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Kaiser fires 15 workers for snooping in octuplet mom's medical records
The Kaiser Permanente hospital where Nadya Suleman gave birth to octuplets in January has fired 15 employees and reprimanded eight more for improperly accessing her electronic medical records. Read more...

Conficker.c infects small number of U.S. PCs, IBM says

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China denies cyberspy network charges

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U.S. sentences first foreigner for phishing

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Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries

Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries

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Avoiding Pitfalls in Log Management Planning
Over the past decade cyber security has emerged as an important concern for organizations of all sizes. The increase in digitized corporate records, coupled with the rise in cyber crime, is driving organizations in the public and private sectors to invest in more protection for sensitive data and regulated or other critical assets. In just the first two months this year, the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse has noted data breaches at several financial, healthcare and educational institutions as well at federal, state and local governmental agencies.

Pethia: InfoSec's Challenges, Changes
Rich Pethia, a CSO Compass Award winner, spoke with CSO about how much IT security and vulnerabilities have changed in two decades.

IBM talks to Sun, IE8 debuts, iPhone 3.0 sneak peek
IBM is in talks to buy Sun, according to The Wall Street Journal, leading analysts and industry observers to weigh in on the pros and cons. Steve Ballmer gave it a thumbs up because anything that distracts IBM from the "business" part of its name is fine by him. Speaking of Ballmer, IE8 came out this week. Apple also gave the world a look-see at its forthcoming iPhone 3.0 software.

The convergence of SIEM and log management
Though Security Information and Event Management and log management tools have been complementary for years, the technologies are expected to merge. Here's a look at what you can expect in second-generation log management and SIEM solutions.

Good FUD Vs. Bad: Is There Really A Difference?
Thick skin is a necessity for any writer. It doesn't matter if they cover security, politics or do restaurant reviews. There will always be readers who disagree with an article's thesis, and some will do so bitterly. That fact has been amplified in the last few years with the rise of the blogosphere.

Five Things You Can't See on Your Network
Networks today are blind. As analyst firms such as Gartner have pointed out, IT doesn't really know which users are on the network. Similarly, IT knows very little about the application traffic on the LAN.

The stateful LAN: Layer 7 visibility and control
Enterprises have seen an explosion of new applications, devices and classes of users on their LANs, which makes it harder than ever for IT to ensure network performance, secure corporate assets and comply with regulations. In response, next-generation intelligent LAN switches are emerging that are designed to provide stateful, deep-packet inspection up through Layer 7, providing granular user- and application-level controls.

What's behind move toward managed services
When the going gets tough, the tough get ... managed? Apparently so.

SOA Security: The Basics
In this article, we examine how security applies to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Before we discuss security for SOA, lets take a step back and examine what SOA is. SOA is an architectural approach which involves applications being exposed as "services". Originally, services in SOA were associated with a stack of technologies which included SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. However, many grassroots developers then showed a preference for lightweight REST (Representational State Transfer) services as opposed to the more heavyweight SOAP messages, with the result that REST is now an accepted part of SOA. The rise of Web 2.0 has cemented RESTss place in the SOA world, since REST is widely used in Web 2.0. More recently, Cloud services such as Amazon's Simple Queuing Service (SQS) may be used alongside local services, to create a "hybrid" SOA environment. The result of all this is that SOA now encompasses the original SOAP/REST/UDDI stack, REST services, and the Cloud. From a security

The Company that Did Everything Wrong, Part 2
It was 1 a.m. and we had been working on our client's data breach for eight hours. Most of the team had been awake for 20-plus hours, and fatigue was starting to set in when Bob discovered something.

Apple's all-in-one iMac hits the sweet spot of style and performance -- and the stunning 24-in. model starts at $300 less than before.
Think of a souped-up smartphone with innovative interfaces, from which you can access everything from anywhere (see MIT Media Lab video).
Microsoft's IE8 browser offers cool features, better security, and improved performance. But is that enough to win users back from Firefox?
Apple rumor predicts netbook. Lenovo 'leaks' old prototype. Coincidence?
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Embracing Next-Generation Mobile Platforms to Solve Business Problems
(Source: Sybase) In this White Paper, IDC analyzes the role of next-generation mobile enterprise platforms as organizations seek a more strategic deployment of mobile solutions. Understand why mobility is important to enterprise customers; discusses key past obstacles across technology, supplier deployment, and customer adoption; and identifies vital criteria for choosing a next-generation platform.
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