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‘David Paterson’

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Posted 04/15/09 in Daily Intel

Equal Rites

Pride Agenda Director: ‘We’re Closer Than Most People Think’ to Marriage Equality

We talk with Alan Van Capelle from the Empire State Pride Agenda about the prospects for gay marriage in New York.

Posted 04/15/09 in Daily Intel

The Cuddle Muddle

Paterson in a Much More Giving Mood This Year

Who's a tightwad now, New York?

Posted 04/14/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Paterson’s ‘Save the Governor’ Retreat

The Governor took top aids and advisers on an informal weekend getaway to come up with a plan to save his political future.

Posted 04/14/09 in Daily Intel

Equal Rites

Paterson’s Gay-Marriage Gamble

Why is the governor putting marriage equality up for a vote before supporters say the legislature is ready?

Posted 04/08/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Paterson: SNL Made Me Feel Bullied, But Now I Have Bill Clinton on My Side!

Okay, so maybe those thoughts weren't linked together quite like that.

Posted 04/07/09 in Daily Intel

The Cuddle Muddle

Paterson Tells GOP How to Regain Majority

But his advice is rudely, and foolishly, refused.

Posted 04/06/09 in Daily Intel

The Cuddle Muddle

Democrats Want Paterson to Be Awesome Again Soon or Go Away

And many New Yorkers have already given up on him.

Posted 04/02/09 in Daily Intel

The Cuddle Muddle

Paterson Makes a Crack About Limbaugh

We momentarily love you again!

Posted 04/01/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Chris Smith: Sheldon Silver Is Objectionable, Inevitable

Why this week's budget deal, which should be bad for the State Assembly speaker, unfortunately won't affect his political prospects in the future.

Posted 04/01/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Last Night’s Budget Meeting Was So Awful, Someone Went to the Hospital Just to Escape It

Well, not really. She had walking pneumonia. She SAID.

Posted 03/31/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Albany to Rake in More From New Taxes and Fees Than Announced

If you follow the numbers closely, the state will actually rake in $1.7 billion more than they announced under the new budget agreement.

Posted 03/31/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Pretty Much Everybody Hates Budget Plan by Paterson, Silver, and Smith

The plan, drafted in secret, has been roundly razzed from almost every corner.

Posted 03/26/09 in Daily Intel

Let's Get Civical

Legislative Leaders Agree to Roll Back Rockefeller Drug Laws

Sheldon Silver, Malcolm Smith, and Governor Paterson have reached an agreement to repeal many of the draconian mandatory minimums on drug sentencing in New York State.

Posted 03/24/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

GOP Source: George Pataki Mulling Another Go for Governor

State Senator Marty Golden says the former governor "looking at" a run for a fourth term.

Posted 03/23/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Weighing Paterson’s Tax-Hike Choice

And no matter what, it seems there's no love for the former Cuddle Guv.

Posted 03/23/09 in Daily Intel

The Cuddle Muddle

Paterson Breaks His Own Disapproval Record

Only 19 percent of New Yorkers approve of Paterson's job performance.

Posted 03/23/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Paterson’s Secret Tax Plan Leaked on a Particularly Bad Day

Today, both tabloids have bad news for the governor.

Posted 03/18/09 in Daily Intel


Family Wants Paterson to Save Its Diabolical Killer Fish

Seriously, the days of underestimating animals are over, folks.

Posted 03/11/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Paterson Backs Off Plan to Tax Everything Fun

Download porn to your heart's content, New York!

Posted 03/11/09 in Daily Intel

Early and Often

Paterson Tries to Explain His Latest Odd Move

Why his explanation for firing his aide, then rehiring him the next day, doesn't really make sense.