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You might be surprised at the number of times we hear that a company "has no real competitors."   It is one of the biggest mistakes an entrepreneur can make when positioning his company. Dismissing...
CommentChris Shipley04/14/2009
Carla is on special assignment, so this week Keith catches up with DD Ganguly, CEO of Dimdim, to get an update on ...Read More
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Alumni in the News
Wozniak's Utah startup lands $47.5M, CEO
Sacramento Business Journal ~ 04/15/2009 (RE: DEMOfall 08 alum Fusion-io)
Fusion-io, the enterprise storage company that has Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak as chief scientist,doesn't...Read More
The Guidewire
The hullaballoo over the Facebook redesign has reached Threat Level Red; in its latest issue, Entertainment Weekly likens it to New Coke and Betamax. Ouch. When a mainstream entertainment magazine is taking jabs at your user interface, you can be sure of two things: 1) nothing you do escapes notice and 2) you screwed up. The ...Read More
The Guidewirecarlacthompson03/24/2009