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Shark Tank

Not quite the result they were planning

This pilot fish has some extra money in his medical flexible spending account at the end of the year, and he knows it's use-it-or-lose-it time, so he decides to try Lasik surgery.

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We don't mind the other stuff, but the mouse-slamming makes this one urgent

Pilot fish passes along a highly descriptive trouble ticket received by the help desk -- with maybe a little more information than strictly necessary.

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Because nontechnical is what he's all about

A company executive has an e-mail problem with no technical solution -- but fortunately, this pilot fish has a nontechnical alternative.

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It's easier that way

This pilot fish works at a psychiatric hospital where, he says, "our most challenged individuals are all too often medical doctors."

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Optional extras

This pilot fish's boss, the company controller, comes into IT one morning with his laptop -- and he's very worried.

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Little hardware problem, big hardware solution

This IT support pilot fish works as a contractor at a Defense Department facility, where the data-security requirements are stringent and old BlackBerries can pose a problem.

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That's not how it works

This company's main manufacturing plant is located in the sometimes frigid North, while another plant is in a place where it gets cold enough to snow only once every few years.

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Because that's what we've always done

It's a few years ago, and this pilot fish works at a very large data processing outfit where every night there's a very large job that runs for hours -- until there's a problem.

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It's a sizzling summer season at this retailer, and the main server has failed for the second time in a month -- but help is on the way.

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Step 1: Make sure you have performed Step 0

This pilot fish works as a software developer at a big insurance company where his focus is applications -- applications for new life-insurance policies, that is.

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Cold comfort

A contractor is working to replace the outdated ventilation system in the office building where this IT pilot fish works. But that shouldn't pose any problems for IT -- at least in theory.

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Not in their vocabulary

It's the 1990s, and this pilot fish working on a naval base is asked to build a Macintosh network -- including stringing the cable between offices inside the admiral's building.

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Just his way of saying thanks

User stops by this pilot fish's desk and asks for the help desk number -- then stops by a few minutes later to say that fish should be receiving a trouble ticket shortly.

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Exercise: Find the circular logic

Pilot fish's mailbox has grown beyond the storage limit set by the administrator. Solution: more mail.

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Debugging, the hard way

Boss at this big mobile-phone service provider tells IT pilot fish to go to a cell site and let the exterminator in to spray for bugs. What could go wrong?

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