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Federal cybersecurity review drawing to a close
A 60-day review of federal cybersecurity efforts that President Obama ordered in February is scheduled to end this week, although it's unclear when the findings will be publicly released. Read more...

DOJ: U.S. government exceeded surveillance authority

DOJ wants extension of Microsoft antitrust judgment

Indian government approves Satyam takeover

Agencies flooded with comments about broadband stimulus

FCC moves toward national broadband policy

Former Satyam execs charged with crimes over accounting scandal

U.S. trade office releases information on secret piracy pact

Kaiser hospital cans 15 for peeking at octuplet mom's medical records

Senate bill seeks to give feds new private-sector security powers

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Need ILM? Try RIM
If I were to say the letters “R-I-M,” would you know what I was talking about? I see some hands go up, that’s good. I also see some quizzical looks. But that’s good too because now I have your attention.

When Your End User Is a Judge
The vice president of records management at a large financial services firm once quipped that his end user was a judge. He should know, having been through a high-profile legal discovery process that required producing terabytes of electronic records along with truckloads of boxes filled with paper records. And do you know what he prefers to give the judge first and foremost? Paper records.

Fed up with tape, hospital moves to storage jukebox
When Cabell Huntington Hospital installed a new image and records archiving system late last year, it was given a choice of sticking with its optical disk jukebox with spinning disk arrays or going back to magnetic tape.

Pirates to Worry You: Chinese Manufacturing Partners
Somali pirates who brazenly attacked container ships in the Indian Ocean have garnered a lot of recent attention. But for companies that source products from Chinese manufacturing partners, there are even greater and longer-term business risks due to pirating attacks on companies' intellectual property and supply chains.

The Internet Kill Switch
"To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making."

A Lesson in Compliance from the Chemical Industry
In many ways, the role of the CSO is directly tied to business profitability. By creating and enforcing policies that protect human, physical and intellectual assets, the CSO ensures the very integrity of the organization. This link to the bottom line, though, is about to become much stronger--and quite possibly much sooner than anticipated.

A Wolverine in Fox's clothing
The Internet is a bad, baaaad thing. It turns otherwise normal people into criminals. And if you don't use it correctly it can get you fired. Erstwhile Fox News movie reviewer Roger Friedman found out this out the hard way when he reviewed a pirated copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine -- and found himself X'd out of a writing gig.

HITECH: Be afraid, be very afraid
Maureen Martin of The Heartland Institute, a think tank promoting public policy based on individual liberty, limited government and free markets, argues that the new Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act  exposes too much personal information.

Facebook exec on balancing privacy, business needs
CPO Chris Kelly talks about Facebook's view of privacy and how that affects its ability to serve up ads.

IBM layoffs, Manifesto saga, Google tweaks
IBM is laying off thousands more employees and is likely to ship more of those jobs overseas, news of which riled up a whole lot of people. A back-and-forth over a "secret" document regarding cloud computing -- of all things -- also stirred it up in some quarters, making us think that some folks really do need to get out in the sunshine a little more. Google brought some happiness to the mix, though, announcing it has added some semantic technology to its search engine.

Linux, Mac, Windows XP: Whatever your choice of operating system, we have some fun things for you to try.
The operating systems of yesteryear weren't all sunshine and roses. Cyber cynic Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols names his picks for some of the worst OSs of all time.
Apple's newest Mac Pro takes a significant step forward with the move to Intel's new Nehalem processor and an infrastructure that should be able to squeeze the utmost out of the upcoming Mac OS X 10.6.
Satellite radio will die soon anyway, but Apple will accidentally perform a mercy killing of Sirius XM Radio this summer, says Mike Elgan.
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MarketVibe: The State of Data Governance in Enterprises Today
(Source: IDG) In December 2008, Computerworld invited IT and line-of-business leaders to participate in a survey on data issues within their organizations. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of the data issues that organizations are facing today, which groups have responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of this data, and the impact of these data issues on business initiatives. The survey was commissioned by Kalido, but data was gathered and tabulated independently by Computerworld and IDG Research Services.
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Power of the Pen Disaster Preparedness: How to Develop a Business Continuity Plan
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"It's not easy being green, but saving green is apt to be the real driver for business managers to re-evaluate..." Read more Read More Blogs

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Virtualization Technologies and Their Impact on Disaster Recovery
Double-Take Software delivers enterprise-class disaster recovery and high availability solutions for cutting-edge virtual environments. Learn how your business can leverage virtual technologies to achieve complete confidence in the unparalleled data protection, availability, and recoverability while simplifying your overall IT management.
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