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Showing 1-20 of 63 posts

Posted 05/01/09 in The Cut

Tweet This

Fashion Tweets, Times of London Sacrifices Its Social Life to Find the Best

It's a knotted little network out there, but thankfully, the 'Times' of London has done the yeoman's work of picking out the best accounts.

Posted 04/28/09 in Daily Intel

How Things Work

The Twitter Approval Matrix

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to whose tweets are worth following.

Posted 04/27/09 in The Cut


We’re Tweeting From FIT’s Senior Fashion Shows

And we're tweeting live from inside the auditorium.

Posted 04/27/09 in Grub Street

Call for Action

Grub Street Wants to Follow Your Blog, and Your Twitter Too!

Should we be following you for New York food news? Let us know!

Posted 04/24/09 in Vulture


Diddy Declares April 24 ‘Hero Day,’ Celebrates via Twitter

You'll be pleased to know he has many a personal hero, too.

Posted 04/23/09 in The Cut

Affordable Things!

We’re Tweeting From the Matthew Williamson Opening This Morning

The line is already halfway down the block.

Posted 04/22/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Maureen Dowd Kind of a Jerk to Twitter Guys

Now now, let's try and be nice, Ms. Dowd.

Posted 04/21/09 in Vulture


Andy Milonakis Back With the Twitter Jam of 2009

"Let Me Twitter Dat," the greatest (only?) anthem of the social-networking phenomenon.

Posted 04/21/09 in Daily Intel

Apocalypse Now

Webster Hall: Where Human Contact Goes to Die

It's so obvious: Why interact with the hot guy sitting next to you when you could just tweet at him instead?

Posted 04/21/09 in Grub Street

Marketing Gimmicks

Pizza Hut Seeks Twintern

Your opportunity to be Pizza Hut's "social media journalist."

Posted 04/20/09 in Daily Intel


Meghan McCain Just As Surprised by Her Notoriety As Everyone Else

After months of striving for attention, McCain doesn't altogether like it.

Posted 04/20/09 in Vulture


Bret Easton Ellis Bravely Enters the Twittersphere

Meanwhile, in other tenuously connected Twitter news, Fred Durst had dinner at Medieval Times this weekend.

Posted 04/17/09 in Vulture


Twitter Scandal! Live-Tweeting Comedians Disrupt the Sanctity of Crank 2: High Voltage

The event was theater sanctioned and all tweeting was restricted to the back rows so as not to disturb other moviegoers. Even so, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE.

Posted 04/17/09 in Vulture

Ego Trips

Ashton Kutcher’s Twitter Victory Over CNN Signals the Dawn of a New Era of Awesomeness

"And it's not about me, it's not about any accolade I'm trying to achieve. It's really about us and, uh, about a statement that one man can have a voice that's as loud as an entire media company."

Posted 04/17/09 in Grub Street


Restaurant Girl Strikes Back

Danyelle Freeman sends a cease-and-desist letter to her Twitter impersonator.

Posted 04/16/09 in Daily Intel

Blog-Stained Wretches

Dan Abrams Now Trying to Lure Young Media People With Candy

Hiii there, little journalist. Would you like some candy? You just have to come over here to get it. OVER TO THE DARK SIDE.

Posted 04/16/09 in Grub Street

Inside Baseball

Will the Real Fake Restaurant Girl Please Stand Up?

Life Vicarious says it isn't behind the "real RG."

Posted 04/16/09 in Grub Street

Inside Baseball

Restaurant Girl Is NOT on Twitter, Okay?

The "real" Restaurant Girl is actually just another fake.

Posted 04/16/09 in Grub Street

Inside Baseball

Only in the Blogosphere, Kids

Restaurant Girl's fake Twitter calls out her real(?) Twitter.

Posted 04/15/09 in Vulture


Ashton Kutcher Takes On Ted Turner in Million-Man Tweet-Off

Something about this sure seems ominous to us.