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‘bernard madoff’

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Showing 1-20 of 63 posts

Posted 02/25/09 in Daily Intel


Madoff Investor Martin Rosenman Will Not Get Any Special Treatment

The Bronx businessman who wired $10 million into Bernie Madoff's account just a few days before he was arrested is officially out of luck. (And money.)

Posted 02/20/09 in Daily Intel


Bernie Madoff Hadn’t Bought Securities for Clients in Years

The trustee liquidating Bernard Madoff's investment firm confirmed today that the securities trader hadn't bought securities for thirteen years.

Posted 02/17/09 in Daily Intel


At Last, a Way to Smash Bernie’s Balls

A new toy for those scammed by the Ponz.

Posted 02/13/09 in Daily Intel

White Men With Money

Will R. Allen Stanford Top Bernie Madoff?

The SEC is looking into the Caribbean-based financier, who has $51 billion under management.

Posted 02/12/09 in Daily Intel

Old Crime

Arthur Nadel Is in New York!

The Florida Ponzi-schemer, 76, comes home to be with his people.

Posted 02/12/09 in Daily Intel


Were Ruth and Bernie Madoff the Ian Brady and Myra Hindley of Finance?

Was she in on it? We consider the possibilities.

Posted 02/09/09 in Daily Intel


SEC’s Top Enforcement Official Resigns

In the wake of the Madoff scandal, Linda Thomsen calls it quits.

Posted 02/05/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

WSJ Editor Does Not Recall Getting Markopolos Madoff Tip

But if he did know anything, he wasn't the only one who knew something and didn't do anything. Or something?

Posted 02/05/09 in Daily Intel


Bernie Madoff’s Lawyer Also On His Client List

So was John Malkovich. And other surprises from his list of victims.

Posted 02/04/09 in Daily Intel


Harry Markopolos Is Testifying in Front of Congress Right Now

Madoff had "a lot of help," he said. "A robust information-technology business and people taking in money and sending out money."

Posted 02/02/09 in Daily Intel


Harry Markopoulos Is Ready for His Close-up

The reclusive and cranky financier who blew the whistle on Bernie Madoff will finally (let's hope) appear in front of Congress.

Posted 02/02/09 in Daily Intel


The World’s Gone Madoff!

Is Bernie Madoff contagious, and like in that horrible M. Night Shyamalan movie, can contact with him make you go all crazy and lawless?

Posted 02/02/09 in Daily Intel


Tommy Lee’s Plane Pulled Over for Erratic Flying

Thankfully, he wasn't behind the wheel. Plus, Mickey Rourke writes thank-you notes, and other surprises, in today's gossip roundup.

Posted 01/30/09 in Daily Intel


Welcome to the Home Prison of Bernie Madoff!

Real-estate brokers have been invited to visit the Ponzi schemer's house, while he's still in it! Awkwardness ensues.

Posted 01/30/09 in Daily Intel


Merrill Exec: ‘Look, Even Smart People Were Fooled by Madoff’

Former Merrill Lynch exec John 'Launny' Steffens lost $35 million to Madoff, but there's one thing he feels good about.

Posted 01/29/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

Introducing the Bernie Madoff Action Figure

Bulletproof vest not included.

Posted 01/29/09 in Daily Intel

The Greatest Depression

The Dirty Dozen: Intel’s Guide to the Cheats, Crooks, and Con Artists of the Greatest Depression

The gang's all here!

Posted 01/27/09 in Daily Intel


Today in Madoff: The Senate Banking Committee Confronts the Elephant in the Room

How did they not notice Bernie Madoff, they asked themselves, when he was standing right there, breathing his hot, sticky peanut breath all over them?

Posted 01/23/09 in Daily Intel


Finance Forecaster’s Cancer Call Correct for Madoff?

Street columnist and financial adviser Doug Kass had a spooky premonition, and if it's like the rest of his spooky premonitions, it might turn out to be true.

Posted 01/20/09 in Daily Intel


Bernie Madoff Ruined The Inauguration For P.E.T.A

Finally, a story with a happy ending comes out of this saga.