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Verizon offering virtualization consulting, implementation
Verizon Business is offering a full package of virtualization services that range from assessing potential server consolidation all the way to deploying and managing virtualized servers. Read more...

Microsoft won't let companies run Azure on their own systems

Can Cisco sell 'unified' vision to a tough server crowd?

Major shift to cloud IT services inevitable, IDC says

Carbonite online backup service supports Mac

Cisco enters server market with Unified Computing System

Isilon boosts speed, capacity with new NAS boxes

Data center talent pool shrinks faster than expected

Five Energy Trends Driving Your Data Center

As recession hits IT spending, HP tries variable pricing on services

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Learn Hard Drive Secrets With DriveSitter Pro
If you want to know in exquisite detail absolutely everything about the functioning of your hard disk--and want to be warned if there's a danger of crashing--you'll want to give DriveSitter Pro a try. It delves deep into your hard disk and reports on a mind-boggling amount of information. Be aware, though, that much of the information will be incomprehensible to the uninitiated, and that if you don't need this level of detail, the registration price of US$25 is overkill.

Data Center Energy Beast: Tamers Needed
Data centers stand on the front lines of the battle to tame the energy consumption of information technology.

Enviromental control systems lack strong security
If lengthy requirements were a measure of success, then smart grid technology is well on its way to being an anomaly in the environmental controls space. But I'm not going to try to hold my breath for that to happen.

WeatherCal 1.0
There are plenty of ways Mac users can get the latest weather forecast. For example, Mac OS X includes its own weather widget for Dashboard, and there are many third-party weather programs out there. (And that's not including the myriad iPhone apps.) But I've found that the best place to view weather forecasts is on my calendar. After all, doing so puts the weather in the most-appropriate context: where I'll be and what I'll be doing.

Free Utilities to Speed Up and Tweak Your PC
You have a good system, but you can always improve a PC's performance.

Becoming green or just greenish?
OK, OK. I know you're working on becoming "green" or you're at least thinking you'd better have a good story when the CEO decides he wants to mount the environmentally conscious hobby horse so he can ride it to the next shareholders meeting, but wait! What does being green really mean?

Economic Blues Could Slow Data Center Construction
Data center construction requires a massive investment in time and cash before a facility is completed.

One of my favorite Mac OS X features is the capability to "print" to a PDF file. In any program, you just choose the Print command, click on the PDF button in the Print dialog, and then choose Save As PDF. In fact, as part of my personal efforts to conserve, the vast majority of "printing" I do these days is directly to PDF. For example, I have a Receipts folder that contains a PDF receipt for every online purchase from the past few years. (Which means that in addition to saving trees and toner, I've also made it easier to store and find information about past purchases. And since I have a good backup routine, all those documents are also backed up regularly.)

Keep an eye on smart grids and sensor nets
Part of being a professional pundit is having the ability -- real or imagined -- to "see around corners." That is, to predict with some degree of accuracy that which hasn't been invented yet.

Data Center Dustup Favors Cisco
Cisco Systems stirred up a hornet's nest among server vendors with the announcement that it was explicitly getting into the blade-based server market.

Apple's all-in-one iMac hits the sweet spot of style and performance -- and the stunning 24-in. model starts at $300 less than before.
Think of a souped-up smartphone with innovative interfaces, from which you can access everything from anywhere (see MIT Media Lab video).
Microsoft's IE8 browser offers cool features, better security, and improved performance. But is that enough to win users back from Firefox?
Apple rumor predicts netbook. Lenovo 'leaks' old prototype. Coincidence?
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
Embracing Next-Generation Mobile Platforms to Solve Business Problems
(Source: Sybase) In this White Paper, IDC analyzes the role of next-generation mobile enterprise platforms as organizations seek a more strategic deployment of mobile solutions. Understand why mobility is important to enterprise customers; discusses key past obstacles across technology, supplier deployment, and customer adoption; and identifies vital criteria for choosing a next-generation platform.
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"Almost everyone uses MySQL, if no where else on your favorite social network, but the wildly popular open-source database manager..." Read more Read More Blogs

"Boss at this big mobile-phone service provider tells IT pilot fish to go to a cell site and let the..." Read more Read More Blogs

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