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Saving with VoIP: The Vonage option

The cable companies seem to be taking over the telephone business these days with their "triple play" bundles, but they're not the cheapest option. Could an independent like Vonage be a better alternative?

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FAQ/Videos: Pirate Bay, file sharing and BitTorrent – what’s it all about?

A look at today's Swedish court verdict against the four men hosting the notorious file-sharing/torrent-search site PirateBay.org, and one of the men's defiant responses via videos.

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Report: Firefox is the world's most vulnerable browser

Firefox fans take note: A just-released report from the security company Secunia found that Firefox is far more vulnerable than Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer --- and by a wide margin. In 2008, it had nearly four times as many vulnerabilities as each of those browsers.

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eBay to spin off Skype in an IPO

In today's podcast: eBay to spin off Skype in an IPO; Intel says PC market has bottomed; and OQO needs cash, seeking buyer.

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Some computers should not be connected to the Internet

The vulnerability of the US power grid should be a wake-up call to any person or company that has critical or sensitive information on computers: keep those computers off the Internet.

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Hostile hackers threaten power grid

PowerIn Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches bloggers fear for the safety of the U.S. electrical grid in the face of hostile hackers. Not to mention Penelope Cruz necked...

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Britney's revenge: Celebrity porn targets your PC

Microsoft is out with its latest semi-annual security report, and there's a startling finding: There's been a big jump in malware masquerading as security software planted on people's PCs when they click email links to access celebrity porn. Call it Britney's revenge.

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Capgemini takes heat for FairPoint's failure

Capgemini, Liberty group under fire for failure of IT systems to perform.

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RIM/Verizon prep. Wi-Fi touchscreen BlackBerry Storm 2

BlackBerry BoldIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches rumors that Research In Motion and Verizon are already preparing a "BlackBerry Storm 2," which will include Wi-Fi. Not to mention Error'd...

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Google + Twitter = End of privacy

Think Google knows too much about you already? If the company buys Twitter, you can kiss your privacy good-bye.

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Google/ARM netbooks still have to play the name game

By now, just about everyone knows that Google Android isn't just an operating system for mobile phones. T-Mobile was outed today by the New York Times as planning a number of Android-based devices for the home. Plans are going forward for Google's Linux OS to be put on ARM-based Mobile Internet Devices(MIDs) and, more importantly, netbooks in the next few months.

ARM based? (Try to stick with me here.)

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Why Microsoft shouldn't buy Twitter

Rumors are flying that Google is in talks to buy Twitter. Microsoft should resist the temptation to become a "me-too" bidder to try to buy the company out from Google. Twitter might offer Microsoft some badly needed "cool," but that's about it.

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Tectonic plates shifting with EMC's upcoming news?

EMC is building up hype around a worldwide announcement on April 14, and most rumors put the money on it being centered around partnering with Cisco and offering enterprises in-house cloud computing.

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Saving with VoIP: The Magic Jack option

Can you save money on your phone bill by moving to Magic Jack? Maybe. But don't rely on it as a land line replacement.

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Not in their vocabulary

It's the 1990s, and this pilot fish working on a naval base is asked to build a Macintosh network -- including stringing the cable between offices inside the admiral's building.

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