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Miscellaneous Bait

Unclear on the Concept

Submitted by: Anonymous – Tue, 04/14/2009 – 09:17

At my office they're on a big kick to realise cost savings by implementing conservation measures - a new A/C unit that uses less electricity, and so on. It's a great idea, but sometimes I think they're a bit unclear on the concept.

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No need to hack when the browser does it for you

Submitted by: sharkbite – Tue, 03/31/2009 – 22:01

As of today I have located several issues with all Apple browser products including the Google Chrome browser which is actually based on Apple Safari.

All these browsers send personally identifiable information to the servers to which they connect to.

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Red herring error

Submitted by: Juptile – Tue, 03/31/2009 – 00:18

A few weeks ago our email server started glitching up. People would try and send email, only for the receiving domain to reject it because it 'does not contain a PTR record'.

After much frustration and a couple of weeks later, we found that it was not, as reported by the email clients (Thunderbird/Outlook) a PTR record error, but rather an A record was missing.

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The Application That Would Not Run

Submitted by: Juptile – Tue, 03/31/2009 – 00:14

In my workplace we have a program used to maintain data, which I shall call Program A. It relies on .Net 3. However, there is a Program B that acts as a patch, and this runs off .Net 3.5.

This little pilot fish gets the request from his supervisor to fix this program on a computer, which shouldn't take long. So I do the following.

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Thanks. Very helpful.

Submitted by: Juptile – Mon, 03/30/2009 – 21:10

Our organisation uses a major company's piece of software to maintain client records.

I ran the installer, and it installs quite smoothly. Until an error comes up.

Now, one would think that referencing the error number would give the solution, right? Well, this is what the error message was.

"Installation ended prematurely because of an error."

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The effects of a failing economy

Submitted by: comptech25 – Fri, 03/27/2009 – 17:47

I currently work as a pre-sales tech for network equipment. After dealing with several frustrating customer requests, I decide to get some air. I meet up with a coworker and begin venting.

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Networking 101

Submitted by: dustinn3 – Mon, 03/23/2009 – 11:16

I just got of the phone with one of our vendors. We are putting some of their equipment in and they have a webserver. We have to put in an ASA to do nat because they are using same network. I figured I could just put them on a different vlan and route it. However after talking with them I found out they use the whole 10/8 network for every install.

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You may now close the ticket.

Submitted by: MattTheJack – Fri, 03/20/2009 – 09:49

Don't you ever have fun with your "HellDesk" call center ?

I was recently struck with an annoying problem with groupwise. After sending 2 emails to the helpdesk, the issues got resolved by itself.

Being a good teamplayer that I am, I decided I should inform HellDesk that they should not followup on my problem.

"Dear HellDesk, regarding GroupWise email issue.

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How Do I Do That?

Submitted by: Sphynx – Fri, 03/20/2009 – 08:20

I was prepping some new workstations to be deployed in our offices. There was nothing hard or unusual about the installations. But on the third one I noticed something rather humerous.

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Now how did that get on there?

Submitted by: Juptile – Thu, 03/19/2009 – 19:18

I received a help desk call to check a user's system. The ticket contents? "User complains that system is slow."

I check the computer, but it was running at an acceptable speed. So I run CCleaner to clear out the registry of unnecessary entries and then check Add/Removes Programs. Cue raised eyebrow.

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