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Salaries through the looking-Glassdoor.com

It's IT Blogwatch: in which we all wonder how much we get paid and Glassdoor.com helps us out. Not to mention a real-life Firefox Crash...

Erik "the viking" Larkin reports and pillages: [You're fired -Ed.]

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Sybase readies special hardware for analytics

Sybase has put together a hardware-software package for the analytics market.

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Vint Cerf on mining search query data to predict epidemics

Vint Cerf, chief Internet evangelist at Google, said in his presentation at the World Congress on Information Technology last week that Google recently learned that analyzing health-related search queries can provide advance notice of an epidemic outbreak.

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Does Yahoo's 2 petabyte database prove the superiority of the column-oriented database?

There has been plenty of recent hype around column-oriented databases, aka the vertical database. Yahoo!

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Don Tennant: Fluidity of influence

Pop quiz: What do RedPrairie, FrontRange Solutions, Concur Technologies, Servigistics and Logility have in common? Find out from Don Tennant in this week's editorial.

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Computerworld Editorial's blog

We have met the enemy, and he is us.

We don't need al-Qaeda to blow us up. We are perfectly capable of lighting the fuse ourselves, courtesy of our inability to share information vertically and bilaterally.

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Strata: A browser designed for analytics

Analyzing data from online and your network may be a little easier because of a new browser. Yes, a browser.

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This ID thief got off easy

Randall Craig stole sensetive data on more than 17,000 U.S. Marines and military employees with the explicit purpose of selling it to a foriegn government. His act, which netted him a whopping $500, should carry with it a special punishment.

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The Lords of Process

Today, CIO means being more than a competent manager of IT. It should mean Lord of Process, and we should grasp that title and run with it.

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Google and Apple need to play better in business

Apple and Google are both hoping to increase their presence in the business world. Google has its Google Apps, Google Mini Search Appliance, and App Engine (with Salesforce.com and many others). Apple wants to sell more Macs and now more iPhones in the business space. Both have complimentary services and both would like to thwart their rival, Microsoft.

So why don't these two titans play together better in the enterprise?

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What do we know about Windows 7?

The short answer is: nothing. And that's a problem, not only for large companies that are trying to make plans, but equally for Microsoft's credibility in the small-business and consumer markets.

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Nothing special - just a basic project

Consultant pilot fish gets the order to build an online store for a major client. "When I ask for the specifications, I'm told it's a basic shopping cart, nothing special. This worries me."

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Will Apple tolerate a 32-bit only Photoshop CS4?

John Nack, Senior Product Manager, Adobe Photoshop at Adobe waxes about the upcoming Photoshop CS4 in his blog. The show-stopper is that the Macintosh version of CS4 will be only available in 32-bit form while the Windows version will run in full 64-bit mode.


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Another large government IT project goes down in flames

Census Bureau, Harris Corp. fail to resolve requirements dilemma

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WTF FTW LOL@ITBW!!1! (and Flash Portal)

Rabbits, white rabb-it's IT Blogwatch: in which the world goes to heck in a handbasket. Not to mention Portal in Flash...

Sir Richard Branson is over the moon:

I'm delighted today to announce Virgle, Inc., a joint venture between the Virgin Group and Google ... [its] goal is simple: the establishment of a permanent human settlement on Mars. Larry Page, Sergey Brin and I feel strongly that contemporary technology is sufficiently advanced to make such an effort both successful and economical, and that it's high time that humanity moved beyond Earth and began our great, long journey to explore the stars and establish our first lasting foothold on another world ...

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