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Sales Automation systems are information systems used in marketing and management that automate some sales and sales force management functions. They are frequently combined with a marketing information system, in which case they are often called customer relationship management systems.

Sales Automation


Travel and Procurement: The Convergence

published by Concur on Oct 31, 2007

According to a recent Aberdeen Group survey, companies that don’t use an integrated travel and entertainment (T&E) expense management service are falling behind in almost every measure of financial management. Aberdeen presents figures showing that they pay 37 percent more to process their expense reports,  take three times longer to reimburse employees, and are essentially working in the dark when it comes to controlling travel expenditures.


A Growing Demand for End-to-End Corporate Travel and Expense Management Solution

published by Concur on Aug 31, 2006

A result of surveys with procurement, finance and travel executives from over 290 companies from an independent survey by Aberdeen Group, Inc. reveal that 26% of respondents plan on adopting an end-to-end travel booking and expense reporting solution within the next two years. Download a copy of the entire report from the Aberdeen Group now.


Energy Central SAP Customer Care & Billing White Paper

published by SAP on Apr 25, 2006

According to Energy Central’s research, an increasing number of utilities of all sizes are beginning to consider replacing legacy customer information systems that no longer have the functionality or the long-term viability for an uncertain, but rapidly evolving future.


How Fast-Growing Companies Obtain CRM Success

published by Netsuite on Apr 11, 2006

This white paper reveals the most vital elements needed to develop a seamless value chain; one that realistically enables an SMB to develop valuable 2-way relationships with their most valuable customer segments.


How to Outsell the Competition

published by Netsuite on May 30, 2007

Sales Benchmark Index presents information in this NetSuite White Paper that helps sales management succeed in implementing a data-driven decision making process for sales success. Five steps for developing a sales benchmark are defined, with a list of key metrics you can use.

Landslide Technologies

Run Away to Join the New Circus - Sales 2.0 Whitepaper Part 1

published by Landslide Technologies on Sep 07, 2007

What sales is has not changed. How sales are accomplished is changing radically. In this first of a two-part whitepaper,  we present an overview of the state of sales today, supported by metrics from our 2007 Sales Performance Optimization survey.  The differences between S1.0 and S2.0 are represented in the comparison between old-style circus companies and  the modern circus (think Ringling Bros. vs. Cirque du Soleil).

Online Insight

Sharing Secrets: Online Insight's Golden Nugget Breakthrough for Relationship Management

published by Online Insight on Jan 06, 2006

This white paper describes Online Insight's vision for the next generation in sales and marketing, driven not by guesstimates about a customer based on ancient demographics and historical purchases, but by up-to-the second needs and preferences measured real-time in a first-hand "collaborative customer conversation."


Sales Force Automation Case Study: TaylorMade Golf, Inc.

published by AT&T; on May 14, 2008

Wholesale sales representatives sell TaylorMade golf clubs, clothing and accessories to more than 10,000 retail outlets. TaylorMade executives concluded that if the company could automate these value-added sales force services, which were requiring more than 60% of the company's 100+ wholesale representatives' in-outlet time, the overhead savings and increase in sales revenue could be significant. Read how TaylorMade addressed this challenge in this case study.


Sales Force Automation Case Study: adidas America

published by AT&T; on Sep 20, 2007

A leader in its industry, adidas America recognized that it could increase its sales potential by automating many components of the sales process. Tim Oligmueller, sales force automation manager for adidas America, wanted to reduce the number of calls from sales representatives in the field to check on product availability, enabling them to capture "at-once" business and show customers that the company is on the cutting edge not only in footwear and apparel design, but also in customer service.


The Agile Service Operation Embraces Technology

published by ServicePower on Jul 03, 2007

Technology can prove to be a vital component in the quest for service profitability. However, there is a lot of technology out there targeted at field service organizations which has evolved to the point where its introduction in customer-facing functions can significantly enhance organizational productivity.

Microsoft Dynamics

The Future Sales Force - A Consultative Approach

published by Microsoft Dynamics on Sep 04, 2006

If your company uses a contact management or customer relationship management (CRM system), you need to ask one additional key question. Does your CRM or contact management system tie your consultative sales, ROI analysis and proposal production process together?

Gold Lasso

The Importance of Personalization

published by Gold Lasso on Jun 01, 2005

Since the introduction of e-mail as a viable marketing and communications vehicle, the focus has shifted from a "one size fits all" model to content that is relevant and specific to the intended recipient. This paper reviews general concepts behind personalization, further investigates its advantages, discusses the challenges to personalizing campaigns and provides solutions to overcome the challenges.

Fathom SEO

The Dawn of a New Industry: Internet Video Production and Marketing

published by Fathom SEO on Nov 14, 2007

Learn what it takes to produce online videos that drive sales, leads and publicity for your business. This guide explains why Internet video is growing at such a rapid pace and offers tips on how to begin your own video marketing campaigns.

Landslide Technologies

Think. Think Different. Think Again. Sales 2.0 Whitepaper Part 2

published by Landslide Technologies on Aug 07, 2007

If you think you know sales, you likely are bringing to this topic a history and track record that has served you well.  This paper attempts to offer the cautionary warning that what has worked in your past may not serve your current  sales reps as well today, and could actually hurt their performance. Sales 1.0 was about lone wolves, product superiority,  proven skills and making the number.


