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Posted 3/17/09 at 6:33 PM

The Downturnaround

The Day the Street Split Open

Before: apocalyptic. After: all better!

Before: apocalyptic. After: all better!Photo: Nadia LaChance

When the street right outside the New York Magazine office split open like a pair of cheap trousers yesterday and brown nasty water started gushing out, our first thought was: end times. Better get the inflatable dinghy out of storage and head for the meet-up site. Shit, where did we leave our gold? Later, when we saw hundreds of municipal employees pull up in a fleet of trucks and assorted vehicles, our thoughts changed to: bureaucratic clusterfuck. More precious tax dollars down the tubes. But this morning, when we saw the work crews applying the final layers of asphalt, the wound all but healed, we marveled: Downturnaround, baby! New York City is not heading back to the seventies without a fight!

Posted 3/17/09 at 6:26 PM

Iconic Images of the Greatest Depression

AIG?s Head of Financial Products Is a Fan of Che Guevara
AIG’s Head of Financial Products Is a Fan of Che Guevara

Spotted: Gerry Pasciucco, a former vice-chairman of Morgan Stanley, at a recent party in Belle Haven, Connecticut, "sporting a Che Guevara t-shirt, blue blazer and handkerchief, with some sort of sporting drink I'm unable to identify (possibly a mojito?)." [TPM]

Posted 3/17/09 at 6:15 PM

Photo Op

Don’t Forget, It’s Still Saint Patrick’s Day!

Don?t Forget, It?s Still Saint Patrick?s Day!

Photo: Getty Images

Just because the parade is over, and the novelty of wearing your very handsome special shamrock tie that you can only wear once a year has worn off, please don't lose the magic of Saint Patrick's Day. It lasts until midnight, people! There are still concerts to attend, there are plenty of Irish brews yet to sample, and there are plenty of Jameson specials around town. So don't stop eating those Irish potatoes (seriously, they don't go bad for at least two months), keep on that face paint, and for God's sake, don't stop drinking. You think Saint Patrick got all those snakes out of Ireland by walking in a straight line?


Posted 3/17/09 at 6:04 PM

The Greatest Depression

Romance Novels, Vasectomies on the Rise
Romance Novels, Vasectomies on the Rise

Sales of romance novels are up and expected to rise, "because romance novels tend to do better in economic downturns," according to Andrew Sullivan. A recent report on NBC also notes that the recession has begotten a rise in vasectomies. "Apparently some couples, fearing that their incomes may be permanently lower, wish to minimize the chances of having another child." Our takeaway? Sex without consequences = IN for the Greatest Depression. [Freakonomics/NYT]

Posted 3/17/09 at 5:37 PM

Media Deathwatch

Arianna Huffington Is Taking Over the Metro Tomorrow

The Huffington Post honcho will try her hand at print for a day. Elsewhere in the world of media, print and online organizations make cautious advances toward one another.

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Posted 3/17/09 at 5:15 PM


Walk-through: Brooklyn Heights Federal

Check out this rare wooden Federal-style townhouse in Brooklyn Heights, which was built in the 1820s. Though it hasn't changed hands in over 70 years, it's fully updated — retaining intricate tin wainscoting and pressed ceilings. Cheerily painted yellow on the outside, the interiors are lit by wide, modern windows and skylights. If you've been waiting for the time to buy, this might be your chance: The owner has dropped the price by over $1 million since last spring.

Posted 3/17/09 at 4:40 PM


Alex McCord Wants to Be a Brand
Alex McCord Wants to Be a Brand

Now that Real Housewife Alex McCord is out of a job, she's exploring her options. Not in the field of visual merchandising, where she worked previously, of course. In the spotlight. Betty Confidential's Kelly Will reports that McCord's been meeting with talent agents to "find a little avenue of fame beyond her Bravo gig. She's willing to model, act, and maybe even dance!" We can't decide what's more awesome: picturing her on Dancing With the Stars, or picturing her in a movie. [Betty Confidential]

Posted 3/17/09 at 4:20 PM


Ruth Madoff Hangs On To Palm Beach Estate
Ruth Madoff Hangs On To Palm Beach Estate

Ruth Madoff has declared her $9.4 million Palm Beach estate her primary residence, not because she plans on heading south for a little R&R; in the wake of her husband finally going to jail, but because the Florida constitution protects people who, like Ruth, apply for and receive "homestead exemptions" to prevent their property from being seized by mean creditors. “The two big drawing cards to Florida were sunshine and affordability,” a local lawyer told Bloomberg. “Now it’s for sunshine and the protection of your primary mansion.” [Bloomberg]

