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iPhone jailbreaking still going strong

iPhone jailbreaking still going strong

Despite Apple's formal opposition and upcoming 3.0 firmware, users still seek jailbroken iPhone advantages -- and developers deliver

The InfoWorld news quiz

April 17: Twitter gets wormed, Stephen Colbert gets spacey, and the GOP shows its wild side...  more

First look: Exchange 2010 beta shines

Flexibility, reliability, client-side improvements, and ease of administration mark this major upgrade... more

Does Twitter really fit into business and IT?

The microblogging technology makes sense in some cases, but there are better alternatives for other proposed uses... more

Can IT manage the cloud? These CTOs can

There are plenty of ways to adopt the cloud and not lose control of your datacenter... more

BlackBerry app developers must make key choices

RIM's multipronged plan means you can go quick-and-dirty with Web skills or do richer apps with the more complex Java ... more


Mac Pro: The perfect workstation

With more than double the memory throughput of an eight-core, 3GHz Xserve, the massively parallel Nehalem-based Mac Pro is built to rock your world... more

21 apps Apple doesn't want on your iPhone

21 apps Apple doesn't want on your iPhone

Worthwhile productivity apps you won't find at the App Store... more

Robert X. Cringely / Power to the people
whurley / Dave Nielsen takes the cloud to camp
Tom Yager / Can you fix it? Yes, you can

Sun launches new servers

InfoWorld Daily Podcast 04/17/09: Also, Sanyo unveils laser projector, Sony intros new Walkman, Honda shows off two motion assistance devices, and more more

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