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Federal cybersecurity review drawing to a close
A 60-day review of federal cybersecurity efforts that President Obama ordered in February is scheduled to end this week, although it's unclear when the findings will be publicly released. Read more...

NetApp agrees to $128M gov't contracting fine

Obama touts plan for lifetime military e-health records

Quake has Italians reaching to YouTube, mobile services

Senate bill seeks to give feds new private-sector security powers

China denies playing a role in 'GhostNet' cyberspy ring

Humans prove weak link in Japanese warning network

Cybersecurity bill seeks to give president new powers over private-sector networks

British UFO hacker's supporters rally at U.S embassy in London

Senate bill would give feds bigger cybersecurity role in private sector

More IT in Government StoriesMore Top Stories

Humans prove weak link in Japanese warning network
If there's one thing the Japanese government learned on Saturday -- the first of a five-day launch period for a North Korean rocket -- it's that the government's emergency information network works.

Kundra takes leave, Google raises privacy flags
Well, at least the issue is not unpaid taxes this time -- but Vivek Kundra, the brand-new, first-ever federal CIO after just a few days on the job is already on a leave of absence after the office of the Washington, D.C., CTO was raided by federal agents. Kundra had been the District's CTO before President Barack Obama appointed him the nation's CIO. In other news, Google peeved privacy advocates by announcing a behavioral advertising program and separately saying it is testing a new service that will transcribe voice-mail messages and make them searchable.

Advice for Obama's Federal CIO, Part Four
Mr. Kundra: You have been hired by the Board (excuse me, the Obama Administration) to reduce federal technology spending, to increase information sharing between federal agencies, to allow greater access to government information and to ensure privacy and security. What now? Having been in IT for over 20 years (including 5 years with the RTC, God rest its soul), I offer you the following advice:

CIOs Counsel Kundra: Advice for Federal CIO, Part 3
An open letter to Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO:

Advice for Obama's Federal CIO, Part Two
Dear Vivek: Congratulations on your recent appointment as the federal government's first official Chief Information Officer. I have often wondered why the role has not existed up to now. I just assumed they could not find a person willing to take on the herculean task for a government salary. Evidently I was wrong. You seem like a pretty smart guy, you've had success in the public sector, and you're willing to go out on a limb: Google Apps for 38,000 people in the District of Columbia. That takes guts!

Advice for Obama's New Federal CIO
Is there anything more irritating than unwanted advice? Somebody thinks they have knowledge, experience, or perspective that will really help you when, in reality, they lack the context; they don't know or understand the personalities, political nuances, or constraints of your situation. Yet, they spout off and you feel no obligation to take their advice seriously.

Aboard the Navy's high-tech pioneer, the USS Freedom
The skeleton IT staff on this brand-new high-tech ship maintains networks with more than 9,000 components, all tied together by more than 100 miles of electrical and fiber-optic cables. Take a video tour of the Navy's most technology-enhanced ship.

US congressman leaks classified intel on Twitter?
We now interrupt the flame war that's erupted in my last blog post about H-1B workers to bring you this breaking news bulletin: A U.S. congressman is apparently endangering our national security using -- yes, that's right -- Twitter.

Is West Wing BlackBerry Security Possible?
Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Joe Hagin is the guy who planned George W. Bush's secret trips to Iraq and Afghanistan and oversaw renovations to the Situation Room and press briefing room. He was also the one in charge of securing every BlackBerry used in the West Wing.

James Allen
The Grill: The Federal Election Commission's James Allen talks about maintaining security, the flow of campaign finance information and the public trust.

Linux, Mac, Windows XP: Whatever your choice of operating system, we have some fun things for you to try.
The operating systems of yesteryear weren't all sunshine and roses. Cyber cynic Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols names his picks for some of the worst OSs of all time.
Apple's newest Mac Pro takes a significant step forward with the move to Intel's new Nehalem processor and an infrastructure that should be able to squeeze the utmost out of the upcoming Mac OS X 10.6.
Satellite radio will die soon anyway, but Apple will accidentally perform a mercy killing of Sirius XM Radio this summer, says Mike Elgan.
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MarketVibe: The State of Data Governance in Enterprises Today
(Source: IDG) In December 2008, Computerworld invited IT and line-of-business leaders to participate in a survey on data issues within their organizations. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the data issues that organizations are facing today, which groups have responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of this data, and the impact of these data issues on business initiatives. The survey was commissioned by Kalido, but data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld and IDG Research Services.
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