Tour Homes of AIG Executives This Weekend

This is so much worse than the 'Sex and the City' bus tour.

Posted 03/20/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

The AIG Bonus Tax Makes People Queasy

Why this 90 percent tax isn't sitting well with so many people, for so many reasons.

Posted 03/19/09 in Daily Intel

The Rich Hunt

AIG Execs Fear Being Killed, Member of Congress Calls Them ‘Losers’

Is it just us or is civilization falling apart a little?

Posted 03/19/09 in Daily Intel

It Just Happened

Congress Taxes Back AIG Bonuses

Passes 90 percent tax on bonuses of AIG, others.

Posted 03/19/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

When Did Geithner Know About the Bonuses? Does It Matter?

The Treasury Secretary says one thing, the Fed says another, and Edward Liddy says yet a third thing.

Posted 03/18/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Dodd Blames Treasury Department for Bonus Loophole

This is going to get ugly.

Posted 03/18/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Barack Obama Stands by His Man

Obama won't heed the calls for Timothy Geithner's resignation.

Posted 03/18/09 in Daily Intel

Scenes From a Meltdown

AIG Puts Building on the Block

But it may not do them much good.

Posted 03/18/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Edward Liddy Understands Your Anger

The AIG CEO attempts to explain himself in a calm, rational manner. But will it stem New Yorkers' anger?

Posted 03/17/09 in Daily Intel

The Bonus Buster

Andrew Cuomo Stokes the Flames With AIG Bonus Details

The Bonus Buster dumped the amounts of individual bonuses into an already-steaming cauldron of rage.