Posted 3/17/09 at 4:00 PM

Monkey Attacks

Travis the Chimp?s Owner Getting Sued for $50 Million
Travis the Chimp’s Owner Getting Sued for $50 Million

The family of Charla Nash, the woman mauled by Travis the Chimp, is reportedly suing the ape's owner for $50 million. Apparently they consider it negligent and reckless to raise a wild animal as a person, possibly give it prescription drugs, and call your friend over to help when it gets angry, leaving her without lips, a nose, eyelids, or hands, and potentially blind and brain-damaged from the ensuing attack. We tell ya, these frivolous lawsuits never stop. [NYDN]

Posted 3/17/09 at 3:45 PM

The Most Important People in the World

George Clooney Does a Killer Andy Rooney Impression

MSNBC today provides us with a confusing, and perhaps even unsettling, home video of George Clooney in his hotel room while on a trip to Chad. In it, Clooney (whom Jossip suspects might be drunk, but we just think is slightly malarial) complains humorously about the bathroom and shower he has to deal with. "That's the water bucket that you use to flush the toilet," he explains, pointing to a scary-looking pail next to a completely normal-looking toilet. Seriously, George, we've seen worse bathrooms here in New York City. Have you ever been to Penn Station? (Of course not.)

The best part of the video comes near the very end, when the actor gets lost in a tangent about his hair. "I pay people to cut my hair. I pay them a lot of money," he gripes. "You'd think it would last longer." Then, he launches into the absolute best Andy Rooney impression we've ever seen. There's a reason why this guy won an Oscar, people.


Posted 3/17/09 at 3:40 PM

Neighborhood News

Amazingly Non-Kitschy iPhone Art Discovered

Artist Jorge Colombo made all of these city-scene sketches with the “Brushes” iPhone application. Check out videos like this one to see how he went about creating such perfectly lit scenes of New York at night. THEN BUY AN iPHONE. Er ... [Jorge Colombo via Animal New York]

Posted 3/17/09 at 3:17 PM

The Bonus Buster

Andrew Cuomo Stokes the Flames With AIG Bonus Details

Uh-oh. We have a horrible feeling that the AIG employee who told the Washington Post today that he had a "horrible, horrible, horrible feeling that this is going to end badly" might have actually just wet his pants. New York Attorney General and Official Bonus Buster Andrew Cuomo just dropped the numbers of individual bonuses received by executives in AIG's now-infamous Financial Products unit into the steaming cauldron of fury that has been brewing since we found out said bonuses existed this weekend, and — surprise! — knowing who got how much is not about to cool anyone down. "Given A.I.G.'s fragile state," the Times says, "the numbers are eye-popping."

The highest bonus was $6.4 million, and six other employees received more than $4 million, according to Mr. Cuomo. Another 15 people received bonuses of more than $2 million, and another 51 people received bonuses between $1 million and $2 million, Mr. Cuomo said. Eleven of those who received “retention” bonuses of $1 million or more are no longer working at A.I.G., including one who received $4.6 million, he said.

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Posted 3/17/09 at 2:40 PM


The McCain Stephanopoulos Twitterview: What We Learned

Senator John McCain and ABC's George Stephanopoulos have just wrapped up the most widely anticipated Twitterview of all time. How does the burgeoning social-media tool work for a political interview? Here are some of our takeaways:

• It's just as easy, or probably even easier, to evade questions on Twitter than in face-to-face interviews. Stephanopoulos's first question was "How do u tweet -- dictate or type? Blackberry or pc?" McCain said BlackBerry and PC, but neglected to answer the first part. Later, when Stephanopoulos asked McCain if he agreed with his daughter's recent highly public opinions, McCain responded, "like any family we agree on some things and disagree on others." Thanks, that's very helpful. Also, great job having your daughter's back.

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Posted 3/17/09 at 2:10 PM


A Great Flood Is Coming to New York

All of the most important people in New York will be spared.

All of the most important people in New York will be spared.Photo-illustration: Everett Bogue; Photos: Getty Images, Patrick McMullan

Global warming "will alter Atlantic Ocean circulation in a way that will move more water to New York by 2100," says a study by Florida State University released today. Normally we'd blow this off by saying, "Whatever, Florida State, you're just jealous," but with all of the other apocalyptic stuff going on lately we figure we should probably take this thing seriously. And by that we mean: Daily Intel is building an ark.

Who's with us? »

Posted 3/17/09 at 1:40 PM

The Greatest Show of Our Time

Ed Westwick at the Knicks Game: Gay or European?

We have never seen a straight ankle touch ever before in our lives.

