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Google secure data tool ties Apps to company data
Google's new Secure Data Connector could result in a plethora of tie-ups between its productivity software and a range of enterprise applications and data sources. Read more...

Google updates App Engine, adds Java support

Regaining app-centric visibility, control

Alsop resigns; Progress Software names new CEO

Eclipse to detail platform, SOA plans at conference

Multicore chips pose next big challenge for industry

Oracle 11g R2, Middleware 11g coming soon

Microsoft to highlight Silverlight 3 technology

Best security questions to ask about SaaS

Test Center preview: Windows Server 2008 R2

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Can IT manage the cloud? These CTOs can
Brian Corrigan used to run datacenters for major casinos, so he knows not to gamble with mission-critical apps. Now, he works in the other gaming industry -- the one with joysticks and lots of shooting -- building communities for online gamers and collecting information about game usage for their publishers. As CTO at Agora Games, he needs to quickly ramp up and then cut his computing capabilities as new games come on the market, become all the rage, and eventually fade into so-so status. So it's little surprise that he's joined the growing ranks of companies buying computing, storage, and networking power as they need it from the cloud.

Project Spring Cleaning 2009
Technology needs spring cleaning just like rugs and garages. The trick today is to focus on security and maintenance issues that get ignored during normal work days. Set aside some time now to clean up and your technology will support you much more smoothly through the summer.

Key elements of an SOA governance strategy
One of the success factors in introducing and operating a service-oriented architecture (SOA) is governance of the architecture's components, such as services and processes. Effective SOA governance can be implemented by deploying a registry/repository for the entire life cycle of the components.

Web 2.0 works to solve problems
Every marketing firm must have the same set of buzzword stamps they use, inking every product with Green and Collaboration and Easy to Use and Do More With Less, often tagged additionally with the ever popular Web 2.0. Since the Web 2.0 buzzword long ago became so vague as to be useless, let me introduce you to three companies that solve Real World 1.0 problems with the help of Web 2.0 technology: YouSendIt, EchoSign, and Casdex.

Nick Carr: The ways cloud computing will disrupt IT
Whether you prefer the term "utility computing" or "the cloud," the industry is headed in that direction, however slowly. The transition will have multiple effects on IT -- some productive, others unpleasant. It will strike to the heart of the very technology professionals who provide a significant chunk of today's enterprise IT.

On Your Side: Skype Account Troubles
I hadn't logged in to my Skype account for a few months, so I forgot the password. When I tried to reset the password, Skype said that there was no e-mail address associated with the account. To verify my identity, I told the company that I could be contacted at any other instant messaging or e-mail service under the same user name. The representatives told me that they couldn't verify my account with this information. I don't understand what the problem is. What else I can do?

Sync Files on Multiple PCs, and 13 Other Freebies
These 10 slick services can help you sync PCs, share large files on the Web, enhance your blog, kill snail mail, and more.

What's the best, easy Web design tool?
Christopherm needs to maintain a Web site. He asked the Answer Line Forum for easy-to-use software recommendations.

How to set up a cross-platform network
Your business may have started with an idea that popped into your head while freeloading off of the local coffee shop's wireless network. But you can't work out of the Java Hut forever.

Twelve promising new Web sites and services
Editors offer their favorite Web 2.0 ideas from Demo Fall 2008 in San Diego and TechCrunch50 in San Francisco.

Windows expert Preston Gralla was challenged to work with Apple's MacBook Air for two weeks. Will he ever go back to a PC?
Testing out the Windows 7 beta? Here are a handful of ways to get around the interface and make it act the way you want.
With downsizings and cutbacks all around, it's more essential than ever to ensure that negative personality traits don't derail your career. Here are five fatal flaws that can bring down the axe.
How much processing power do you need to run a modern Linux desktop? The short answer to this question is "not much at all."
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
MarketVibe: The State of Data Governance in Enterprises Today
(Source: IDG) In December 2008, Computerworld invited IT and line-of-business leaders to participate in a survey on data issues within their organizations. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the data issues that organizations are facing today, which groups have responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of this data, and the impact of these data issues on business initiatives. The survey was commissioned by Kalido, but data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld and IDG Research Services.
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Business Value Analysis Study: Aspirus, Inc - Backup and Recovery, Endpoint Management, and Endpoint Security
This Business Value Analysis shows how Aspirus is achieving significant business value from its different Symantec-based solution deployments.
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