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Sinking Projects

Clammy website

Submitted by: Anonymous – Mon, 02/23/2009 – 11:40

The VP of Marketing came into my office last week asking for support in building a new branding site for the company. In the past, Marketing outsourced this on their own without involving IT so I asked if we could get existing source code to jumpstart the new development.

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We can't meet demand so lets cut staff

Submitted by: CodeDog – Mon, 12/15/2008 – 00:24

This company opened a new division to help home owners facing foreclosure renegotiate their loans with the banks.
Demand was very high and they pumped the hard sell with cold calls. They brought in sales with no regard as to whether they had enough processing staff to handle the load.

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The endian war

Submitted by: Benanov – Tue, 11/11/2008 – 09:37

This is something I'm struggling through, and of course I have to get thrown in right at the end and of course I have to fix it.

So we have a 2D barcode format that stores answers to questions--sort of like a verification step to a form. For a particular kind of multiple-answer question we store the information bit-wise.

Half of our readers expect answer 1 in this format to be the MSB.

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Clueless Consultant

Submitted by: Sphynx – Tue, 10/14/2008 – 08:11

About two years ago we had a consultant who had just been put on a new project. Because of this he felt he should have a better PC. He convinced his boss who called us and told us to order what he wanted.
What did he want?
XP Professional PC

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Dumb and Dumber

Submitted by: cba1954 – Tue, 09/23/2008 – 10:54

I was hired by a company for my expertise in a little-known programming development environment to re-write their system in a modern windows-based version. I've been here almost a year now and have made no headway.

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De-volution has provided us with MSCEs

Submitted by: Anonymous – Fri, 09/12/2008 – 02:11

We had supported a CA firm of a NY office for about four years with _no_ major problems. (After we put a firewall in front of the Linux fileserver because of attacks coming via the NY office...)

All workstations were simple, stripped of extraneous services, updates were checked to ensure unneeded updates were not installed, and there was no domain controller on the premises.

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Genuine manufacturer wrong parts

Submitted by: jprigot – Mon, 07/28/2008 – 20:53

Recently, my daughter decided that it was time to replace the broken hinges in her laptop. I go onto the manufacturer's web site, locate the replacement parts section, put in her model, and find that they will sell me a replacement hinge. We buy it, and when the hinges arrive, dissect her laptop down to the correct point and start to install the replacements.

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Ruined my sister in law's printer

Submitted by: taskmangler – Sun, 07/27/2008 – 23:27

I was supposed to find out how to remove an ITU assembly, so that I could replace a "second transfer roller" in my SIL's Laser printer....

In haste I printed the directions from the service manual.

Once the printer was in parts, and I didn't see what I expected to see, I double checked the service guide.

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Fear of kill-bits

Submitted by: Anonymous – Wed, 06/18/2008 – 14:57

I am an Information Security Consultant at mid-sized financial instution. One of the tasks that I end up performing is letting IT management know when exploits in the wild are targeting a vulnerability in our environment.

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Good idea turned bad

Submitted by: dustinn3 – Thu, 05/15/2008 – 15:16

One of my coworkers decided it would be a good idea to purchase a web filter a couple of weeks back because we were running out of bandwidth and internet usage was high. We needed to do something to address the problems and the web filter seemed like a good solution, despite my reservations.

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