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Oprah's Midas touch gives Twitter a 43% boost
Twitter use jumped dramatically last Friday, the day Oprah Winfrey posted her first Tweet and featured talk about the social network on her daily television show. Read more...

In nod to users, Facebook opens vote on terms of service

Twitter teen hacker hired by Web app developer

Are Oprah, Ashton Kutcher taking the geek out of Twitter?

Twitter's U.S. users nearly double in March

Milestone: Over 50% of voters used Internet in 2008 election

A faster, sleeker way to do MySQL?

Citrix details Web 2.0 'app delivery controller'

Investors buy back StumbleUpon from eBay

Twitter wrestles with fourth worm attack

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Hollywood's Victory Over Pirate Bay Will Be Short
From Sweden, London, to Hollywood, protectors of copyrights are celebrating the conviction of the four men behind the world's most popular torrent tracker The Pirate Bay. The four convicted men behind The Pirate Bay, Frederik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Peter Sunde, and Carl Lundstrom, say they can't and won't pay the $3.6 million in damages and promised the site will continue running. So much for Hollywood's sweet victory and happy ending.

6 things that could ruin Twitter (and 5 that won't)
If you're a Twitter user, enjoy its many great qualities while they last, because they may not, writes columnist Mike Elgan. He finds several threats to Twitter, but also some that could be opportunities.

Analyzing Twitter with Excel, Part 3
For the last two weeks I've been considering how to analyze Twitter messages using Excel 2003. Having been thwarted by the deficiencies of Excel and Twitter (turns out that Twitter Search returns malformed HTML and Excel won't tolerate that) I have a new plan: Let's use cURL to retrieve the raw XML returned by Twitter search and then haul that data into Excel for the analysis.

Does Twitter really fit into business and IT?
There have probably been more words written about Twitter than there are Twitter users. While it is considered the newest, most popular form of social networking, fitting into the category of microblogging, it is in fact used by far fewer people than Facebook, for example.

Twitter attracting techie labs
As Network World's Alpha Doggs network research blogger, I've been searching Twitter in recent months for vendor, university and government labs and research operations using the popular microblogging service. While I've found a handful, I'm not impressed: For the most part they're just spitting out press releases or blog headlines.

Does Social Networking Require User Policy Changes?
IT security administrators have had a fairly easy case to make against such social networking sites as Myspace in the past. Myspace in particular tends to be a place for the mostly personal, and some profiles are simply front companies for online mobsters and malware pushers. [Read more about the challenges faced by MySpace's CSO in Hemanshu Nigam: Mr. Safety for MySpace.]

How to kill e-mail (before it kills you)
E-mail is a disease, writes columnist Mike Elgan, and by taking strong action to cure yourself, you'll radically reduce the quantity of messaging in your life, while improving its quality.

Analyzing Twitter with Excel, Part 2
So, last week I set myself a problem: Use Microsoft Excel to capture Twitter messages that mention the word "rovio", pretending that I worked for the company that makes the Rovio Wi-Fi-controlled camera and I wanted to see what people were saying about it.

Workplace surfing hounds have a new hero
Surfing the Internet for fun while at work actually increases employee productivity, insists Dr. Brent Coker, a researcher at the University of Melbourne's Department of Management and Shirking.

Monkeying around with chi.mp
The scoop: chi.mp, free account.

Windows expert Preston Gralla was challenged to work with Apple's MacBook Air for two weeks. Will he ever go back to a PC?
Testing out the Windows 7 beta? Here are a handful of ways to get around the interface and make it act the way you want.
With downsizings and cutbacks all around, it's more essential than ever to ensure that negative personality traits don't derail your career. Here are five fatal flaws that can bring down the axe.
How much processing power do you need to run a modern Linux desktop? The short answer to this question is "not much at all."
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
More Functionality, Less Infrastructure: Managed IT with netBoot/i
(Source: Double Take) Download this free whitepaper to learn about netBoot/i - a cost-effective and flexible solution that will allow you to better manage desktops or servers by booting them from images stored on any iSCSI storage area network.
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"Volunteering at a soup kitchen occasionally or hammering nails for Habitat for Humanity might have satisfied some people's altruism, but..." Read more Read More Blogs

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