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AT&T; to offer smartphones from Nokia, Samsung
AT&T; will offer two new smartphones that will be available in coming weeks -- the Nokia E71x, the thinnest smartphone with a QWERTY keyboard, and the Samsung Propel Pro. Read more...

At last, Skype set to launch iPhone application

E-books poised for 'huge surge' in 2010, says Fictionwise exec

E-reader comes to BlackBerry

Nortel set to unveil health care offerings, ROI tool

Nokia buys stake in mobile payment company Obopay

Sprint provides wireless links for smart Ford F-Series trucks, E-Series vans

VMware to manage virtual machines from mobile phones

Users of Sony e-readers gain free access to classics via Google

Cell phone, smartphone -- what's the difference?

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Elgan: Don't look now, but you're a cyborg
Cell phones are changing how our minds work, how we retain, manage and retrieve facts and information and even how we think about the world. So, are we cyborgs yet?

Why WiMax should be on the CIO's radar
Despite the billions of dollars required to roll out a brand-new wireless network, the slowdown in the economy, and the reduced share price, the president of Clearwire, Barry West, is optimistic about the future role of WiMax in business. And he says tech managers should put WiMax planning on their agendas now.

Paperless office? Ha! How about a paperless life?
Columnist Mike Elgan reports on the results of his experiment in attempting to eliminate paper from his life and the variety of products and services that he used along the way.

Conficker spawn, recession smackdown
A new version of Conficker has turned up and could portend even more malevolent uses of that already-nasty malware. Hewlett-Packard, Apple and Sprint Nextel, through either rough earnings reports or market surveys, joined the ranks of big-name tech companies that have been slammed by the recession. And if you use facial recognition to securely log on to your laptop, you may want to reconsider.

Trends coming together make a plan for small business
George Peppard said as his character Hannibal Smith on The A-Team, "I love it when a plan comes together." Several trends, if not a plan, are coming together in interesting ways in technology for small businesses. Mix equal parts of online applications, netbooks, and constant wireless networking together, and you get new ways to do more work in more places for less money.

BlackBerry phone hits the hotspot with VoIP
RIM has developed a knack for pulling customers into new BlackBerry devices. That's no mean feat. BlackBerry is the most mature, most imitated, and most-targeted brand in the mobile industry. RIM keeps new handsets rolling out, and it keeps racking up new exclusives with wireless operators by finding gaps in its own product line and filling them better than its competitors can. By teaming up with T-Mobile, RIM's latest product helps to fill your budget gaps by providing flat-rate unlimited IP telephony from your home, office, airport, or any locale that hosts a T-Mobile Hotspot.

More odds and ends from the office
A lot of smaller devices have been piling up lately, so I'm going to do a bunch of quick mini-reviews to "clean out the in-box":

Nokia May Open App Store
Is Nokia about to launch an application store for its Symbian platform at next week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona? That's the rumor buzzing about the Internet this morning. Russian-language blogger and editor of Russia's largest mobile tech site Mobile-review.com, Eldar Murtazin, claims to have seen Nokia's new app store, according to a translation by Unwired View. Sorry, was that confusing? Then let me recap: according to one blogger, who found out from another blogger, who claims to have seen it with his own eyes, Nokia is on the verge of launching an app store. Clear as mud? Good!

FAQ: How Google Latitude locates you
The new Google Latitude service uses a combination of wireless technologies to pinpoint your location, often with a surprising degree of accuracy. Here's how.

BlackBerry gets thin with the 8900
The scoop: BlackBerry Curve 8900, with T-Mobile service, about US$200 (after $100 rebate, with two-year contract, plus at least $15 monthly service plan).

Apple's all-in-one iMac hits the sweet spot of style and performance -- and the stunning 24-in. model starts at $300 less than before.
Think of a souped-up smartphone with innovative interfaces, from which you can access everything from anywhere (see MIT Media Lab video).
Microsoft's IE8 browser offers cool features, better security, and improved performance. But is that enough to win users back from Firefox?
Apple rumor predicts netbook. Lenovo 'leaks' old prototype. Coincidence?
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
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Embracing Next-Generation Mobile Platforms to Solve Business Problems
(Source: Sybase) In this White Paper, IDC analyzes the role of next-generation mobile enterprise platforms as organizations seek a more strategic deployment of mobile solutions. Understand why mobility is important to enterprise customers; discusses key past obstacles across technology, supplier deployment, and customer adoption; and identifies vital criteria for choosing a next-generation platform.
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"A new service code-named 'Garbo' promises to painlessly remove your digital footprint from Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and other social..." Read more Read More Blogs

"Late Sunday night in Washington DC a Tweet appeared ......." Read more Read More Blogs

"The education crisis is bad and getting worse. The US spends more on education than any other nation, so the..." Read more Read More Blogs

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