We have never seen a straight ankle touch ever before in our lives.Photo: Getty Images

We've been seeing this picture floating around the Internet all week, and the other day, while on a plane, we saw it in In Touch. The celebrity weekly did everything in its power not to call Ed Westwick gay, but they came close. "Ed's girlfriend and co-star Jessica Szohr was noticeably absent," they observe. "But fans shouldn't be worried about his 'bromance breakup' with Chace [Crawford], says an insider. 'That will never be over — they're both too needy!'"

Let's be clear: We don't think Ed Westwick is gay. We've met him in person and he oozes dudeness, and plus, one of our girlfriends totally hooked up with him. (As did, we occasionally suspect, Intel commenter Sarcastic Meow.) But there is something so bizarre about this picture! So we polled all of our friends who are both gay and European to see whether they think Ed is just acting out his naturally British impulses with this mystery man, or acting out impulses of another kind.

Here's what they said. »

Posted 3/17/09 at 1:10 PM

Crazy Town

Make the Best of It, Arrow Lady

The Bronx woman shot by a 30-inch arrow of unknown origin this weekend, is, predictably, kind of shocked, since shooting arrows at people hasn't been in vogue in New York City for about 400 years. Who shoots an arrow these days? Why her? These are reasonable questions, ones that police, and Arrow Lady, are asking. Talking to reporters from her hospital bed, where she will make a full recovery, she "joked that she always hoped her fifteen minutes of fame would come from her singing talent, not a bizarre crime." It's true, the fates have dealt this kindly soul an unexpected hand. But to be honest, chances are that this freak occurrence provided Arrow Lady, née Denise Delgado-Brown, the only fifteen minutes she was ever going to get. After all, most people never become famous for any amount of time, Warholian predictions notwithstanding.

You lied to us, Andy Warhol! »

Posted 3/17/09 at 12:46 PM

White Men With Money

Goldman Bankers Are Poor Now, Too


Poor.Photo: Getty Images

We've heard it time and time again now: Over the past ten or so years, we, the grubby populace, were living a lifestyle that was way beyond our means. Once we got a little too comfortable with the plastic, we purchased too many televisions and Swarovski-encrusted pairs of jeans. Spurred on by the devils of reality television, we leveraged ourselves hugely in order to make home improvements, in hopes of selling our house and making even more cash with which we could buy even more denim and electronics, and now look what we've done.

But really, what did anyone expect, once they gave us the plastic? Of course we were going to make stupid decisions! We didn't know any better! We're the grubby populace, for fuck's sake!

We expected more of investment bankers. After all, they were genuinely rich, and also, supposedly, smart and good with money. You'd think, with all of the millions they were raking in during those years, they'd have started a little rainy-day fund for themselves. A little "what if the good times don't last forever" kitty. A savings account, at least.

But no.

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Posted 3/17/09 at 12:10 PM


Mystery Man Makes Wesley Autrey Look Bad

Yesterday afternoon Times "City" editor Wendell Jamieson was happily riding the subway, minding his own business. Around 2:30, on the C train, a crowd entered his car, boisterously thanking and congratulating a "disheveled fellow filthy with track grime." Jamieson, like the newshound that he is, sniffed out the story. Turns out the man was grungy because he'd been down on the subway tracks moments before, pulling someone to safety. He wouldn't talk to the Timesman or even give his name. "We’ll never know what was going through this man’s mind during his dangerous time on the tracks," mourned the City Room blog last night. Thankfully, we do know what was going through the minds of the cops who arrived on the scene moments later, when everyone was safe:

Minutes after the fall, the victim was carried away by paramedics, leaving a fair amount of bright red fluid on the platform. All was quickly returning to normal. “Is that blood?” a young man asked a police officer. “No, it’s ketchup,” the officer replied. Then added: “What do you think it is? Duh.”

Aw, that's nice.

An Unsung Hero of the Subway [City Room/NYT]

Posted 3/17/09 at 11:40 AM

The Sports Section

Once Again, A-Rod’s Lack of Media Savvy Is Stunning

The takeaway from Jason Gay’s Details profile of Alex Rodriguez is basically that even with his comparable athletic ability, the Yankees’ third baseman’s likability issue means he will never transcend sports the way Tiger Woods or David Beckham do. Everything he says comes off at best as awkward and insecure, and at worst as coached and insincere. But the most damning thing about the interview is that it shows an astounding lack of understanding on A-Rod’s part about the way various things will be perceived by the public and spun by the media.

He's protecting the name of his favorite Madonna song like a nuclear launch code. »

Posted 3/17/09 at 11:31 AM

Gold-Bar Fund

Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit Got $38.2 Million Pay Package in 2008
Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit Got $38.2 Million Pay Package in 2008

No wonder Mr. "I Get the New Reality" was so cool with taking a $1 salary this year. [DealBook/NYT]

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