The Changing Dynamics of Retail Promotions

published by IBM on Feb 28, 2007

Traditionally, retail promotions were handled by the merchandising, marketing and finance departments. Now companies are finding that by implementing promotions strategies deep within their infrastructure, they can increase profit uplift. Get the IBM white paper and see how optimizing retail promotions can positively affect your business.


Using Proven Personalization Techniques

published by BroadVision on Dec 07, 2005

This white paper provides an overview of the most useful personalization techniques and discusses how to combine personalization strategy with personalization techniques.

Citrix Online

Virtualizing Sales and Marketing: Driving Revenue, Lowering Costs and More

published by Citrix Online on May 14, 2007

Many businesses have harnessed the unique capabilities of web conferencing to move their outbound marketing programs to the Internet and virtualize their sales activities. On the surface, the apparent benefits appear to include lower costs and increased sales – but do the benefits go deeper? What are the pitfalls? And are there particular steps in the sales process that work better than others?

Fathom SEO

Video Presentation: The Dawn of a New Industry

published by Fathom SEO on Feb 06, 2008

Watch what it takes to takes to produce online videos that drive sales, leads and publicity for your business. This quick presentation explains why Internet video is growing at such a rapid pace and offers tips on how to begin your own video marketing campaigns.

Gold Lasso

What You Should Know About Email Marketing Deliverability

published by Gold Lasso on Jan 11, 2005

Successful delivery is the driving force behind an effective email marketing campaign. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of terms (or jargon) related to e-mail deliverability, increase general knowledge of the concept, discuss delivery barriers and provide tactics to overcome these issues.

Citrix Online

Web Conferencing's Expanding Role in Training

published by Citrix Online on Mar 09, 2007

This white paper describes the results of a survey of 533 trainers conducted in December 2006-January 2007 concerning the usage levels, benefits, and justifications for web conferencing as a training application. It explores trainer attitudes concerning the relationship between a variety of synchronous and asynchronous tools, as well as the impact of web conferencing on live, in-person training.


Web-Enabled Applications and the Internet: Satisfying the Growing Expectations of Business Users

published by Quocirca on Oct 26, 2007

Businesses across Europe are becoming increasingly reliant on web-enabled applications that are accessed over the public internet. One of the key drivers for this is to open up communications with external organizations that are fundamental to core business processes.


Beyond Email: Integrated Online Tools for Managing The Customer Relationship Lifecycle

published by Connectus on Dec 20, 2005

Long ago dubbed the 'killer app', email marketing has now reached the height of its potential and is poised to assume its place as the medium of choice for maintaining customer relationships. In fact, despite the threat of spam, marketers are continuing to turn to email marketing initiatives - with impressive results. Email marketing continues to be the most affordable, efficient and personalized way to connect with clients and future prospects.

Live Person

Bringing Humanity Back to the Web

published by Live Person on Nov 14, 2006

In today’s world, it may seem like there is barely enough time to stay on top of running a business, let alone for perceived luxuries like personal interaction over every transaction. This white paper looks at the benefits of combining two popular online communication tools- email marketing and live chat - to boost customer loyalty and retention.

ICC Decision Services

Big Opportunity in 2008: Prospering In Hard Times Through Customer Insights

published by ICC Decision Services on Feb 07, 2008

To paraphrase an old saying, “When the going gets tough, retailers start slashing operational costs.”  Ironically, cost slashing usually exposes a retailer to even greater risks instead of fortifying it against economic uncertainties.  All businesses have felt the impact of today’s volatile economy.  Retail has been hit especially hard, with sales in 2007 rising by only 2.4% - the smallest year-to-year increase since 2002. Despite such dour statistics, there are plenty of opportunities to gain share in today’s market.

Enlightening Solutions

Confessions of an ERP Sales Representative

published by Enlightening Solutions on Mar 01, 2008

An in-depth look behind the sophisticated game of enterprise software (ERP) sales, including an explanation of the dimensions and psychology involved with enterprise software purchasing decisions. If companies do not understand the rules of the game, they might find themselves prey to the emotional ploys used in the industry. Included are some tips to help companies turn the game in their favor.

More Enterprise Applications Topics

Application Integration, Application Performance Management, Best Practices, Business Activity Monitoring, Business Analytics, Business Integration, Business Intelligence, Business Management, Business Metrics, Business Process Automation, Business Process Management, Call Center Management, Call Center Software, Change Management, Corporate Governance, Customer Interaction Service, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, eBusiness, Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise Software, eProcurement, Extranets, Groupware Workflow, HIPAA Compliance, IP Faxing, IT Spending, Marketing Automation, Performance Testing, Product Lifecycle Management, Project Management, Return On Investment, Risk Management, Sales & Marketing Software, Sales Automation, Server Virtualization, Simulation Software, Supply Chain Management, System Management Software, Total Cost of Ownership, Video Conferencing, Voice Recognition, Voice Over IP, Workforce Management, Incentive Compensation, Spend Management, Manufacturing Execution Systems

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