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All standards Posts

Linux Standard Base 4 is coming in for a landing

The Linux Standard Base, which brings rhyme and reason to Linux, has just had version 4's first beta release and it looks beyond great.

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Will the new PCI get in the way of business?

PCI DSS would be a stronger standard specification if it allowed for responsible innovation by its affected members. There are a couple of practices that can be added to PCI that would help make it a living security standard.

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Blade vendors say no to SSI

One year later, Intel's efforts to create cross-vendor standards for blades are still falling on deaf ears at IBM and HP.

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Microsoft wins this OOXML battle, but loses the war

You'd think that sooner or later even Microsoft would learn there's a right way and a wrong way to do things. But whenever it has a choice it persists in choosing the wrong way. There are lots of smart people who work there. Didn't even one of them think bribery and corruption maybe weren't the best way to get the company's OOXML document format declared an international standard?

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