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Oracle offers scaled-down version of Database Machine
Citing customer demand, Oracle has unveiled a half-size version of the HP Oracle Database Machine. Read more...

Zoom zoom: Upstarts speed past big BI vendors in data warehouse loading speeds

Oracle 11g R2, Middleware 11g coming soon

Sybase touts momentum as it releases upgraded IQ database for BI

Aster Data launches cloud edition of analytic database

EHarmony finds data warehouse match with Netezza

E-discovery vendor revamps pricing model

MicroStrategy revs BI software suite with 'multisource engine'

NYSE Turns to Appliances In BI Consolidation Effort

Half of data centers surveyed plan 2009 cutbacks

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How to set up a cross-platform network
Your business may have started with an idea that popped into your head while freeloading off of the local coffee shop's wireless network. But you can't work out of the Java Hut forever.

FAQ: Oracle (and HP's) new database in a box, accelerator
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison introduced the company's first hardware products this week: the HP Oracle Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server. Any questions?

Review: How StuffIt stacks up against WinZip
StuffIt's format can be read by Windows, Macs, Unix, and Linux systems and its clean, simple interface makes easy work of file compression and decompression, but with only a bit more speed, StuffIt didn't show significantly better compression ratios.

Been audited lately? Blame the IRS's massive, superfast data warehouse
Thinking of fudging a bit on your tax return in these troubled times? Don't do it unless you feel smarter than the IRS's 150TB Compliance Data Warehouse, which is responsible for a marked improvement in the agency's ability to spot potential fraud.

Opinion: E-mail archiving options
Journaling can create excessive server overhead and delays in e-mail processing. So businesses that already archive their e-mails are looking for new and better ways to do it going forward.

BI Is the Business
Overstock.com's BI strategy has pragmatic, bottom-line implications, says columnist Mark Hall. Inventory levels have been reduced to $16 million from $80 million without any impact on sales, giving a huge boost to the companys cash flow.

Your data's less safe today than two years ago
Over the past two years, 158 million data records have been exposed due to security breaches in the U.S. Part of the problem is that just finding where sensitive data sits within the organization and where it's most vulnerable, let alone securing it, is a daunting task.

Opinion: Resolving ILM's identity crisis
For the last four years, companies that employ both information management and IT professionals have lived with dueling definitions of ILM. Now a resolution is in sight, partially because something rather curious has happened.

With records retention, it's better to be consistently wrong
Even if companies misinterpret existing laws and create the wrong policy that destroys requested data, regulators won't hold them responsible the first time an infraction occurs as long as they change their policies going forward.

Opinion: Perhaps high-capacity disk isn't such a good thing
The reality is that thanks to abundant cheap disk space, we've become storage gluttons and are desperately playing catch-up in areas such as indexing and classification.

Apple's all-in-one iMac hits the sweet spot of style and performance -- and the stunning 24-in. model starts at $300 less than before.
Think of a souped-up smartphone with innovative interfaces, from which you can access everything from anywhere (see MIT Media Lab video).
Microsoft's IE8 browser offers cool features, better security, and improved performance. But is that enough to win users back from Firefox?
Apple rumor predicts netbook. Lenovo 'leaks' old prototype. Coincidence?
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
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Embracing Next-Generation Mobile Platforms to Solve Business Problems
(Source: Sybase) In this White Paper, IDC analyzes the role of next-generation mobile enterprise platforms as organizations seek a more strategic deployment of mobile solutions. Understand why mobility is important to enterprise customers; discusses key past obstacles across technology, supplier deployment, and customer adoption; and identifies vital criteria for choosing a next-generation platform.
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Shifting Sands of the Business Intelligence Landscape - Tech Briefing

Download now!In uncertain economic times, the spate of acquisitions of major business intelligence vendors by mega-companies has only added to the anxiety of many BI decision makers. What are the motives of the acquiring companies? Is there any safe haven for IT managers seeking to advance their BI plans while reducing risk?

SAS Insights and Innovators Podcast Series featuring Jim Davis, Information Revolution: Using the Information Evolution Model to Grow Your Business

Download now!Hear Jim Davis, Chief Marketing Officer/Sr. VP of Marketing of SAS and co-author of the book entitled, Information Revolution: Using the Information Evolution Model to Grow Your Business. Davis describes and defines the Information Evolution Model and how to apply the concept to ultimately achieve true innovation within any organization.

SAS® Business Intelligence Interactive Tour

Download now!The SAS® Business Intelligence Interactive Tour includes:
- Screen demos of key SAS Business Intelligence capabilities providing glimpses into our fully integrated and comprehensive suite of business intelligence software.
- An overview of the SAS advantages in providing business intelligence for your organization.
- Access to the multiple resources including white papers, webcasts and special reports about SAS Business Intelligence.

Business Intelligence 2.0: The Core Elements of a Successful BICC

Download now!As leading edge companies have learned, a Business Intelligence Competency Center or BICC can assure that money spent on business intelligence solutions will generate timely and accurate information for the employees who need it most, helping a business to better serve its customers and surpass its competitors. And success in the BICC comes down to three key requirements, namely getting executive sponsorship, combining the right skills, and working within the organizational culture.

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"AppZero, Vue,GoView,Document Depository Corp and BitGravity all moved the ball forward in developing new, interesting business applications..." Read more Read More Blogs

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SAS is the leader in business intelligence and analytical software and services. Only SAS offers leading data integration, storage, analytics and business intelligence applications within a comprehensive enterprise intelligence platform. SAS gives 97 of the top 100 companies in the 2007 Fortune 500 THE POWER TO KNOW®.

Webcast: The Information Management Roadmap
Imagine high-quality data, cleansed, analyzed and delivered throughout your organization. Join Computerworld, IT visionary Thornton May and a panel of experts to learn how SAS® can help you make it happen.

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Research Report: Information Management Initiatives at Midsize and Large Organizations
See the top-line results of this Computerworld sponsored survey to see how IT and business leaders are handling information management implementation.

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White Paper: Information Management: Better Information for Winning Decisions.
This white paper explains how the SAS Information Evolution Model aids companies in assessing how they use this information to make strategic decisions and drive business.

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