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Are there too many desktop Linuxes?

Debian, Fedora, MEPIS, Mint, openSUSE, Ubuntu, Xandros, the list of desktop Linuxes goes on and on, and maybe that's one of its biggest problems.

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The difference between Linux and Windows

There are all kinds of differences between the two, but a major one, which often gets over-looked, is that Linux is in a constant state of evolution, while Windows moves 'forward' in a series of year-long steps. Here's what that means for you.

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Linux's dirty little secret: Uninstall

I really like Linux, but why is it so hard to find documentation on removing it and why is it so hard to actually do it?

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Fedora 10 regains Linux fans

Red Hat's Fedora is regaining its reputation as being a top Linux distribution. Here's how it happened.

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The best three Linux introductions for beginners

There are good ways to pick up Linux, and then there are some really bad ones. Here's my pick of the top three Linux ways for a newbie to start using Linux.

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We already had the year of the Linux desktop

You may not see it, but we've already had several years of the Linux desktop. In fact, if you think about it, almost all of you, even those of you who would never leave Windows, are already using Linux desktop applications every day.

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Global News Update: Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In today's podcast: EFF blasts Apple's takedown of iPodhash; YouTube gives Japanese content makers way to make money; and Fedora 10 released, offers improvements.

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Red Hat's winning Fedora 10 Linux arrives

Fedora 10 is here and it already looks like a great cutting-edge, not bleeding-edge, Linux distribution.

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Businesses don't need to buy Linux

It's great that Red Hat and Novell can make money from Linux, but you can run your business on Linux and not spend a dime on commercial Linux.

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Linux security idiots

Linux is more secure than most operating systems, but Not if you don't practice basic security measures

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To trust or not to trust Red Hat, that is the question

A few days back, Red Hat's Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora servers were broken into. We still don't know how it was done.

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Giving an old Windows hand some Linux advice

What Linux should a tried and true Windows' user try?

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Dear Microsoft, thanks for the help, Linux

You gotta love it. Microsoft has decided that it will ho ahead and kill off easy access to XP on June 30th. On behalf of desktop Linux users everywhere, and our first cousins, the Mac fans, thanks. You've given us the best shot we'll ever have of taking the desktop.

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Fedora 9 dazzles with its shiny newness

It's IT Blogwatch: in which we take a headgear-flavored gander at Fedora 9. Not to mention why we hate smug, self-satisfied Apple Macintosh users...

Todd R. Weiss reports:

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Red Hat unveils Fedora 9

Has it only been 6 months since Fedora 8's debut? This new version promises a host of cool new features, including much easier deployment on USB thumb drives.

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